originally photographed by John Moses Photography

The war between Kamikaze USA and World-1 gets main event treatment.

May 7, 2010 – Windsor, Ontario
Lenny Leonard kicks off the show by interviewing Jimmy Jacobs backstage. Jacobs says he doesn’t need a Japanese stable behind him to fight Jon Moxley and Kamikaze USA. His experiences with stables have always ended badly. Tonight he’s focused on proving he’s the best in the world, and he’ll prove that tonight against CIMA. I actually really like that explanation of why he’s not trying to join World-1 or the WARRIORS.
Next up we get a video recap of first match in the Dragon Kid vs. Masato Yoshino feud: the DGUSA chapter. Dragon Kid won (while he was still in Kamikaze) but Yoshino wouldn’t shake his hand. 2 Cold Scorpio then came out to compare the Yoshino/Kid feud to the one between Eddie Guerrero and Dean Malenko. He makes sure to put himself over in the process. He proposes a rematch between the two.
Jigsaw {CH} & Mike Quackenbush {CH} vs. Akira Tozawa {K} & Gran Akuma {K}
QuackSaw are coming off being called the new “team to watch” at Mercury Rising by the departing Young Bucks. Quackenbush and Tozawa trade holds to start. Quackenbush hits a modified Falcon Arrow. Tozawa and Akuma double-team him and shoot him to the floor. Jigsaw gets the same treatment. Quackenbush hits Akuma with a back elbow. Jigsaw dropkicks both opponents. He and Quackenbush hit a double topé con hilo. An awkward moment leads to Jigsaw dropkicking Tozawa. He hits a few armdrags and a bulldog for 2. Tozawa hits a butt butt. Akuma works Jigsaw’s arm. He puts on an octopus stretch. Tozawa hits a senton for 2. Jigsaw moons him (thank God he’s wearing underwear) but it backfires when Tozawa hits another butt butt. Akuma puts on a seated abdominal stretch. He hits the Cheetah Swipe for 2. Jigsaw dropkicks Tozawa. He and Quackenbush dive onto Kamikaze. Quackenbush headbutts Tozawa to the floor. He and Jigsaw hit Akuma with a double superkick. They hit a double powerbomb on Tozawa for 2. Quackenbush hits the BTS for 2. Jigsaw hits an enziguiri. He hits a brainbuster for 2. Tozawa bugs out and hits Quackenbush with a side suplex for 2. Akuma hits a spider exploder and Tozawa hits the Apron Kara Tozawa. Akuma hits a moonsault for 2. He puts on the Cobra Clutch. Quackenbush escapes but gets caught with the gutbuster. Tozawa hits the German suplex for 2 when Jigsaw hits him with a double stomp. Jigsaw dropkicks Tozawa’s butt. Akuma hits the Ashi Yokosuka. Jigsaw counters the Yoshi Tonic to the Jig N’ Tonic for the win at 14:11. The ending and the few minutes leading up to it rocked and rolled. I guess it goes to show when they get their crap together QuackSaw are capable of looking competent.
Rating: ***¼
After the match the rest of Kamikaze USA runs out and attacks QuackSaw. Nobody makes the save but YAMATO has a funny stare-down with a chubby kid that calls him a loser.
In the second DGUSA Kid vs. Yoshino match Kid gets another win with the Bible. Kid wants that handshake but Yoshino still won’t give it to him. In the back Kid confronts Yoshino and gets attacked by Doi. Shingo Takagi interjects to set up the inevitable tag match between DragonHawk and SpeedMuscle.
John Moxley © {K} vs. Phil Atlas [FIP World Heavyweight Championship Match]
This is Moxley’s first defense of the title after defeating Roderick Strong for the belt that was vacated after Davey Richards left the Gabeverse. Moxley attacks Atlas at the bell. Atlas hits a head scissor takedown. He sends Moxley to the floor with armdrags and follows him out with a topé. Moxley hits a snap suplex on the floor. Back in the ring Atlas hits a crossbody but Moxley rolls through for 2. Moxley hits a lariat for 2. He hits forearm clubs and chokes Atlas. Atlas hits a leg lariat for 2. Moxley slams him by his hair. He hits a Superdrol to the arm. He puts on an armbar. He hits the Hero Suplex for 2. He hits an elbowdrop for 2. Atlas hits an enziguiri. He hits another. He hits a Superdrol for 2. Moxley avoids a tiger suplex. Shingo Takagi and YAMATO come out and beat up Atlas. Moxley puts Atlas in the crossface chicken wing for the win at 8:51. Moxley’s arsenal consists mostly of stomping. Atlas has some skills so this didn’t fall flat, but Moxley needs to figure out how to better fill his long control segments.
