-Sometimes after seeing a show live, the DVD review is like watching a it for the first time all over again.

-Taped from Philadelphia, PA

-Your hosts are Leonard F. Chikarason, Bryce Remsburg, and Gavin Loudspeaker

-I love the video package that aired before the show introducing everyone in an open credits sequence. I don’t care how cheesy the song is. It’s perfect for CHIKARA. Not something that should be done for every show but absolutely appropriate for a first iPPV.

Match in Five Words or Less: The Perfect Opening

Match Highlights:  Young Bucks refuse to shake hands before the bout. Some shenanigans with Soldier Ant’s saluting and Matt Jackson to start. Kick from Nick. Bodyslam from Soldier. Fire Ant goes to work as Soldier Ant takes his time delivering a saluting headbutt. Matt fires away and does a salute of his own. Double flapjack. Matt Jackson salutes on the way down. Soldier hits a sweet rana. Matt leapfrogs and hits a back elbow. Fire Ant hits a que paso and rana. Nick in with a Lucha armdrag. Big dive. Soldier with an armdrag on Matt. Nick drives Soldier down and kicks him in the face. Double team facebuster leads right into Nick moonsaulting Fire Ant on the floor. Heat segment on Soldier Ant. Double team on Fire Ant takes him off the apron. Soldier gets a roll-up, but the referee misses it. Nick kicks Soldier to break the count. Inside cradle by Soldier. Dropkick by Matt. Soldier out of a suplex and into a roll-up. Fire Ant crossbody. Dropkick. Nick misses a splash. Rana on Matt and a DDT ON NICK! WOO! Baseball slide dropkick. Fire Ant hits a slingshot dive. Chop on Matt in the corner. Stinger splash misses. Back elbow by Soldier. Running enziguri. Ants Go Marching. Double boots on Nick. Spike DDT for two. Fire Ant kicks Matt. Spin kick by Nick. Saluting forearm by Soldier. Superkick blocked. German suplex hit. Matt his a leaping acecrusher. Kick off the top misses. Stunner. Running kick to the chest. Brainbuster for 1-2-NO! Beachbreak blocked. Kick to the back of the head. Double team neckbreaker fails as Nick nails a superkick. Matt hits a powerbomb. He holds him up for a second one before sending him into a buckle. Double team spike piledriver. Soldier Ant breaks the count just in time and sends his partner to the apron. He gets hit with a double superkick. Fire Ant hit with two as well. Matt lifts BOTH Colony members for More Bang for Your Buck. Fire knocked off. Nick somersaults into Soldier’s knee. Soldier gets his knees up for Matt as well and rolls him up for the three count.

Match Analysis: No better way to get a PPV started than this match. I loved that the Bucks went heel because the crowd could then just choose to cheer the Colony without feeling guilty. Great action throughout. The Colony are an underappreciated tag team, and I’m glad they got to have an excellent match with one of the best teams in the world.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating:  The Colony/13:32/***1/2/***1/2

Match in Five Words or Less: Jakob Nearly Meets Death

Match Highlights:  A bit of an extended squash as Del Rey toys with and beats the bajesus out of Hammermeier. The BDK’s resident ring announcer only gets offense through underhanded means. He even brings an old Ares trick out of mothballs by using multiple ties to choke Del Rey. She nearly gets Hammermeier to tap while pulling back on his finger. Flurry of offense from Del Rey. Royal Butterfly and a win for the Queen of Wrestling.

Match Analysis: This might be a little disappointing for those hoping to see Del Rey really capitalize on her Cibernetico victory. However, for a new audience, this is a great way to introduce her as a threat in the single’s division, and not just against other women either.  Not a four star classic, but I feel this served its purpose and made sense for its place on the card.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating:  Sara Del Rey/*1/2/*/**3/4

Amasis and Ophidian come out to the ring for a huge announcement. This is the first time these two have been in the ring together in some six months. Amasis of course suffered severe injuries in a car accident and was told he’d have to retire. Amasis is out here to make it official, which sadly he does. But he won’t leave the ring before dancing with his partner. So they dance… and in one of the best heel turns in 2011… Ophidian quickly takes his mask off to spit mist on Amasis. It was so sudden, it could have easily been missed. Ophidian then lays him out with a kick before  applying the Ophidian Death Grip despite the protests of the officials. He takes Amasis’ mask and says “Problem solved.” I expect Ophidian to be a top heel in 2012, and this losing streak angle actually has a fantastic payoff.

