-Street Fight: Edge (WWE Tag Team Champion) vs. Shawn Michaels (Monday Night Raw-January 22,2007)

Match in Five Words or Less: Blatant Disregard Of The Rules

Match Highlights: Edge walks into the ring and essentially tosses his belt away. Nothing symbolizes the tag team championship more. They start right away. Michaels with right hands. He takes his belt off and begins whipping Edge’s back. Another right hand sends Edge down. Garbage can shot to the head. Clothesline sends Edge to the floor. He attempts a dive but Edge nails him with a trash can lid. After a commercial break, Michaels is bleeding. Edge has brought the stairs in the ring and drove Michaels’s face into those steps during the commercial break. Edge uses a chain on Michaels next. He suplexes the ladder on Michaels. He sets up the ladder between the two sets of stairs. Powerbomb blocked. Michaels punches away. Strike exchange. Flying forearm and a kip up. Atomic drop. Another straight right hand. Michaels chokes Edge out with the chain and then rams his head into the turnbuckle. More right hands with the chain around his hand. Edge is now bleeding. More punches from Michaels. Bodyslam on the ladder. Michaels climbs up top. Edge battles him. Michaels sends Edge midsection first into the ladder. Ouch. Elbow drop. Time to tune up the band. Superkick blocked. Edge drives Michaels on his neck awkwardly. I have no idea what happened there. Michaels mounts and punches away at him. Chair shot to the head. He places the chair down on the mat. He sets Edge’s head on the chair. Michaels goes for the one man conchairto. Randy Orton comes out of nowhere to hit the RKO. Edge covers and gets the win.

Match Analysis: Not much you can do about the ending but the match itself was surprisingly graphic for a Raw contest. There was a lot of intensity and violence. Put this on PPV with a better ending and more time and you’ve got an easy match of the year candidate. As is, this was just a good television main event.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Edge/13:13 (approximately)/***1/4

-I think I can afford to rewatch the following match and provide a fresh coat of paint (i.e. new recap and review). Hey, it’s an underrated classic and the match that made me a fan of Edge again.

-WWE Championship: Edge (champion) vs. The Undertaker (Wrestlemania 24-March 30, 2008)

Match in Five Words or Less: Counter City

Match Highlights:  Throat slash before the bell rings. Edge goes right after the challenger. Taker whips him and then clotheslines him to the floor. Edge runs around, so Taker gives chase. Guillotine across the top rope by Taker. Edge sent into the top turnbuckle. Right hands in the corner. Whip across. Edge gets his boots up. Right hand. Taker hits a flying clothesline. Edge counters old school but still gets hit with an armdrag. Choking in the corner by Taker. Running knee in the corner. Taker wipes out on the floor. Edge spears Taker into the barrier. Sliding dropkick. Taker’s back gets rammed into the side of the ring. Right hand by Edge. Another right hand. Taker’s neck guillotined on the top rope. Headbutt in the back. Forearms. Running spear to the corner. Elbow drops to the back. Taker fires back. Bodyslam but he collapses and Edge gets a cover. Dropkick by Edge. He climbs to the top rope. Taker tosses him. Pescado to the floor. Leg drop with Edge prone on the apron. Kick to the midsection. He calls for the last ride, but his back gives out. Boot from Edge. Back suplex on the barrier. Taker ends up in the crowd. Edge sends Taker in the ring. Shots to the back. Half crab. Taker rolls Edge over into a cover. Edge ties the legs up. Taker kicks Edge away. Another shot to the back by Edge. Right hand by Taker. They exchange. Edge uses a knee to the midsection. Taker comes back with a series of his own. The exchange continues. Taker finally sends Edge in the corner. Whip. Running splash. A second one. Snake eyes. Edge hits a dropkick. Off the top but Taker catches him. Edge kicks out of the chokeslam. Off the ropes. Edge counters the chokeslam into an implant DDT. Spear attempt but Taker gets a boot. Chokeslam finally hits. Old school countered a second time as Edge crotches Taker on the top rope. Right hand. Superplex and both men are down. Edge delivers punches in the corner. Taker prepares for a powerbomb. Edge counters again with a neckbreaker. Taker finally gets Last Ride, but he can’t cover for a few seconds. Only a two count. Throat slash. Edge drives Taker to the mat. Big boot. Taker climbs up and finally hits old school. Edge ducks a Taker boot. Reverse DDT but no ref. Edge says the streak is going to end. Taker grabs him by the throat. Low blow by the champion. Edge grabs a camera and uses it just as he did months earlier at the Survivor Series. Nice callback. The referee falls off the apron. Taker sits up. Kick. Taker hits a tombstone. Charles Robinson sprints down the aisle in order to make the count. Amazing. 1-2-NO! The crowd, which was comatose for the first half of the match, is now wide awake. Hawkins and Ryder come down but don’t do very well. Taker chokeslams Ryder into Hawkins. Spear by Edge. 1-2-NO! The look on Edge’s face is priceless. A second spear. Taker counters into Hell’s Gate. Edge can’t make it to the ropes, so he has no choice but to tap.