Rating: **½
CIMA {W5} vs. Jimmy Jacobs
Jacobs doesn’t like the initial pop he gets so he goes back to the locker room and tries again… and it actually works! They lock up to start. CIMA can’t get control on the mat. Jacobs hits a northern lights suplex. CIMA hits a shoulder tackle and a chest kick. Jacobs hits the satellite head scissors for 2. CIMA hits more chest kicks. He stomps on Jacobs’ face. He puts on a surfboard stretch. Jacobs comes back with double stomps and a senton for 2. The crowd chants “Adam Lambert” at Jacobs, which is just plain mean. CIMA hits a chinbreaker. Jacobs pitches CIMA to the floor and hits a plancha. Back in the ring CIMA hits a double stomp. He hits a senton. He controls with kicks and gets 2. He puts on a surfboard stretch and gets a roll up for 2. He puts on an abdominal stretch. Jacobs hits an abdominal stretch to escape but CIMA makes sure to stay in control. Jacobs responds with chops and a lariat. He hits a neckbreaker for 2. CIMA blocks the Contra Code and hits the Superdrol. He hits the Perfect Driver for 2. Jacobs hits the spear for 2. CIMA hits an enziguiri. Jacobs blocks the Schwein and puts on the guillotine choke. CIMA gets to the ropes. Jacobs avoids the Venus and hits the Diamond Dust. He hits the Contra Code for 2. CIMA hits the Neji to Hashi for 2. Jacobs gets a schoolboy for 2. CIMA hits a superkick and the Schwein for 2. He hits the Meteora for the win at 15:48. They put together a hell of a lot of drama down the stretch there. CIMA gave Jacobs a lot while looking dominant enough to continue what would be his run of tryout matches for potential WARRIORS. Jacobs won’t shake CIMA’s hand after the match.
Rating: ***¼
Masaaki Mochizuki {Z} vs. Naruki Doi {W1}
This is actually a rematch from the 2008 King of Gate finals. I didn’t love that match but both guys are so much better now. Before the match can start Johnny Gargano comes out rocking a Quailman shirt. He has gifts for Doi and Mochizuki. He gives Mochizuki a VHS copy of D2: The Mighty Ducks. Mochizuki doesn’t want it. Must not own a tape player. Gargano also has Angels in the Outfield and then spoils the ending! When Mochizuki doesn’t want that Gargano gives him Dunston Checks In. Mochizuki kicks it out of his hands. Gargano gives Doi a stuffed turtle. Or frog. I can’t tell. Doi accepts it and thanks him, but then tells him to go home and throws the toy away. That was pretty weird.
They lock up to start. Mochizuki hits a cheap kick to the chest. Doi hits a shoulder tackle. Mochizuki hits a back kick. Doi hits a back elbow. He baits Mochizuki into kicking the post. He works over the leg. He puts on a leglock. Mochizuki gets to the ropes. Doi dropkicks the leg. Mochizuki hits the apron kick. He hits a bodyslam on the floor. He rams Doi into the apron. He puts on a Boston crab but you can’t get a submission victory on the floor. Back in the ring Mochizuki hits a kneedrop to the back. He puts on a half crab. Doi gets to the ropes. Mochizuki whips him hard into the corner. He hits a back heel kick. He hits a backbreaker and goes back to the half crab. Doi gets to the ropes. He dropkicks Mochizuki’s leg. He hits the Dai Bosou. He blocks the Sankakugeri and puts on a heel hook. Mochizuki gets to the ropes. He kicks Doi’s face. He hits an ax kick. He hits a big boot. He hits a chest kick. Doi hits a back suplex. Mochizuki hits a Yakuza kick. He connects with some NASTY kicks for 2. Doi hits a dragon screw and puts on a figure 4 leglock. Mochizuki gets to the ropes. Doi kicks the leg and hits the capture dropkick. He hits the hanging senton. He hits the Bakatare Sliding Kick for 2. Mochizuki blocks the Doi 555 and hits a buzzsaw kick. He hits the Ikkakugeri and the Twisting Ikkakugeri. He hits the Twister for 2. Doi hits the Doi 555. He gets a schoolboy for 2. He hits the Bakatare Sliding Kick to the back. Mochizuki hits the Illusion and an ax kick for the win at 14:33. This put their 2008 match to shame AND gave it a timeout. The crowd didn’t care about this at all in the beginning and by the end most of them were out of their seats. Mochizuki kicked the living crap out of Doi, and because American (and Canadian) crowds love Doi his comebacks were incredibly dramatic. There’s really nothing better than Masaaki Mochizuki in 2010.