Match in Five Words or Less: Green Ant Wins For America

Match Highlights:  Just like the first match at Chikarasaurus Rex, Derek Sabato starts out as the referee. Unlike the first match, he’s very quickly taken out by a running splash from Tursas and a real referee takes over. Easy paycheck for Derek Sabato I guess. Green Ant hits a kick to the head and leaping neckbreaker. Nick Papageorgio replaces Sabato. Fire Ant and Soldier Ant carry Sabato to the back in a funny moment.  Finlay Roll from Tursas. Running splash into the corner. A second charge misses. DDT attempt. Tursas appears set to counter, but Green spikes him with a DDT. Running dropkick. Tursas sends Green Ant flying. Back drop. Choking along the bottom rope. Back suplex. Cross body misses. Green Ant punts Tursas. Tursas hits a dropkick. He brings Green Ant over in a suplex. Bodyslam. Tursas heads to the top. Green Ant hits him and hits an angle slam! He sends Tursas down throat first. Dropkick. Tursas is on the floor and catches Green Ant flying. To the apron with a kick. Flying knee. BODYSLAM! Green Ant then does something quite dumb, a big splash off the top to the floor. Never do that again. Strike exchange. Headbutts and strikes from Green Any. Cross body from Tursas. Kreuz bomb gets 1-2-NO! Green Ant goes for a superplex. Tursas tosses him off. Green Ant’s pad comes off. Elbow shot and a superplex! 1-2-NO! Texas Cloverleaf. Crowd wants a tapout. Green Ant kicks him. He then slowly applies a brand new special move, CHIKARA SPECIAL GREEN! TURSAS TAPS!

Match Analysis: This match came off so much better on the DVD than live. The video package and announcers made this feel a little extra special. Both guys have improved so much in the last year, and in a way they’ve elevated each other’s standing in CHIKARA. I’m very excited to see where Green Ant goes in 2011. They've established him as more of a single's wrestler, away from Soldier and Fire Ant.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating:  Green Ant/12:27/***/***1/2

Mr. Touchdown is coming. Hopefully, he has more success than all the teams in the NFC East.

Match in Five Words or Less: Cutest Match Of The Year

Match Highlights:  Words really can’t do this match justice. This is one of the most delightful and fun comedy matches you’ll ever see. Lots of shenanigans and comedy to start. It becomes somewhat serious as it goes on, but this was really just way to bring the crowd back after intermission in the best way possible. Colt Cabunny betrays the man who brought him back into CHIKARA for the man who’s namesake he ripped off.  Baton shot to the head, and Cabana picks up the victory. Cabana and Cabunny hug it out afterward. Awwwwww.

Match Analysis: As a match, this was around three stars. As entertainment, this could legitimately be one of the most enjoyable viewing experiences I’ve had in all of 2011. Both guys excel in the art of comedy professional wrestling. Dear CHIKARA, please find a way to make both guys a focal point of the company next year in some way, shape, or form.  

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: Colt Cabana/11:34/***/****1/2

Match in Five Words or Less: Worst On The Show

Match Highlights:  Icarus takes his jacket off to thunderous boos. Quick clothesline and Icarus tells Iron to back off. Iron maintains the advantage to the point where Icarus teases walking out of the iPPV. Iron drags him back. Guillotine choke. Suplex back in the ring. Icarus works over Iron the next few minutes with nothing particularly worth writing about. Bulldog by Iron. Clothesline blocked. Icarus takes control. DDT from Iron. Slaps. Icarus gets a whip. Boots from Iron. Double axehandles. Back elbow off the middle rope. Iron heads over and eventually ends up on the outside. That looked awkward. Icarus sends Iron into the steps. He grabs a chair, but Jon Barber prevents him from using it. Just as the previous night, Icarus uses the fanny pack. Iron gets in at 18. Pedigree. 1-2-NO!  A second one is blocked. Blu Ray blocked. Series of forearms takes him into the corner. He winds up for the pimp slap. He nails it and covers for two. Cripple Crossface. Shoulder block from Icarus. He holds up the referee and nails a low blow. Blu Ray gets Icarus the victory.

Match Analysis: These two have had a number of matches this year, none of which have been anything to write home about, Sadly, this was no exception. I un

derstand the need to get Iron on the show after the whole CM Punk thing, and I understand the want to have Icarus on the show because he’s a student, but these two proved time and time again they have no chemistry. This is the biggest disappointment of the night.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating:  Icarus/12:19/*1/2/**

-Gran Akuma makes his second return. While attempting to attack his former friend and tag team partner, he accidentally kicks Iron in the face. Bet Iron appreciated that after losing the match.