Match Analysis: Just an absurdly great match that made me believe Edge actually had a chance of ending the streak. That’s really what wrestling is all about. Taker did a great job selling his back throughout. I also loved Edge countering every Taker move in the books, sometimes multiple times. So many great swerves and shifts to this contest. This was a creatively executed match that showed the best of both guys. One of the best Wrestlemania matches of all time. This really started out the streak of truly great Undertaker matches.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: NEW WWE Champion-The Undertaker/23:50/****1/2

Pick Your Poison-Edge vs. Christian (Monday Night Raw-May 17,2010)

Match in Five Words or Less: Best Friends Battle

Match Highlights: Edge was going to have a match with Randy Orton at Over the Limit in just a few days. Orton got to pick Edge’s opponent on this night, and it was Christian. Fitting this match is in Toronto. Feeling out process goes until Edge slaps his best friend. Right hands by Edge after Christian chases him around ringside. Slap by Christian. Right hand in the face. He leans on Edge’s back. Edge forearms Christian but misses a sliding dropkick. Christian dropkicks Edge to the floor. Springboard dive. Edge side steps Christian and sends him into the barrier. Christian makes it into the ring at nine. Stomps from Edge. He works over Christian’s left arm. Shoulder tackle. Elbow drop and more arm work. Christian counters into a headlock. Edge rams Christian into the corner. Christian ducks. He goes for a mule kick. Edge rams him arm first into the apron. Forearm in the corner. Right hands from Christian. Boot. Right hand from Edge. Battle on the top rope. Boot by Christian. Tornado DDT. Cover for two. More punches from Christian. Flying forearm. Flapjack. Missile dropkick off the middle rope. Boot by Edge. Killswitch countered. Christian up and over. Drop toehold and a right hand while Edge is on the middle rope. Guillotine on the back of Edge’s neck. Big splash misses. Implant DDT gets a nearfall. Roll-up by Christian gets two. Edge sends Christian head into the corner. Spear met with a boot. Sunset flip for two. Edge drives Christian down by the left arm. Christian ducks a charge and gets the kick. Springboard back elbow. Killswitch countered. Edge rams Christian’s shoulder into the post. Spear and that’s a wrap.

Match Analysis: Glad to see these two got to wrestle in Toronto one more time before Edge’s retirement.  These two got a fairly good amount of time to tell a story. Edge worked Christian’s left arm for most of the match. It played into the ending. No complaints. Good of WWE  to include on the DVD.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Edge/12:08/***1/4

-Tables, Ladders, and Chairs-World Heavyweight Championship: Kane (champion) vs. Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio (TLC-December 19, 2010)

