Two Quad Cities shows on one DVD!
I’ve actually posted both of these on my AAW blog already, but I figured I should still put all of the new releases on Pro Wrestling Ponderings. In case you thought PWG was the only company I did a blog for, please check out my AAW one as well. It has all my past reviews and will be updated with older shows soon.
-Taped on April 16, 2010 from Davenport, Iowa
-No announcers
-Kevin Harvey doesn’t just want to be a geek announcer. He wants to be interesting.
-The Chan Clan (Knight Wagner and Jordan McEntyre) (w/Johnny Wisdom) vs. The Hybrids (Donovan Caine and Jason Lyte)
There appear to be Christmas lights in the background. And remember “Wrestling with Shadows?” It kinda feels like I’m literally watching wrestling in shadows. Should be a fun experience. Hybrids actually break out dual dives in front of about 20 people. Wisdom holds one of the Hybrid’s legs, and the Chan Clan get some heat. I know I have referred to the Chan Clan as jobbers in the past, but Knight Wagner in particular has shown a great deal of improvement the last few months, particularly in his mic work. Hybrids regain the offensive advantage. Lyte even hits a cutter that sends Wagner into the bottom rope. Miscommunication by Miss Eryn leads to a double-team DDT for three.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: The Chan Clan/6:04/*
-Wagner wants his uncle, Derek St. Holmes, to come out and interview the Chan Clan. Some trash talk about Dr. X doing St. Holmes’ dirty work. Wagner wants St. Holmes to back it up, but no dice. Wagner slaps St. Holmes and makes a match for the next Quad Cities show. Dr. X  versus Knight Wagner. If Wagner wins, X unmasks. If X wins, St. Holmes gets to take Wagner over his knee and spank him.
-Ryne Kensei vs. Marcus Crane
Crane is a low rent Sami Callihan who screams a lot as well as a pseudo Joker with the make-up. Kensei is your typical high-flying babyface. Crane is the heel and tries to put a smile on Kensei’s face. Series of pinfalls by Kensei can’t get the job. Crane hits a water slide for two. Kensei comes from out of nowhere to get a flash pin.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Ryne Kensei/3:50/1/2*
-AAW champion Silas Young comes out with a hat for a random drawing. What is this? An A double L double? Indeed. Young draws a random name, and somehow it’s even worse than Grizzly Redwood or Alex Payne.
-AAW Heavyweight Championship: Silas Young (champion) vs. Ryne Kensei
Kinsei just won a match and is even holding the back of his neck to signify he’s hurt. I don’t recall Crane even doing that much work on the neck. Young of course dominates most of the match and does a lot of trash-talking in the process. A few flashes of brilliance don’t really go anywhere. Backbreaker/clothesline combination ends Kinsei’s night.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: STILL AAW Champion- Silas Young/2:09/1/4*
-Kevin Harvey and his new snarky attitude are out to have a chat with the champion. Harvey draws another name from the hat. And it’s Ryne Kinsei. Another name. Ryne Kinsei. At least Silas Young stuffed the ballot. Harvey has a hat of his own with names in it. Brett Gakiya is the name drawn, so this should be a little better than the previous title defense.
-AAW Heavyweight Championship: Silas Young (champion) vs. Brett Gakiya
Gakiya is actually capable of generating sustained offense, and he does to start the match. A quick start with a number of kicks. Hurancanrana gets a long two count by Gakiya. Series of kicks. Duck of the clothesline and an elbow. Quick roll-up gets two. Young escapes as Gakiya dives after him. Young gets the offensive advantage outside the ring. He sends Gakiya into the side of the ring and apron. Young takes too much time getting in the ring, so Gakiya headbutts him. Suplex attempt countered. Young springboards in but misses. Gakiya drives two knees into the midsection. To the top rope. He comes off. Eventually Gakiya dropkicks Young. Young is caught in the ropes for a second but manages to hit a stiff lariat. Shots by Gakiya. Backbreaker by Young and he holds it. Cover for two. Forearm by Young. Gakiya comes back with kicks. Young misses a dropkick. Gakiya with a roll-up for two. Left hands by Gakiya. Young catches him in a gutbuster. Another two count. Modified chinlock but Gakiya won’t die. Sleeper by Young. Gakiya gets his arm up on the third try. Young desperately tries to maintain the hold but gets hit with an acecrusher. Back drop by Young. Slap to the face. Gakiya with a kick. Young deadlifts him, but Gakiya counters with a reverse DDT. Gakiya comes off with a second rope crossbody.Young comes back with shots. Outside the ring. Young tries to suplex him back in. Gakiya counters with a missile dropkick. Springboard moonsault. To the top again. Young forearms in and lays in a chop. Young tries a superplex. Gakiya hits a sunset bomb and rolls through for two. Gaikya misses a big splash. Roll-up by Young for two. Gakiya misses a back fist but hits a spin kick. Small package for two. Young catches him for a backbreaker/clothesline combo to get the three count. Fun match.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: STILL AAW Champion- Silas Young/11:39/***1/4
-Although Gakiya isn’t someone who can realistically win the title at this stage in his career, this was an extremely enjoyable match. Silas Young is so underrated, it’s not even funny. He made a nothing match into something worthwhile.
