Mountain State Madness 3 on September 30th, 2012. Your hosts are Joe Dombrowski and J. Worthington Farnsworth.

Opening Match: Bronco McBride and Matt Segaris vs. Andrew Palace and Brian McDowell

Segaris connects with a dropkick on Palace and snaps off an armdrag. McBride adds a lariat and the Blue Collar Slaughterhouse are in control early on. Palace sneaks in a thumb to the eye on Segaris. McDowell and Palace isolate him until he connects with a clothesline on McDowell and makes the tag. McBride hits a samoan drop on McDowell and a DDT on Palace. McDowell and Palace have a moment of miscommunication. The BCS hit an assisted DDT on McDowell for the win at 7:23. This was a passable opener marred by some moments of miscommunication. The inexperience of Palace and McDowell showed at times but the BCS did a decent job of keeping the action grounded. *½

Match #2: James Nutter vs. Jordan Lennox

Lennox is good friends with Aiden Veil, which doesn’t sit well with Nutter. They trade control on the mat. Lennox drop toe holds Nutter into the middle turnbuckle. They exchange rollups to no avail. Nutter takes some time to regroup at ringside. He absolutely levels Lennox with a boot and takes control. Nutter misses a charge and collides with the ringpost. Lennox connects with a leg lariat and lands a springboard crossbody. Nutter responds with a powerslam. Aiden Veil appears at ringside. The distraction allows Lennox to sneak in a rollup for the victory at 6:09. They made the most out of their six minutes and both men have made a great impression in IWC. The feud with Nutter has instantly made Veil interesting again, and I look forward to their upcoming match at No Excuses. **¼

Nutter attacks Veil after the match until Lennox pushes him away. Nutter blindsides Lennox with a chair shot, stares at a beaten Veil, and walks away.

Match #3: DJ Hyde vs. Alex Colon

Hyde connects with a few chops. Colon catches him with a baseball slide and lands a dive to the floor. This seems to just anger Hyde, who holds Colon in place while the fans chop him. Even the referee chops Colon. In the ring, Hyde hits a swinging side slam. Colon connects with a running knee strike and a basement superkick. Hyde avoids a flying double stomp and hits a half nelson suplex. Hyde connects with his patented lariat for the win at 4:10. This match never had a chance to get off the ground, which is a shame because the crowd was becoming invested in the action. I was pretty excited to see these two on the card and I’d love to see them receive another chance to showcase what they can do. **

Match #4: IWC Tag Team Titles: Super Hentai and Jimmy Vegas © vs. Bobby Beverly and Nicki Valentino

Hentai and Beverly begin with some chain wrestling. Valentino snaps off a hurricanrana on Hentai and hits a senton. Hentai sneaks in a low blow on Valentino behind the referee’s back. Vegas rocks Valentino with a lariat and the Founding Fathers isolate him. He connects with an enzuigiri on Hentai and makes the tag. Beverly hits a back suplex on Hentai. The One Nighters kick away at Vegas and send him to the floor with dropkicks. They follow with stereo superkicks on Hentai. Vegas catches Valentino on a dive attempt and slams him onto the apron. Vegas hits a spinning uranagi on Beverly. Hentai adds double knees from the top rope and the Founding Fathers retain their titles at 7:24. They pretty much matched their outing from Caged Fury. These two teams have good chemistry together, but unfortunately this rematch didn’t receive any more time than their original encounter. **½

Match #5: Facade vs. Rich Swann

Swann stalls early on and frustrates Facade. The crowd is siding decisively with Facade. He snaps off a satellite headscissors on Swann. Swann teases a handshake and sneaks in a kick to the midsection. He connects with a nasty dropkick. Facade blocks a rolling frog splash and lays in a series of kicks. He lands a springboard moonsault. Swann catches him on the middle rope with a gamengiri and hurricanranas him to the canvas. Facade connects with a springboard gamengiri and punts Swann in the chest for a nearfall. Facade kind of hits a spit-legged moonsault. They exchange quick pin attempts to no avail. Swann ducks a knockout kick and connects with a brutal spin kick for a two count. Swann lands a top-rope frog splash for the victory at 9:04. This was a fun battle of one-upsmanship. They brought the fight to each other and did an effective job of getting the crowd behind Facade, who may have a losing streak in his future after falling to Gory last month. Swann making frequent appearances in IWC would be nothing but awesome. **¾