Rating: ***¾
In the back Jigsaw talks to Quackenbush like he’s trying out for a third tier soap opera. Quackenbush has had it with Kamikaze USA and hints that he wants a full confrontation match.
Tyson Dux & John Bolen vs. Brad Martin & Xtremo
Dux and Xtremo trade chops start. Chikarason explains on commentary that this match is happening because the company these guys usual work for helped DGUSA promote and set up this show. Martin throws a European uppercut at Dux. He uses his speed to control Bolen. Bolen takes over with brute force. Dux tags in and eats a leg lariat. Xtremo kicks Dux’s face. He hits a splash for 2. Bolen clotheslines Xtremo’s legs out from under him on the apron. He shoves Xtremo across the ring. He hits a snap suplex. Dux hits a few elbowdrops. Xtremo hits a crossbody. Bolen hits a one-armed bodyslam. Dux hits a dropkick to the back. Xtremo gets a sunset flip for 2. Dux hits a back suplex. Bolen hits an elbowdrop for 2. Xtremo hits a DDT. Bolen clotheslines Dux by mistake. Martin hits an overhead suplex. He drops Bolen onto Dux and hits a kneedrop. He hits Dux with a Cactus Clothesline. Xtremo hits Bolen with an enziguiri. He hits Dux with a suicide dive. He hits Bolen with the same. Dux comes back with a lariat. Martin hits an exploder. He puts on the STF. Xtremo puts Bolen in a Mutalock. Dux gets to the ropes. Bolen hits Martin with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Xtremo hits Dux with a DDT. He misses a 450 splash. Dux hits a turnbuckle DVD. Bolen slugs Matin and Dux rolls him up wth his feet in the ropes for the win at 11:26. What the hell?! There was some excellent tag team wrestling going on here! Crappy finish aside these guys made the indie scum that DGUSA has been using on the preshows look like trash. Why haven’t these four been used again? Because they’re actually in shape and have the stink of WWE and TNA on them? Screw that, there’s talent here.
Rating: ***½
Not sure why the tag match referenced in the earlier video package is ignored, but the Kid/Yoshino chronicle continues with the WARRIORS vs. World-1 six-man tag from WrestleMania weekend. In Dragon Gate proper Kid left Kamikaze for the WARRIORS to be with his Toryumon graduating class, but in DGUSA Takagi turned on Kid to get Kamikaze USA over as heels. At any rate, the match shown here is one of the best in DGUSA’s short history. They don’t show the finish, just a segment between Kid and Yoshino.
Masato Yoshino {W1} vs. Dragon Kid {W5} [2/3 Falls Match]
Kid is flanked by CIMA and Mochizuki rocking Veteran Army gear, but for simplicities sake (I guess) Mochizuki is billed as a WARRIOR. Kid and Yoshino fight over a wristlock to start. Yoshino hits a supercharged dropkick. Kid hits a head scissor takedown. He hits a dropkick. He hits a basement dropkick. He puts on a Mutalock. Yoshino hits a back elbow. He puts on a chinlock and then the Mark Nulty Special. He switches focus to the arm but Kid gets to the ropes. Kid hits the Déjà Vu. He hits the Bermuda Triangle. Back in the ring Kid hits a springboard dropkick for 2. Yoshino hits a facebuster for 2. Kid comes back with a dropkick. Yoshino blocks a hurricanrana and hits the shotgun dropkick. He hits the Lightning Spiral to win the first fall at 9:31. Yoshino starts the second fall with the Sling Blade. It gets 2. Kid is still out of it. Yoshino hits a vertical suplex for 2. Kid hits a dropkick. He puts on the Christo. Yoshino gets to the ropes. He hits the Avalanche Blade for 2. Kid comes back with the Bible to win the second fall at 13:30. Kid hits a leg lariat. He hits the Diamond Dust for 2. Yoshino cooperated with that way too much. Kid misses the 619. Yoshino hits a powerbomb for 2. They fight to the top where Kid hits a super duper hurricanrana for 2. He hits a stunner and the Ultra Hurricanrana for 2. Yoshino avoids the Dragon Rana. He hits another powerbomb. Kid avoids the Lightning Spiral and gets a schoolboy for 2. Yoshino hits the Lightning Spiral for 2. Kid is DONE so Yoshino hits the Torbellino and puts on the Sol Naciente for the win at 17:56. You know I used to rag on Kid a lot for not being able to carry his end of a singles match, but he’s stepped up his game so much in the last couple years that I think now that Yoshino is Dream Gate Champion it might be time for Kid to get another shot at the big belt. As for this match, every fall had something worth checking out. The first saw Yoshino stay grounded to throw off Kid and take him by surprise. The second had some of the best selling Kid has ever done (even if the end of the fall was weak). The third could have used a little more time but they pulled out enough of their world-ender moves to make it feel like a big deal. Yoshino finally shakes Kid’s hand and Kid is a good sport about the whole thing.
