Here is the official press release we received here at

On Sunday, Aug. 28, 2011, Southern Illinois-based All American Pro Wrestling was set to make its debut at Black Diamond Harley-Davidson in Marion, Ill. The event, a scheduled taping for AAPW's new television series “Collision,” was set to feature Ring of Honor Champion Davey Richards.

Richards' appearance had been set and promoted for weeks leading up to the event. At 7 a.m. that day, AAPW officials received a text message from Richards saying Sinclair Broadcasting, the company that acquired ownership of ROH in May, would not allow him to compete on the show.

AAPW offered to make the match with Richards an untaped “dark match” to work around any contractual obligations with ROH or Sinclair. The offer was declined. Officials were told Sinclair representatives stopped taking calls and text messages from Richards' agent. AAPW officials told Richards needn't make the trip to Marion, as it didn't appear he would be allowed to participate in the show. The ROH champion competed for another Southern Illinois promotion that evening.

AAPW officials do not hold Richards or Ring of Honor responsible. Blame, in their opinion, falls squarely on the shoulders of Sinclair Broadcasting. In past years, Sinclair has already gained a reputation in Southern Illinois for playing politics with regional cable television providers. In January 2007, Sinclair blacked out 22 stations in 13 states because of a hold-out for money from Mediacom. Similar incidents almost happened in other years, as well.

AAPW Executive Producer Chris Hagstrom weighed in on the situation on this week's episode of “Collision,” featuring footage from the Black Diamond Harley-Davidson debut. The video of Hagstrom's message can be found at

All American Pro Wrestling returns to action at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 13,

at Black Diamond Harley-Davidson in Marion, Ill., for Fan Fest. On Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012, AAPW will host “Main Event,” a special live show featuring the debut of independent breakout star Colt Cabana.

For more information about AAPW, visit Past episodes of “Collision” can be viewed at

Here is a video where AAPW Executive Producer Chris Hagstrom speaks candidly and openly about the situation:

Check out their online episode:

Chris' feedback: I will be writing a full length article for e-Magazine for next month but for right now I want to state that while I can sympathize with AAPW for having a talent pulled with little time, I am wondering if perhaps this could also be a mis communication issue where perhaps SBG told Davey he couldn't participate and it just slipped his mind as he has a very busy schedule. I cannot agree with vehemently with the statement that SBG is turning into a greedy corporation as others who have spoken to me within the situation stated this wasn't about money initially. I can state that any promotion who has contracted talent and has right of first refusal should be able to take talent off of other shows if they feel that the talent would be banged up by appearing at other shows before major tapings. While this may not be the case for this situation as I was told that Davey appeared at another indy show within decent driving distance from the AAPW show, this is going to be a contentious subject no matter what. I do feel AAPW should feel robbed as this was not only going to be a big show for them, but in a business where trust & professionalism is key to making it successful this is truly an issue that needs to be addressed. What are your thoughts on this situation?


By chris gst

Long time indie wrestling fan. Started with ROH and just kept going.

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