Match in Five Words or Less: All On The Line

Match Highlights:  This is a very simple match with every single person putting something on the line. If Mantis or Wicked lose, they have to unmask. If Tim Donst loses, he loses his hair. If Ares, and for storylines purposes this is the most important part of this match, he loses the Eye of Tyr. It’s amazing that in this match, the fans would actually be cheering for the only guy who won’t actually make a physical alteration to his body to lose. A prematch promo shows the tension between the members of the BDK.  Ares and Donst don’t even wait for the entrances to end. Big old brawl in and around ringside. Mantis and Wicked end up in the ring alone with Ares. Double team as Donst launders around ringside. Double team leg drop. Donst charges in but is sent back outside. Donst catches Wicked on a dive and sends him into the rail. STDonst. Now the BDK take control. Wicked drags Donst out and sends him into the rail. Clothesline of Ares to the outside. Tope suicida. Once again, they brawl on the outside. Ares takes a dumb bump into four chairs off the stairs. Back drop onto a chair by Wicked on Donst in the ring. Hammermeier runs into break the count. Crossbones takes Hammermeier in a surprise appearance that draws an enormous response from the Philadelphia crowd. Donst nails Wicked with his cup. 1-2-NO! He puts the ring bell on Wicked’s midsection and rings it. Has he been watching Steve Corino or something? Wicked sends Donst into a chair. Preying Mantis Driver gets two as Ares breaks the count. See, that made no sense. Why would Mantis even bother trying to pin Donst? Ares hits a low blow. Tiger driver. 1-2-NO! Ares brings one of the broken chairs in the ring. Wicked hits a running sick kick. Donst teases coming back in the ring to save his partner but backs away. Cosmic doom through a chair by Mantis. And Ares is now down one Eye of Tyr.

Match Analysis:  I feel this match needed five to eight more minutes to really capture the drama of the stipulations. The brawling on the outside did the match no favors. Neither did Ares’ decision to take a ridiculously stupid bump off the stairs into the four chairs. Mantis trying to pin Donst made less sense. Donst ditching his partner would have made sense with those few extra minutes.  This was a good match, but it could have been even better if provided the opportunity.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating:  The Spectral Envoy/12:47/***1/4/***1/2

Match in Five Words or Less:  A Truly Grand Champion

Match Highlights:  After nearly six months and an incredible tournament involving 12 people, it all comes down to this. The founder of the promotion versus a member of the second training class and a true CHIKARA original.  It’s rare when a match captures a big fight atmosphere, but this certainly did that in spades. Regardless of what you think of these two guys, they absolutely made me believe this championship meant everything to them, and they were willing to die for it. Tommy Dreamer telling Kingston that this was the house he built and it was King’s time to take it was such an awesome moment that made it all the more special. Incredibly, this is the first time these two men have ever met in a singles match.  “Sweet and sour” chant as the bell rings. Feeling out process. Kingston fires a series of chops and hits a spinebuster. He’s noticeably limping. Quack sweeps him down and drives the knee into the apron. Noticeable boos can be heard. The match settles into Quack working over the injured left knee as Kingston fires an occasional comeback. Quack shows his annoyance with the crowd for cheering Kingston. He even pokes the eyes! Various members of the locker room begin coming out to watch the contest as the match progresses. Quack hooks in a modified figure four and begins trading shots with Kingston. Ruh roh. Back suplex and lariat for two as Kingston wins the strike battle. Back fist blocked. Quack drives Kingston down and rolls him up for two. Swanton off the top gets two. Quack hooks in a stretch muffler, the same move he defeated Sara Del Rey with back in Burlington. Quackendriver 3. KINGSTON KICKS OUT AT ONE! Double knees off the top miss and now his knee is injured. Kingston can now take advantage of an injured limb. Battle on the top rope.  Back fist to Quack’s leg. Quack is now quick to beg off. Combo clutch. Crowd wants a tapout. Strike exchange while both men are on their knees. Clothesline sends Quack neck first into the mat. Back drop driver. Tiger suplex. Two back fists to the future, AND WE HAVE A GRAND CHAMPION! Kingston wins!