Rating: ***½
Remember back at Fearless when Kamikaze showed their true colors to American fans and beat down BxB Hulk? Well in case you forgot DGUSA is happy to remind you.
YAMATO {K} & Shingo Takagi {K} vs. BxB Hulk {W1} & PAC {W1}
Takagi and PAC start. They trade holds on the mat. PAC hits a head scissor takedown and a dropkick. Hulk hits YAMATO with a dropkick. He puts on a chinlock. YAMATO goes to the eyes. Takagi hits Hulk with a roundhouse kick. PAC hits Takagi with an elbow for 2. He jumps off Hulk’s back to hit Takagi with a corkscrew splash for 2. Hulk puts on a chinlock. Takagi comes back with a chop. YAMATO hits an elbow. Hulk hits a Yakuza kick. PAC hits an elevated legdrop for 2. He hits a basement dropkick for 2. Takagi hits a vertical suplex for 2. He whips PAC into the barricade. YAMATO does the same to Hulk and clocks him with the Freedom Gate belt. In the ring Takagi stands on PAC. He puts on an abdominal stretch. PAC gets to the ropes. YAMATO puts on a choke. PAC gets to the ropes. Takagi hits a fistdrop. YAMATO hits an elbowdrop for 2. He puts on a half crab then switches to a crossface. PAC gets to the ropes. Takagi hits Hulk with a back bodydrop. PAC hits YAMATO with an enziguiri. He hits Takagi with a dropkick. Hulk hits YAMATO with a big boot. PAC hits a plancha. Hulk hits Takagi with the uranage for 2. He sweeps the leg but a standing moonsault hits knees. Takagi hits a gutbuster and a DDT. He hits a senton for 2. Hulk cleans house with kicks. PAC hits YAMATO with a crossbody for 2. YAMATO dropkicks his knee. He puts on an anklelock but PAC gets to the ropes. PAC blocks a figure 4 leglock and hits an enziguiri. He hits a northern lights suplex for 2. Jesus, PAC is fast. Takagi clotheslines YAMATO by mistake. PAC blocks the Blood Fall and hits a buzzsaw kick. Hulk hits the BxB Star Press. PAC hits a standing SSP for 2. He hits a springboard 450 splash on YAMATO for 2. Takagi slugs Hulk. He hits a lariat and the Gallon Throw for 2. He hits the Alabamaslam for 2. He hits PAC with the DVD. YAMATO puts Hulk in the sleeper hold. Hulk blocks the Galleria and hits an enziguiri. YAMATO hits a backdrop driver for 2. He goes for two more pins but can’t get the win. Hulk hits the Mouse. He hits the EVO for 2. He hits the First Flash for 2. YAMATO hits the punt and a brainbuster for 2. He puts on the sleeper hold hits the sleeper suplex for 2. He hits the Galleria for the win at 21:02. The finish was a bit anticlimactic, but it firmly establishes YAMATO as a challenger for Hulk’s belt. The home stretch of the match was almost the entire second half, and in a twenty minute match that’s a hell of a lot of action. Great main event to cap off one of the most solid cards up-and-down I’ve seen in a long time.
Rating: ****
In the back Yoshino cuts an interview with some Japanese media outlet short to ask a passing Jimmy Jacobs if he’ll help BxB Hulk fight Kamikaze USA. Jacobs doesn’t want to talk about it now. Jon Moxley runs up and attacks Jacobs in the name of Brian Kendrick. Tomorrow night he’s going to hurt him more, for himself.
Let’s see how the bonus DVD stacks up against the main card.