-Dr. X vs. Jason Dukes
Duke is either a fat Greg Valentine or a svelte Buddy Rose depending on your point of view. Bell rings. Knight Wagner walks out immediately and he thinks he knows who Dr. X is. No idea what he’s talking about. Chan Clan walks about the ring as Dr. X takes controls with his 1980s offense. Come on. He goes for a cover after a shoulder tackle. Not too much fatboy offense from Dukes unfortunately. Crowd calls Dukes Free Willy. Amazing how that joke has outlasted the movie. Chan Clan claps for X. After a two count, the Chan Clan mocks the fans who chant 1-2-3 at all the Quad Cities shows. Awesome. Dukes puts on some horrific-looking submission hold. Kind of a headlock, but it’s buried in his fat. X with the TITTY TWISTER OF DOOM! More 1980s offense by X. Dukes has a foreign object in his tights, but he misses with it. Chan Clan provides a distraction as Wagner brings a chain in the ring. He nails Dukes right in the face. X clotheslines Wagner out and gets the cover for three.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Dr. X/6:19/*
-X is an old school type wrestler, and the implication by the Chan Clan is that X is really Derek St. Holmes. I don’t see it personally, but I’m just a mark. Pretty blah match that only served to forward the angle between Knight and St. Holmes… I mean Dr. X.
-Christian Able (w/Josh Raymond and Val Malone) vs. Jimmy Jacobs (AAW Tag Team Champion)
This should be a really good match. Feeling out process leads to a heavy shoulder tackle by Able. YEAH! Headlock by Jacobs. Shoulder tackle doesn’t work out so well for Jacobs. Punch doesn’t either. Another shoulder tackle fails. Jacobs pokes Able in the eye. Flying shoulder tackle gets the job done. Able goes out to commiserate with the other House of Truth members. Back inside and Able with series of shots. Bodyslam. Jacobs gets back up as Able celebrates. Punches and a headbutt. Jacobs rams Able’s head into each turnbuckle. Jacobs tries a crucifix but Able gets a knee lift. Jacobs works his way into a spinning headscissors. Kicks to the midsection in the corner. Running dropkick as Able lays in the corner. Raymond tries to get the crowd behind Able. Doesn’t work. Thumb to the eye and an elbow by Able. Punch to the midsection. Able tries a Death Valley Driver, but Jacobs counters out. Contra code attempt, but Able flees. Jacobs tries to suplex Able in the ring. Both men on the apron. Jacobs misses a charge and crumples to the floor. Able with punches as Jacobs is sitting in a chair. He leaps off the apron and gets punched in the midsection. Jacobs with a rake to the eyes. Then he misses a dive of his own. Able brings him back in the ring. Series of punches. Chinlock. Able gets a short clothesline for two. Choke against the ropes. Val and Raymond join on the fun. Jacobs chases after Val. Able catches him. Able sends Jacobs’ head into the side of the ring. Back and forth with punches. Jacobs into the turnbuckle. No sell. Again. No sell. Jacobs rams his own head into the buckle and makes a comeback. Clothesline and a kick to the midsection. Neckbreaker for two. Series of punches. Off the ropes. Val trips Jacobs. Able gets a POUNCE! 1-2-foot on the ropes. Choke against the ropes. Able misses a dive. Jacobs crotches him. He sets Able between the rope and mat. Legdrop for two. End time on Able. Turned into a Death Valley Driver. 1-2-NO! Able goes outside and hits a springboard DDT. Jacobs out at one. He emos up. Punches don’t work. Jacobs with a flying shoulder tackle for two. Kick. Another contra code try. Able sends Jacobs into the buckle. Right hand. Able with a chop. Jacobs leaps off the second rope and hits a cutter. Val Malone gets on the apron. Raymond crotches Jacobs on the ropes. Able hits a modified Regalplex for three.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Christian Able/14:19/***
-Truth beats up Jacobs up until the other half of the tag team champions, Tyler Black tries to make the save. Raymond and Able hit their double team powerbomb. Things don’t look good for Black in the main event. Decent little match as Able showed some real nice moves in a rare singles match With Jimmy Jacobs, you almost know what to expect, but he’s quite good as a babyface or heel.