Match Analysis: An absolute masterpiece of storytelling from two long-time CHIKARA roster members. These two delivered the best possible match they possibly could have under these circumstances. The finish arguably came out of nowhere, but it served its purpose. Kingston sold his knee for the entire match, but once Quack went away from his game plan, he paid for it and lost the match very quickly.  If you’re looking for storytelling, if you’re looking for a championship match that meant something, then this is it. Major props to both guys on delivering in CHIKARA’s first ever iPPV main event. Unlike some other companies’ first iPPV mains, this one was a GRAND slam. Pun very much intended.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating:  Eddie Kingston/17:52/****/****3/4

-A very emotional scene as Larry Sweeney’s brother Alex and friend Amy present Kingston with the belt. Even if the match were terrible, this post-match celebration would have made it something special.

-Kingston makes a post-match declaration asserting how great CHIKARA he is, how tough he is (while making sure to mention John Cena and CM Punk’s name in the process), and how NO ONE… NO ONE TOUCHES CHIKARA!

-After the credits, Ultramantis Black seemingly gives Sinn Bodhi the Eye of Tyr. Sinn Bodhi says he’s done with CHIKARA. No great loss there. Then Mantis reveals he still in fact has the real one. Dun…dun…dun… I was almost waiting for the music to play. I sure hope Sinn Bodhi doesn't watch these DVDs.


Jigsaw vs. El Generico

 Match in Five Words or Less:  A Fine Start

Match Highlights:  This match originally aired as part of CHIKARA’s Ustream countdown show, but thankfully Dr. Keith and Steve Weiner’s commentary is not used. Some mat wrestling. Nice Lucha sequence ends with a dropkick from Jigsaw. Que paso. Armdrag sequence from Generico. Temn punches in the corner. Jigsaw tosses him down and hits a knee to the chin. Tope to the floor. Forearm exchange. Jigsaw ends up on the outside. Now Generico dives. Great idea to dive on the same side as the camera filming the match for Ustream. Blue thunder powerbomb gets two. Yakuza kick blocked. Elbow from Jigsaw. Leaping enziguri. German suplex gets two. Running back elbow. YAKUZA! Generico calls for the finish. Split-legged moonsault blocked. Jigsaw hits a coast-to-coast dropkick.  Exploder in the corner. Running yakuza met with a superkick. Double stomp. Jigsaw covers and gets the win.

Match Analysis: This was meant to whet the appetite of everyone watching the free countdown show; therefore, it makes sense that these two wouldn’t blow their load. Of course these two are capable of having a four star match, but this was neither the time or place. I’d like to see them wrestle again… someday.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating:  El Generico/7:58/**3/4/***

-In a video that aired during intermission, a number of current and former CHIKARA stars talk about how great the company and product are. It was a bit weird seeing Claudio Castagnoli talking up the promotion. This transitions into a conversation of the main event.

-Fave Five

5. First of all, props to whomever put the various video packages together before most of the matches. It wasn’t at WWE or even TNA level of production, but for an indy promotion, this was tremendously well done. It told the story of each match and made them feel special. Much of these were put on YouTube, and I would urge everyone on the fence of buying this DVD to seek as many of these packages out as possible.

4.  I know some people didn’t dig the Philly crowd, but 800 people did pay their hard-earned money to watch High Noon live instead of staying at home. There were people from multiple states and countries. For the most part, the crowd really brought it and were energetic. This was about as good as it gets with a Philly crowd.

3. Bryce Remsburg, Leonard F. Chikarason, and Gavin Loudspeaker were at their best at the commentation station. They really did the best job of explaining the product to new fans while also making sure to focus on the action in the ring. Chikarason in particular is very underrated as an announcer.

2. Every single member of roster, sans one, deserves credit for working hard and making every match seem special. Everyone in their own way made this a special show and contributed to the success of High Noon.

1. Mike Quackenbush is so many things for CHIKARA: wrestler, commentator, trainer, booker. Regardless of what you think of him, no one singular person has their stamp on a promotion more than Mike Quackenbush. This is so clearly his vision, and no matter what happens to CHIKARA in the future, this show is a true accomplishment. In a year with so much questionable booking, High Noon did nearly everything right. In building up to the show, they made all the right decisions in picking the right matches. In the execution of the show, with some minor exceptions, every contest served a purpose and gave everyone a chance to showcase the wrestlers at their best.

-The Verdict: I’ve talked so much about this show, I’ll keep it simple. You will very rarely find a better built to PPV. You will very rarely see a title match that actually means something more than what you see here. When Eddie Kingston talks about no one touching CHIKARA, he’s absolutely right. This is an easy thumbs up from me.


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