Match in Five Words or Less: Not As Dangerous

Match Highlights: Edge and Kane were literally putting together one of the worst feuds of the last ten years. For that reason, WWE felt it best to throw Del Rio and Mysterio, who were also feuding, into this match. This was a wise move. I refuse to talk about what Kane and Edge put the audience through. The feuding buddies immediately break off with Del Rio and Mysterio going at it inside the ring. Rey Rey ranas Del Rio into the corner. Running dropkick. Kane and Edge boot each other in the face. Mysterio tosses a ladder in the ring. He climbs up top. Del Rio tosses Rey Rey, who dives on both Kane and Edge. Del Rio climbs. Rey Rey tosses a second ladder in the ring. Del Rio kicks Rey Rey. Drop toehold sends Del Rio into the ladder. Rey Rey climbs again. Del Rio grabs his boot. Electric chair. Rey Rey catches himself on the ladder. Seated senton with the ladder as a barrier. Del Rio exits. Kane tosses Rey Rey into the steel and kicks him out of the ring. Edge takes advantage. Running splash with Kane on the middle rope. Kane boots the ladder back at Edge. Kane tosses one of the ladders at Del Rio and Rey Rey. Chokeslam countered into an implant DDT. Battering ram sends Kane flailing out of the ring. Edge grabs the tallest ladder of all. Kane has a ladder dropkicked into him. Edge controls Kane on the outside. He sets up a table on the floor. Kane with a shot. Edge sent into the announcer’s table and tosses over the barricade. Boot to Del Rio. Uppercut to Rey Rey. Kane rips the bottom part of a table off by accident. He keeps his opponents at bay before leaning the broken table into the announcer’s table. Edge, Rey Rey, and Del Rio focus on Kane. Then Edge and Rey Rey send Del Rio crashing into the barrier. Uppercut by Kane. Edge posts Kane. Edge and Rey Rey set up a table. They lay Kane prone on the table. Series of right hands. Edge decides to climb the ladder about halfway. Splash and Kane is sent through the table. Rey Rey smartly goes in the ring. Del Rio attacks Rey Rey from behind. Whip in the corner and a step-up enziguri. Del Rio tries using a chair. Drop toehold. 619 misses. Edge spears both men. Kane tips the ladder over and Edge is crotched on the top rope.  Double clothesline on Kane. He drags them about and works them over. Rey Rey tossed into the barrier. Edge tossed into the set of ladders next. Uppercut on Del Rio. Shot to the midsection with a chair. One for Rey Rey as well. He misses Edge. Enziguri by Del Rio. Spear by Edge. Rey Rey climbs up a table that’s a prop. He dives on Kane. Rey Rey runs to the ring but can’t get the ladder. Kick to the back by Del Rio. Rey Rey hits a 619 on Del Rio. Edge blocks another attempt with a chair. Edge sets the tall ladder up. Everyone except Kane climbs up one ladder or another. Rey Rey knocks Del Rio down. Both men crash and burn off the ladder.  Ricardo tries to wake Del Rio up. When that doesn’t work, he takes it upon himself to climb up the ladder and go for the belt. Kane is standing at the bottom of the ladder. Chokeslam. Del Rio meets the same fate. Edge is chokeslammed through the table. Low dropkick by Rey Rey. Kane’s head bangs against the chair. 619. Chair shot sends Kane outside. Rey Rey nearly gets the title. Del Rio rips Rey Rey off. Cross armbreaker. Del Rio climbs. Rey Rey leans the ladder over so Del Rio can crash through one of the two tables set up on the outside. Rey Rey climbs Kane stalks him. Rey Rey kicks  away. Springboard but kane hits a tombstone. Kane laughs at the destruction he’s caused. Kane makes the climb. Edge nails him in the back with a chair all across his body. Spear and Kane goes crashing through one last table. Edge makes the slow climb for the belt. He reaches it and wins his 10th world title.

Match Analysis: Rey Rey and Del Rio made this match a million times better than it would have been with only Kane and Edge. They brought a quick pace and integrated themselves well. Some fun ladder spots with Rey Rey. He’s always game to take some crazy bumps. Overall, this wasn’t as crazy as some past ladder matches. I’d call it controlled insanity. All four men worked hard and certainly delivered very good TLC match.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: NEW World Heavyweight Champion-Edge/22:40/***1/2

-Elimination Chamber-World Heavyweight Championship: Edge (champion) vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kane vs. Drew McEntyre vs. The Big Show vs. Wade Barrett

 Match in Five Words or Less: Ummm… Ow!