-CJ Esparza vs. Trik Davis
Now we get to find out if Esparza is as good as his Zero Gravity tag team partner. Esparza controls the arm to start. Along the ropes and Esparza just kicks him. Not nice. Back and forth. Esparza uses his quickness to maintain control. Off the apron with a dive on Davis. Back in where Davis takes control by pushing the referee against the ropes as Esparza is ready to fly again. Foot on the groin. Yeeouch.Headbutt. Davis goes back and forth with the crowd. Esparza with forearms. Davis takes him down again. Esparza tries a German suplex. Esparza misses a splash. Davis with a double stomp and running knee for a two count. Esparza blocks a fist and hits an enziguri. Gutbuster. Standing corkscrew splash for two. Running clothesline and TKO for two. Davis puts Esparza in the tree of Joey Lawrence. Esparza suplexes him off the top and gets a swanton for three
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: CJ Esparza/7:31/**
-An alright match that showcased Esparza pretty well.
-Scarlet cuts a promo about being the newest graduate of the AAW training school. She calls Shane Hollister a friend and says he recently broke his leg. Hollister will be out for about six months, so no match against Danny Daniels. Daniels offers to have a match with Scarlet  instead. Krotch comes down for the save. He sees if the mic is working by banging it against his groin. Good line about Daniels wanting to wrestle women because he’s a bitch. He challenges Daniels to a match. Daniels accepts.
-Krotch (w/Scarlet) vs. Danny Daniels
Daniels slaps Krotch in the corner. Krotch says he slaps like a bitch. See, why anger the man like that? Daniels with a headlock. Krotch humps away. Out of the hold into an armdrag. Leads to more humping. Drop toehold into a front facelock. Daniels with a punch. Another in the corner. Headbutt. Chop. Bodyslam. Daniels misses a standing senton. Krotch with a right hand. Off the ropes into sitting press. Ten punches in the corner. Daniels tries an atomic drop. Krotch comes off the ropes, but Daniels with a spinebuster. Daniels deposits Krotch outside the ring and slams him on the hard floor. He wants to know who the man is. Vader? Daniels goes for a cover. Chinlock while Scarlet tries to get the crowd into things. Irish whip. Reverse elbow. Daniels threatens the referee. Slaps to the face. Irish whip and Krotch gets a neckbreaker. Series of right hands by Krotch. Hard back suplex Daniels. Chop in the corner. Krotch sends Daniels’ head into the middle turnbuckle. Bronco buster. Dropkick. Kick to the midsection. Daniels tosses him down. Piledriver attempt but Krotch sends him in the corner. Daniels is crotched into the ring post. Springboard splash gets two. Daniels tosses Krotch on his butt. Piledriver. 1-2-Daniels lifts him up. To the outside where Scarlet tries to help Krotch. Daniels pushes the referee. Scarlet gets into it with Daniels, so he goes after her. Serves her right. Into the ring. Referee is usesless to help her. Krotch isn’t as he rolls Daniels up for three.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating:Krotch/9:57/*1/2
-Daniels sends the referee flying as well as Krotch. Piledriver on Scarlet. Seen it done before and it wasn’t very useful then either. Not much of a point to Krotch winning on such a fluke if Daniels is just going to beat him and everyone else down.