Bryan Danielson © vs. Matt Sydal [FIP Heavyweight Championship Match – FIP Year of the Dragon]
This is from a show that occurred in a five month period in 2006 in which no DVDs were released. They lock up to start. Sydal hits shoulder tackles and a head scissor takedown. He hits a baseball slide. Danielson stalls a while. Back in the ring he goes after Sydal’s arm. Sydal hits a hiptoss. He blocks a dropkick and hits one of his own. Danielson stalls again. He tries to stomp on Sydal’s hand but the little guy beats him to the punch. He hits another hiptoss. He puts on the head scissors. Danielson counters to a leglock but Sydal quickly gets to the ropes. Danielson hits a bodyslam. He tries to choke Sydal against the ropes but ends up running into them crotch first. Dave Prazak gets a cheap shot. Danielson hits European uppercuts. He throws Sydal into the crowd, though calling the thirty people sitting in the front row a crowd is a bit of a misnomer. Sydal gets frustrated and comes back with chops. Back in the ring Danielson hits a vertical suplex. He puts on the Romero Special. It’s a pretty nasty one too. Sydal gets to the ropes. Sydal shoves Danielson off the top but misses the shooting star press. He keeps control with la magistral for 2. He gets a schoolboy for 2. Danielson puts on a sleeper hold. Sydal fights out and applies the hold to Danielson. Danielson’s arm drops twice before he falls back to escape the hold. He shoves Sydal to the floor. Milo Beasley dives off the apron onto Sydal. Back in the ring Sydal hits a dropkick. He hits a moonsault press to the floor. He hits a crossbody in the ring for 2. Danielson comes back with European uppercuts. Sydal hits an enziguiri. He hits another. He hits the Slice and a standing moonsault for 2. Sydal goes for a moonsault off the top but Prazak distracts him and Danielson hits a back superplex for the win at 20:45. This was an interesting novelty given that both are WWE Superstars now, but outside of that they didn’t deliver anything special here. Even without trying these two can fill twenty minutes and make it entertaining, but you’d hope in the main event they’d do more than just that.
Rating: ***
Dragon Kid {DF} & King Shisa vs. Susumu Yokosuka {FM} & Kenichiro Arai {FM} [Wrestle JAM]
This match existed to hype the Kid vs. Yokosuka main event for World 2006. Shisa and Arai start. They trade holds on the mat. Shisa hits armdrags and sends Arai to the floor. Kid hits Arai with a head scissor takedown. Shisa uses Kid as a weapon against Yokosuka. Kid hits a dropkick. Shisa hits a double stomp to the back. He hits a dropkick for 2. Yokosuka hits Kid with a back elbow. Arai hits a double stomp to the back. He hits a backbreaker. He hits an elbowdrop to the back. He hits a bodyslam. Yokosuka hits a back elbow. He hits a kneedrop for 2. He hits a delayed vertical suplex for 2. Arai shoves Kid into the apron. Yokosuka dropkicks Kid’s back. He hits a vertical suplex for 2. Don Fujii and Masaaki Mochizuki lifted that sequence and use it regularly now. Kid hits Arai with a leg lariat. Shisa hits Yokosuka with a backbreaker. Kid hits a hurricanrana on Arai. He hits a suicide dive. Shisa and Yokosuka trade chops. Shisa hits a springboard headbutt for 2. Yokosuka hits an exploder for 2. Shisa hits a moonsault press for 2. Kid hits the Messiah for 2. Shisa hits the Ace Crusher for 2. Arai spits water at Kid and hits him with a dropkick. He hits a side suplex. Yokosuka hits the DVD for 2. He hits the Jumbo no Kachi for 2. Arai misses a diving headbutt. Shisa hits Yokosuka with an avalanche armdrag. He hits Arai with the Alabamaslam for 2. He hits a couple lariats and the Ace Crusher. Kid hits the Ultra Hurricanrana for the win at 7:04 shown of 12:41. I’m getting the feeling that Dragon Gate hasn’t given Gabe any new footage to put on DGUSA DVDs in a while. If that’s not the case then I don’t understand why this match was included. It wasn’t shabby, but there’s so much in the Dragon Gate archives to choose from there’s no reason why middling stuff should be on DVD. I’m a little confused as to why this was clipped also, since it didn’t have to be shortened for TV time.