Match Highlights: Edge and Rey Rey start us off. Forearms in the corner. Kicks to the leg by Rey Rey. Up and over. Edge hits a flapjack. Forearm and stomps earlier. Rey Rey whipped. He gets his boots up. Headscissors. Right hands by Rey Rey. Boot off the ropes. Rey Rey back flipped onto the steel. Good God. Edge climbs up to the top. Rey Rey fires away. Rana off the top. Edge shoves Rey a number of times into the chamber. Stomps before Rey Rey gets slammed into the pod.  Whip. Rey Rey drop toeholds Edgeas the clock goes off. Barrett in next. Stomps on Rey Rey. Into the corner for more. Edge punches Barrett into the corner. He catapaults Rey Rey into Barrett. He sends Rey Rey sliding along the medal. Side slam by Barrett on Edge. Rey Rey tossed back in the ring. Pumphandle slam. Rey Rey goes chest first into the corner. Back to Edge as he gets slammed into the chamber. Edge tossed back in the ring. Edge low bridges and Barrett collapses on the chamber. Rey Rey dropkicks Edge. Barrett nails Rey Rey coming off the top rope. He rams Edge using Rey Rey. Rey Rey grabs the chamber and climbs. Barrett gets him in the powerbomb position. Rana sends both men back in the ring. 619…Edge boots him in the face! Forearms on Barrett in the corner. Kane comes in next and uppercuts everyone in sight. Knee to the midsection on Edge. Whip. Edge gets his boot up. He leaps off and gets uppercutted again. Snapmare and dropkick on Barrett. Rey Rey rammed into the buckle. Knee and strikes in the corner. Splash on Edge and Barrett. One on Rey. Boot on Edge. Side slam on Barrett. Rey Rey kicks him in the head. Edge boots Kane and almost gets two. Barrett decides to get in on the fun. We get a triple clothesline spot. That was different. All four men are down. McIntyre wants in. Kane gets up first and sends Rey Rey out. Edge clotheslined over. Jabs on Barrett. Stomp. Barrett with right hands. Kane blocks himself from being sent in the chamber. Barrett takes it instead. Rey Rey punches away. Headbutt. Kane uppercuts Rey Rey into the tree of woe. Edge dropkicks Rey Rey and nearly gets three. Barrett clotheslined over again. McIntyre is fired up about going in. Immediately he tosses Rey into the pod. JESUS! He and Barrett send Kane into the chamber. Double clothesline. He kicks the rope into Barrett’s groin. Barrett gets tossed into the pod. McIntyre looks angry. Right hands on Edge. Double underhook countered into the implant DDT. All five men are down. Edge sets up for the spear. Kane grabs him for a chokeslam attempt. 619 misses. Uppercut by Kane. Boot to Edge. Rey Rey gets tossed into the glass again. Kane back drops McIntyre into Barrett. Double boot by Edge and Kane. The car crash metaphor has never been more appropriate. Big Show is the final entrant. Clotheslines for everyone! Edge tossed over. Kane tossed over. Chop sends McIntyre over. Barrett basically cowers away. Show gets his paw around Barrett’s throat. Show shoves Barrett into the pod. Barrett tries climbing but gets chopped. More chops. Barrett tossed into the chamber. Knockout punch on Barrett. He gone. Rey Rey climbs to the top of one of the pods. Kane hits a clothesline off the top. Edge hits an elbow. 1-2-NO! Hard kickout. McIntyre hits Adamcolekyleoreilly for two. Rey Rey hits a seated senton on Show. Another hard kickout. Boot to the side of the head by Kane. 619 by Rey Rey. Spear by Edge. Kane decks Edge and Rey Rey. Chokeslam on Show. Show is finally eliminated. Kane catches McIntyre and chokeslams as well. McIntyre is done. Rey Rey gets caught. As does Edge. Clothesline on both men. Edge tossed to the chamber floor. Rey Rey gets his boots up. Twisting DDT. 1-2-NO! Springboard leg drop. Kane shoves Rey Rey. Off the springboard. Chokeslam turned into a rana. 619. Seated senton but Kane catches him. Edge spears both men. He covers Kane. Down to Rey Rey and Edge, amazingly the two men who started. Kane boots Edge in the face. Chokeslam on Rey Rey. One for Edge.  Rey Rey leapfrogs a spear and rolls Edge up for two. Springboard cross body. Edge rolls over and again gets two. Whip in the corner. Boots up. Bulldog. 1-2-NO! Rey Rey climbs to the top rope. Edge meets him. Headbutts by Rey Rey. Edge sits down on a powerbomb. 1-2-NO! Rana sends Edge to the middle rope. 619 but Edge catches him. Modified cloverleaf. Roll-up leads to another two count. Rey Rey ducks a spear. Off the ropes but Edge gets the spear this time. 1-2-NO! Kick to the leg. Dropkick. 619. Springboard splash. 1-2-NOOO! Rana to the middle rope. 619 hits again. To the top rope. Edge spears Rey Rey in mid-air and FINALLY gets the victory.