Match #6: Sera Feeny vs. Silvie Silver

Feeny hip tosses Silver and she regroups on the outside. Back in, Silver finds an opening to take over. Feeny fights back with a clothesline and hits a german suplex. Silver answers with a side slam and cartwheels into a splash. Feeney sunset flips out of a fireman’s carry position for the win at 5:35. This event was being held in Feeny’s hometown, so I think this match was more for the live crowd than anyone else. The match as a whole was pretty sloppy, but the crowd seemed to like it at the very least. *

Match #7: John McChesney, Marshall Gambino, and Chest Flexor vs. Dalton Castle, Justin Idol, and Matt Cannon

Cannon shoves McChesney to the canvas, so he quickly tags in Flexor, who meets the same fate. Even Marshall can’t power Cannon down. The faces get their shots in on Flexor and Castle takes him out with a double axe handle. Idol lands a plancha to the floor onto Marshall and McChesney. Marshall pulls Cannon to the floor and starts laying in punches. Team Big League isolate him until he blocks a double sledge from McChesney and makes the tag. Idol connects with a shining wizard on Flexor but runs into a spinebuster from Marshall. Team Big League now work over Idol until he catches Marshall with an enzuigiri and tags out. Castle lands a flying crossbody onto Marshall and hits an overhead suplex on McChesney. He plants Flexor with a spinning gourdbuster. Marshall saves him from a dead-lift german suplex. Cannon still hits a burning hammer on Flexor for the victory at 11:09. This was as entertaining as I thought it would be. Castle and Idol brought great energy to the contest and Cannon looked much better in the ring. The match received enough time to let the action develop and everyone came out of this for the better. ***

During a 50/50 raffle, Marshall Gambino attacks Chuck Roberts. Roberts starts laughing as police officers arrest Marshall.

Match #8: IWC World Heavyweight Title: Logan Shulo © vs. Dennis Gregory

Gregory attacks the champion during his entrance. He tries to use the belt as a weapon but the referee takes it away form him. Shulo hits a german suplex and lands a dive to the floor. Gregory snaps his neck across the top rope and takes control with a series of backbreakers. Shulo comes back with a neckbreaker but runs into a powerslam. They exchange punches. Shulo positions Gregory in the tree of woe and connects with a flying double stomp. Gregory hits the Midas Touch. Jimmy Vegas and Super Hentai come to ringside. Shulo leaps to the top rope but Gregory shrugs him off. Vegas and Hentai attack Shulo behind the referee’s back. Shulo recovers and lands a springboard splash to retain his title at 11:47. Gregory has been wrestling in the Pittsburgh area for quite some time, but I think people underestimate him in a singles capacity. He gave Shulo a solid title defense and it was nice to see Shulo transition away from his feud with John McChesney. I didn’t buy a title change, but this set the stage nicely for the upcoming Shulo/Castle encounter. ***

The Founding Fathers attack Shulo after the match. The Blue Collar Slaughterhouse and Dalton Castle make the save. Castle gives Shulo his belt and stares him down to end the show.

As always, check out the latest edition of IWC Aftershock:

Especially in light of TNA’s new policy of contracted talent not being able to appear on DVDs, I just wanted to say how nice it’s been to see Zema Ion making frequent appearances on IWC shows as of late. I really wanted to put the emphasis on the double main event at No Excuses, but the tag team match involving Team Big League is very interesting. John McChesney and Pepper Parks have not teamed before, but if they’re successful here, I think it’d be great to see them match up against McChnesney’s former stablemates, the Founding Fathers. Michael Tarver should also prove to be a wildcard to say the least.

The Super Indy Title match is probably the match I’m most looking forward to. This is the case of three men with very unique styles clashing and there’s a lot of potential for some innovative sequences to be showcased. I would expect Sami Callihan to continue rolling with the title. Hopefully he has the opportunity to defend against Rickey Shane Page in the near future, as that match didn’t happen at Mountain State Madness 3. This brings us to the main event. If there’s anyone that can believably take the title away from Logan Shulo, it’s Dalton Castle. IWC struck while the iron was hot by giving Shulo the title in March; will they do the same with Castle? I’m really looking forward to what these two can do together and this could truly be a sleeper match. I’m not sure how, but my gut instinct is telling me that Shulo retains as well.

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