Rating: **¾
BxB Hulk {W1} & Masato Yoshino {W1} vs. Naruki Doi {W1} & Naoki Tanisaki {W1} [Round Robin Tournament Match – Summer Adventure Tag League III]
I wouldn’t be surprised if Dragon Gate in Japan ran a rematch of this soon given how the Deep Drunkers vs. World-1 feud played out. Doi and Yoshino start. Yoshino hits a supercharged head scissor takedown and a suicide dive. Hulk and Tanisaki avoid each other’s kicks until Hulk hits a dropkick. He hits an enziguiri. He hits another dropkick for 2. Yoshino hits a bodyslam. He puts on the Mark Nulty Special. Tanisaki elbows the crap out of Hulk. He hits a baseball slide. Doi puts on a seated abdominal stretch. Hulk gets to the ropes. He hits a back elbow. Doi hits Yoshino with a bodyslam. He hits Hulk with a dropkick. He and Tanisaki hit a double punt and a double vertical suplex for 2. Tanisaki puts on a half crab. Hulk gets to the ropes. The cameraman (this match was never meant to air so there’s only 1 camera) keeps putting down the camera when he switches angles. Hulk regains control. Yoshino hits Doi with the Sling Blade. He puts Tanisaki in the Coumori. He hits a dropkick. Tanisaki hits the FH. He puts on an octopus stretch. Hulk makes the save. Doi hits a DDT for 2. He blocks a standing moonsault with his knees. He and Yoshino hit a double kick. Hulk hits a leg lariat for 2. Yoshino puts on From Jungle and gets a sunset flip for 2. Doi comes back with an awesome back elbow off of Hulk’s back. Tanisaki hits Hulk with the FH and a northern lights bomb for 2. Doi dropkicks Hulk across the ring. He hits the hanging senton for 2. Hulk hits the Mouse on Tanisaki. Yoshino hits the Ude Yoshino for 2. He hits the shotgun dropkick for 2. Hulk kicks the arm and Yoshino hits the Torbellino. He puts on the Sol Naciente but Doi makes the save. Doi hits the Rydeen Bomb for 2. Tanisaki hits the DH. He hits the Casanova for 2. Yoshino hits Doi with the Torbellino. Doi blocks the Lightning Spiral and hits the Bakatare Sliding Kick for 2. Yoshino blocks the Muscular Bomb but gets hit by an errant Hulk dropkick. Tanisaki hits Yoshino with the Implant for 2 when Hulk hits the First Flash. Doi sends Hulk to the floor with the Doi 555. He hits Yoshino with a turnbuckle powerbomb and the Dai Bosou. He hits the Doi 555 and the Bakatare Sliding Kick. He gets greedy and goes for the Muscular Bomb but Yoshino blocks it and rolls Doi up for the win at 16:05. Brilliant finish that actually means a lot more if you’re a follower of Dragon Gate, as Doi was unbeatable around this time and only lost when he wouldn’t settle for anything less than the Muscular Bomb. Couple that with the usual amazing action that happens when World-1 fights itself and you’ve got another hidden classic that was just begging to be released on DVD.
Rating: ****
BxB Hulk {W1} & Masato Yoshino {W1} vs. Masaaki Mochizuki {Z} & Katsuhiko Nakajima {KO} [Semifinal Match – Summer Adventure Tag League III]
Hulk and Nakajima start. They do some mirror offense to a stalemate. Yoshino gets supercharged before hitting Mochizuki with a dropkick. Hulk tags in and hits a dragon screw. He hits a missile dropkick. Mochizuki comes back with kicks. Hulk hits him with the uranage. Yoshino hits Nakajima with the Sling Blade. He hits a dropkick. Nakajima comes back with kicks. Yoshino puts on From Jungle and Hulk puts Mochizuki in an anklelock. Nakajima gets to the ropes. He hits the Sankakugeri. Mochizuki tries to hit it but Hulk counters to an anklelock. Mochizuki tries to escape but Hulk keeps the hold on, so Nakajima makes the save. Nakajima and Mochizuki decimate Yoshino with Yakuza kicks for 2. Hulk and Yoshino come back with a double kick and a dropkick chain for 2. Yoshino hits the Torbellino. He puts on the Sol Naciente. Mochizuki makes the save. Nakajima hits the Tree of Woe kick. He and Mochizuki hit mirror kicks for 2. Hulk dodges the Ikkakugeri and rolls Mochizuki up for 2. He comes back by avoiding suplexes from both opponents. They catch him with a double superkick and Mochizuki nails a dragon suplex for the win at 13:26, though Hulk may have kicked out. Hulk looked like a world beater here, and is quite upset at the decision. This was about as good as anything was going to get in this slot with this much time.
Rating: ***½

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