-Tyler Black (AAW Tag Team Champion) vs. Josh Raymond (w/Val Malone and Christian Able)
Black is pretty much the hometown boy in this match with the show being held in Iowa. Raymond remains outside the ring before the bell rings. Bell rings when Raymond is inside the ring, but he immediately goes outside to call a female fan a tramp. Awesome. Lock-up. Raymond breaks it up and immediately yells, “YEAH!” Happens again. Black with a roll-up for two. Black shoves Raymond and another bail job. Kick to the gut by Raymond. Front facelock. Black counters the arm and then applies a side headlock. Irish whip and a shoulder tackle by Black. He mocks Raymond and grabs a headlock. Raymond tries to work out of it but no dice. Irish whip but Raymond goes outside once more. Lock-up and Black back to the side headlock. Raymond cheats to win and punches away. Choke in the corner. Black misses a dropkick off the ropes. After a two count, Black gets a big bodyslam. Stomp into the chest. Raymond walks back to the dressing room, so Black has to bring him back the hard way. Raymond misses an elbow drop. Irish whip in the corner. Black gets all fired up, but Able grabs the leg. Black goes into the post shoulder first. YEAH! Raymond goes to work on the shoulder. Armbar. Hey hey! Psychology! He works the arm along the ropes and applies another arm lock maneuver. Shoulder DDT for two. Back to the armbar. Black has no choice but to go to the ropes. Ram into the mat shoulder first. Raymond gets a sunset flip for two and goes back to the arm. Black rams him back into the turnbuckle. Raymond lifts two boots up. Atomic drop as Raymond comes off the top rope. Black hits a baseball slide dropkick on the H.o.T instead of diving. Least he’s smart enough to know what to do. Springboard clothesline ducked. Hip toss over and out, then over and in. Tree of woe. Hanging dropkick. O’Connor roll attempt doesn’t work. Raymond hooks the shoulder and puts his feet on the ropes for two. Black goes for a buckle bomb. Raymond ranas him into the middle turnbuckle and comes off the ropes with a lungblower. Modified crossface. Black gets the F-5. Both men are down. Punch exchange. Black misses the pele kick. Raymond springboards but eats knees to the midsection. Black gets all fired up and hits a running forearm. Quebrada but Black has to hesitate before covering because of the shoulder. Black heads upstairs. Able goes after his leg, but Jacobs pulls Able down. Black hits a sunset bucklebomb. Superkick gets three.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Tyler Black/18:12/***
-Prety well-worked main event I thought. I think if Black had sold the shoulder a little better, I would have given an even better rating. Still, solid work from both men. They wrestled a slower-paced match than is typical for an indy main event, but it was smarter to do this considering the level of show they were at. Age of the Fall hits the 3-D of all moves on each member of House of Truth.
-The Hybrids fire Miss Eryn. The Chan Clan try to hire her. McEntyre superkicks her down after she throws water in Wagner’s face.
Final Thoughts: Certainly not an A show by any means, but three of the main matches delivered. There’s another show as part of the two disks, so I’ll give a thumbs up or down in my “Epic” review. As things stand I’d give this a minor thumbs down because nothing was offensive but nothing was outstanding either.
-This is a five match card, so this shouldn’t take long.
-Taped from Milan, Illinois
-No commentators
-Some army commandos try to get the referees to work-out. Chan Clan interrupts and are subjected to  push-up drills. Zero Gravity walks by and makes fun of them.
­-Four geeks are in the ring. I have absolutely no idea who any of these people are. As I press the panic button, Mustafa Ali comes out to beat the anonymous geeks. He cuts the same promo every other middle easterner as cut in the last 30 years. It’s pretty appalling, especially considering the amount of army members in the audience. Tyler Black goes all Hacksaw Jim Duggan as a response to Ali. Main event is set. I sense a happy ending. Black tries to end things early with a superkick, but Ali runs away. See, he’s a coward because he’s not American.
-Dr. X(w/Derek St. Holmes vs. Knight Wagner (w/Jordan McEntyre)
Wagner accuses the Dr. X that’s in the ring of not being the real Dr. X. St. Holmes denies these false charges. This Dr. X is clearly smaller, but I attribute it to a great diet or getting off the gas. X uses a lot of the same offense he usually does to further prove Wagner wrong. Honestly, this feels like an opening match I’d see from an old territory house show with how basic everything is. McIntyre distracts the referee. A second Dr. X comes in to help the first Dr. X win.  It really doesn’t get an great response from the crowd.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Dr. X/4:01/*
-St. Holmes takes Wagner over his knee for a spanking. McEntyre’s attempts to thwart the spanking fail. Crowd still isn’t into this angle.