Match Analysis: It’s fitting the two guys who did the most bumping around got to end the match. Really, Rey Rey deserved to take the match because of the sheer amount of bumps he took. He was tossed around like a little kid in a playpen. I got a pain killer addiction just watching him get thrown into the various pods. I thought this match was one of the best of 2011 because of the pacing and energy. Even guys like Kane and Show can’t drag the quality down under those circumstances. The final sequence was a spectacle, and the finish was the definitive period at the end of a sentence. This was organized chaos in a good way.  One of the most exciting WWE matches I’ve seen in a long time.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: STILL World Heavyweight Champion-Edge/31:30/****1/2

-World Heavyweight Championship: Edge (w/Christian) vs. Alberto Del Rio (w/Brodus Clay)

Match in Five Words or Less: Farewell Edge

Match Highlights: Quick lock-up into the corner. Del Rio with a shove. Edge slaps him. Series of right hands. Back drop. Kick to the bandaged arm of Edge. Edge sent into the turnbuckle. Stomps in the corner. Off the ropes. Edge catches himself. Back drop sends Del Rio to the floor. Sliding dropkick misses. Del Rio sends the left arm into the first barrier and then the stairs. To the armbar. He tears Edge down by the hair. Choking on the middle rope. Del Rio rams Edge’s arm into the middle rope. Into the announce table goes the arm. Back in the ring for two. Armbar reapplied. Del Rio charges and lands butt first on the floor. Not his best move. Tope con helo by Edge. Edge climbs to the top. Armdrag by Del Rio gets two. Leg lariat by Edge. Big boot. Forearm, clothesline, and a flapjack. Del Rio drives the arm into his knees. Cross armbreaker countered into a reverse facebuster. 1-2-NO! Whip to the corner. O’Connor roll countered. Cross armbreaker. Edge grabs the bottom rope. Guillotine by Edge. He climbs to the top rope. Del Rio hits a step-up enziguri. Edge gets his foot on the bottom rope. Ricardo sends it off. Christian and Clay brawl. Del Rio dropkicks Del Rio. Clay overhead slams Christian. Roll-up by Edge. Kick and implant DDT. He glares at Del Rio and readies the spear. Del Rio side steps. Clay rams the injured arm into the post. Del Rio applies the cross armbreaker. Edge locks his hands. Del Rio fully applies it. Edge almost gets three on a roll-up. Reverse cloverleaf. Christian DDTs Clay off the apron. Del Rio rolls Edge over. Spear. Edge retains.

Match Analysis:  Not the best match to end a career, but it was a fine way to go out. Edge got to win a world title match at Wrestlemania with one of his best friends at ringside. I loved the arm work by Del Rio as it played into the entire match. Even taking the injury into consideration, I don’t get why Edge retained here. Del Rio deserved to win his first world title on this stage. The stop and start nature of his push has really hurt his entire WWE career.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: STILL World Heavyweight Champion-Edge/11:10/***1/4

Blu-Ray Bonus Matches and Promos

WWE Championship: Jeff Hardy (champion) vs. Edge (w/Chavo Guerrero) (Royal Rumble-January 25, 2009)

Match in Five Words or Less: Why Matt Why?

Match Highlights: Hardy charges at Edge immediately. He sends him into the turnbuckle. Clubbering blow and again Edge is sent into the buckle. Boots to the midsection. Flying forearm and a stomp. Edge exits the ring. Hardy gives chase. He goes for a chair. Edge with a series of right hands. Hardy up and over. Clothesline. Snapmare and a dropkick to the back. Bodyslam. Stomp. Clubbering blow to the back. Right hand and forearm by Edge. Hardy sent into the top turnbuckle. Hardy slides out of the ring. Edge slides after him. Sliding dropkick by Hardy. Fake dive. Clothesline off the apron. He has to kick Guerrero away. Edge boots Hardy down to the floor. Basement dropkick. Hardy sent into the barrier. Hardy sent into the announce tables. Back in the ring. Elbow drop. Punt to the midsection. Hard whip and a spear in the corner. Right hand. Whip. Hardy gets a sunset flip. Clothesline from Edge. He pulls Hardy down by the hair. Hardy kicks Edge away. Hardy climbs up top. Edge meets him. Hardy punches him down. Dive but Edge catches him with a dropkick. Edge goes for chairs but Hardy spears him from the apron to the floor. Pescado to the floor. Boot to Hardy’s gut. Twist of Fate on the apron. Hardy sets a ladder up on the outside of the ring. Hardy climbs up. Guerrero comes after him. After knocking Guerrero off, he hits a diving clothesline. Edge sent into the stairs. Guerrero is placed on one of the announcing  tables. Hardy damn near slips off the table and somehow manages to get Guerrero through the table. That was scary. Dropkick on Edge. Back in the ring for a cross body that gets two. Edge gets a boot to the face. To the corner as Edge exposes the top turnbuckle. Whisper in the Wind gets a long two count. Kick to the gut. Counter into an implant DDT. 1-2-NO! Hardy kicks Edge into the corner and gets  a small package for two. Gordbuster. Edge moves away so he can’t be hit with a swanton. Edge drops Hardy’s face on the exposed turnbuckle. 1-2-NO! Spear countered into a Twist of Fate. That was different. Hardy climbs up. Vickie Guerrero goes after him but gets kicked away. Swanton hits. Cover but Vickie pulls the referee out of the way. Matt Hardy comes out with a chair to seemingly make the save. They set up for a conchairto. Matt nails his brother, and some of the crowd cheers this. Edge glares at Matt. He covers and gets the victory. Edge gets the belt and departs quickly.