-Zero Gravity (Brett Gakiya and CJ Esparza) vs. House of Truth (Christian Able and Mason Beck)
Mason Beck adds a completely different dynamic to these matches because while Raymond uses speed and technical wrestling, Beck is all power. He’s also much larger than either member of Gravity. Able uses his power to take advantage early. Odd to have the heels control so much of the early offense. Esparza finally gets a rana and dropkick. Gakiya tags in and we get a series of double teams. Heels take control and use open handed chops. Beck smiles and laughs while tossing Esparza around. Overhead press slam attempt. Sloppy dropkick by Esparza into a tag. Gakiya with a headscissors, but he gets caught on the 619. Esparza in again with a hurcanrana. Able charges but goes over the top. Gakiya tries a dive but gets caught by Able. Esparza kicks the rope into Able’s groin. Blind charge misses. Able with a boot, and then he tosses him like a lawn dart to the corner. Jesus. Able tells Beck to put up the boot, so he obliges. Heat segment on Gakiya. Hurancanrana and a hot tag. Esparza uses his feet well on Able. Corkscrew splash gets two. Beck catches Esparza coming off the rope. Able catches Gakiya in a wheelbarrow and hands him off to Beck. Beck hits an impressive overhead slam with both members of Zero Gravity in hand. Beck continues beating Esparza down. Big swing and Gakiya is down again. Able locks in an abdominal stretch and gets some additional support by holding on to Beck’s hand. Able does it a second time, but the referee sees it. Esparza almost gets the hot tag, but Able knocks Gakiya down. This match is getting a lot of time. Beck with some clubbering while talking trash. Esparza with forearms. Kick to the midsection and another forearm. Off the ropes and he gets caught. Counter into a facebuster. Gakiya and Able each get tagged. Series of kicks and knees by Gakiya. Able with a chop. Irish whip. Gakiya dropkicks Beck’s leg. 619 on Able. Esparza with a huge dive on Beck. Gakiya comes off the the rope only to get nailed with a clothesline. Beck goes for the Edge but Gakiya comes out of it. Beck accidentally kicks Able in the face. Swinging DDT by Esparza. Running kick by Gakiya Top rope flippy cup and a shooting star press. Gakiya covers and gets three.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Zero Gravity/18:12/***
-This match got a lot of time and didn’t come off like a traditional tag match. I believe we had three hot tags and a number of up and down moments. I liked the story it told. I liked how much Able was showcased as both a wrestler and a personality. Good to see the tension with Beck and H.o.T continue. Finally, Zero Gravity getting the win over an H.o.T B-team makes a lot of sense.
-Krotch doesn’t think it’s cool to piledrive women and vows revenge.
Miss Eryn is in the ring for an interview as she’s scouting for new talent since the Hybrids turned out to be monumental failures. Chan Clan comes out. Wagner claims he would face St. Holmes, but his ass hurts. No, really. St. Holmes brings up his personal vow not to face his nephew. Wagner slaps his uncle in the face. Things get serious as St. Holmes takes his jacket off. McEntyre takes St. Holmes out, and it leads to Miss Eryn being taken down
-Derek St. Holmes vs. Jordan McEntyre
McEntyre of course is in control as the bell rings. St. Holmes sends McEntyre into each turnbuckle. St. Holmes is in jeans for God’s sake. Vertical suplex and a knee drop. McEntyre with a knee and bodyslam. McEntyre messes up a springboard moonsault badly. Whoosh, that was awkward. St. Holmes in control as he stomps away. Slap right in the chest. Over the knee for a spanking. Knee by McEntyre and outside St. Holmes goes. Chan Clan with a double team. Referee does nothing. McEntyre chops the ring post. St. Holmes lets the fans slap McEntyre’s hand. Very creative. St. Holmes works the arm and hand. More slaps to the butt. McEntyre with a short back drop. Double axehandles. Wagner gets a cheap shot in on his uncle. What a great family. Shots to the midsection and neckbreaker by St. Holmes. Bulldog. Irish whip. Wagner trips St. Holmes. McIntyre takes his belt off and whips away. Referee takes it away. St. Holmes with a belt of his own. Just a good old-fashioned country whipping. Choking. Irish whip and St. Holmes takes a bump chest first into the buckle. Hey, someone else does do that bump. I pondered that in my Best of Raw review. Springboard by McEntyre gets two. They exchange punches and slaps. St. Holmes starts no-selling. Running forearm. Wagner on the apron and into the ring. St. Holmes deposits him outside. Spin kick by McIntyre gets two. Irish whip in the corner. St. Holmes gets a butterfly suplex for three.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Derek St. Holmes/9:11/1/2*
-All I have to say about this match is… it won’t exactly make my list for best of the year. Far from it. I was stunned by how much time this got. Cut this sucker in half, and I think you have a far more entertaining bout that serves its purpose. Let’s never speak of this match again.
-Danny Daniels vs. Krotch (w/Scarlet)
Daniels says he’s better than Krotch and anyone in the crowd. Daniels gives Krotch the opportunity to leave the ring. It’s only a five match card guys. If this doesn’t happen, we lose 20% of the matches. Krotch teases leaving but hits a Thesz press as the bell rings. Krotch with a series of punches in the corner. Daniels tries an atomic drop but gets hit with a leg lariat. Krotch first for a two count. Daniels tosses Krotch by the tights outside the ring. Bodyslam. Daniels tries a chop… but unfortunately hits the post. Always a nasty move. Now Daniels is the one trying to run away. We lose the competitors for a minute. They come back and Krotch uses a series of chops and strikes. Krotch actually gets a sunset flip on the floor. Not sure what purpose that served. Krotch gets a headscissors for two in the ring. Contra code attempt but Daniels simply pulls away and sends him down face first. Series of right hands by Daniels. Vertical suplex gets two. Another two count and Daniels is not happy. Strike exchange which ends with Daniels raking the eyes. Daniels places Krotch on the top rope. He slaps him around for a bit before heading up himself. Krotch slaps him down and gets a hurancanrana. More punching and a big forearm by Krotch. Daniels hits a forearm and chop. Neckbreaker by Krotch. Neckbreaker by Daniels. Krotch drives Daniels on the back of his head for two. Krotch runs in the corner and guillotines Daniels neck on the top rope. Daniels hits a dropkick. Into the corner with another chop. Daniels goes into the ring post shoulder first. Daniels sells the injury only to get with a dive by Krotch. I should point out that there appears to be little to no lighting in this facility, and I can barely see what is going on. Daniels powerbombs Krotch into the post. Daniels teases piledriving Scarlet a third time because the first two times got so much heat you see. As Daniels is about to piledrive the young lady, Krotch hits a sitdown slam for two. Scarlet then does a… broncobuster. No comment is needed. Kick. Krotch goes for the contra code. Daniels counters and gets a low blow. Piledriver. 1-2-3.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Daniels/11:58/*
-This feels like the same exact match as last month except Daniels won. Not much to see here. Move on.
-Tyler Black (AAW Tag Team Champion) vs. Prince Mustafa Ali
THIS is the main event of the evening. Someone apparently turned an extra light on because you can actually see what’s happening in the ring now. Ali tries to attack Black from behind, but he ends up being clotheslined out of the ring for his troubles. Black maintains the offense while Ali continues fleeing to the outside. Becomes a chase outside the ring. Ali even misses an elbow drop before sending Black into the middle turnbuckle. Black allows the fans to hold Ali while he chops or superkicks them. Black goes into the post. Ali hits a shoulder DDT and goes to work. In case you missed the last match, Ali is working the same limb as Krotch did. Black regains the advantage and goes up top. Ali pushes him down. Ali continues working the shoulder and even breaks out a bastardized version of the tortelino. Not exactly as smooth as Yoshino. Ali tries to walk across the rope, but Black crotches and pele kicks him. Black comes off the top with a dive. Black gets all fired up and hits a running forearm. Tree of woe and Black hits a hesitation dropkick. Springboard clothesline gets two. F-5 attempt but Ali goes back to the shoulder. Armbar. Would be more effective if Black was actually selling the limb. Black sends Ali into the corner and the referee. Ali with some sort of object that he hits Black with. 1-2-no. Ali puts Black on the top rope and sets up for a superplex. Sunset bucklebomb. Superkick. Done.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Tyler Black/13:48/**
-The only purpose this served was to send the crowd happy. Black didn’t sell the shoulder at all, and Ali seemed to only be on the show to help get heat since there were so many soldiers. I’m glad AAW did a show as a sendoff got the troops in Milan, but I’m not sure the best of what AAW is capable of showing was shown here.
Final Thoughts: I liked the April show despite not thinking anything was a classic. Not so much a fan of this show. I didn’t really point this out in the review, but the crowd was completely dead for the action. I’m tired of the middle eastern character who hates America. It felt even more awkward on an AAW show because Ali is not a regular for the company. The star power was non-existent except for Black. Unless you have to see every AAW show like me or are a die hard fan of guys like Black and House of Truth, I’d skip this DVD and buy the numerous other great shows AAW has put on this year.

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