Match Analysis: Rash decisions never work out for anyone. It was alleged that Christian’s big return to WWE was to come here. However, because everyone and their mother knew this, WWE decided to have his brother Matt turn on his brother instead. To have Matt even consider helping Edge out is especially dumb under the circumstances. I know we like to pretend what happened three years ago didn’t happen, but Edge and Hardy was super personal and a basically a shoot. Worst of all, the fans who do pay attention don’t get rewarded because there’s Matt Hardy helping Edge win a world title. The match was going perfectly fine until the finish. These guys wrestled a million times, and this one felt as good as any of the others.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: NEW WWE Champion-Edge/19:22/***1/4

(WWE Raw-April 4, 2011)- Edge announces his retirement from professional wrestling. He talks about his neck surgery and being on borrowed time. He talks about feeling pain in his neck once again. What does this all mean? Edge has to stop wrestling. Even better, he won’t end up in a wheelchair. The crowd stands up and gives him a rather impromptu ovation. He talks about not being able to end his career on his terms and relates a story about that in a conversation with Christian. Tales of Maple Leaf Gardens are told. This all leads to Wrestlemania 6. Amazingly, Edge got to retain the world heavyweight title in his last match… and it was at Wrestlemania. He talks about becoming a man and growing up in front of the fans. He relates his entire WWE career. Man, what an absurd journey. He talks about not wearing tights AND EATING ICE CREAM! Well, everyone loves ice cream.

(Edge Appreciation Night-September 13, 2011) Trish Stratus hosts the evening’s events and talks about becoming friends with Edge. She even trained at the very same school. That’s a lucky school. Bottom line. A lot of people say nice things about Edge and do indeed appreciate him.


-Christian talks about how they became friends in the 6th grade. A ninja star brought them together. Then they began bonding over wrestling, and the rest is history. Cute story.

-More training stories. Ron Hutchinson sounds like a smart guy who made his wrestlers appreciate wrestling and did a great job getting them ready.

-We see Scott Damore wrestling footage! Whoa! Did not see that coming. Edge talks about he and Rhino bonding on the way to Orlando. Edge had very negative impressions of WCW and wanted to go through WWF based on how poorly some of the smaller guys were used.

-We see some fun moments between Mick Foley and Edge/Christian. All three men discuss the comedic hijinks that ensued. I had forgotten that Foley was the one who created the Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match.

-Edge introduces the next promo, the first interview he ever did where he showcased his anger. It was on August 8, 2005, shortly after the Matt Hardy/Edge feud began. Edge talks about Summerslam in such a way that actually successfully builds up to the match and calls Hardy a pathetic person. History would prove him correct. I can see why Edge wanted this promo on the DVD.

-Story about a tour of Manitoba and they have to drive an ice path. Edge is driving and there is broken ice. The promoter volunteered to do the driving as Edge takes a passenger’s seat. I believe Colt Cabana and Rhino discussed this same story on the Art of Wrestling. Crazy stuff.

-Although this wasn’t addressed in the actual documentary, Edge does address the Achilles injury at this point in the extra features. He discusses how he was able to come back so quickly thanks to some rather innovative physical therapy.  Then of course, Edge came back at the 2010 Royal Rumble.

-Instead of writing the essay, Edge became the judge of the contest in conjunction with the ten year anniversary of the school. A blonde girl turned out to be the winner. We also see him give the rest of the contestants great advice about sticking with wrestling if they really want it.

-Edge has a lot of dogs.

The Verdict: The documentary makes this entire collection a thumbs up by itself. The fact that there were so many great Raw matches was a major bonus for the DVD. Also, when considering how poorly WWE PPVs have been doing lately, there is the chance to see a couple matches that likely haven’t been seen by all that many people. This was a tremendous look back at Edge’s career, and I’m really glad I bought it. To dive into these collections is so tough with all the indy wrestling I try to watch, but WWE and Edge did a great job here. Strongest recommendation to purchase.

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