
Excellence Pro Wrestling Madness in March
March 08, 2014
Sellersville, PA at the Forrest Lodge VFW
Estimated Attendance was around 50, with a LOT of them being kids.

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Results below:

Icarus beats Boar of Moldova with a Sliced Bread #2 off the top rope. JDFC was ringside during the match and tried to interfere multiple times. After the match, JFDC attacks Icarus and Marcus Streets makes the save leading to…
Juan Francisco De Coronado beat Marcus Streets with a rollup and handful of tights.
Naplam Bomb beats Dan Champion via ankle submission move.
Marq Quen and Anthony Gangone (One Night Only) beat Hallowicked & Kid Cyclone via knee to the face of Cyclone.
Missile Assault Ant beat Smiley Fairchild via Tazmission submission move.
Thunderfrog beat Assad King via Frogsplash from top rope.
Dasher Hatfield & Mr Touchdown (The Throwbacks) beat Oleg & Blaster McMassive (Wrecking Crew) via assisted ace crusher.


If wrestling was MLB. WWE would big the big time, CHIKARA would be AAA, Wrestling Is would be AA, and Excellence Pro Wrestling would be rookie ball. The venue was pretty much in the middle of nowhere, and the show did little advertising, so its no shock that barely anyone showed up. Outside, the venue looked pretty bad, but inside, it was actually decent although the ceiling was quite low and this came into play during Thunderfrog’s match. Veda Scott was the host and did a fine job. Even though the ring was the same ring they use for Wrestling is Fun, there was no Gavin Loudspeaker at this show. And Bryce Remsburg was the sole ref for all the matches. Smart Mark Video was filming it, so it should be released at some point as a mp4/vod.

There was quite a few wrestlers I have never seen before. One Night Only was a bit of a mess of a tag team. One dude looked like a love child of Oleg and Gavin, and the only dude was a skinny black dude. Marq and Anthony didn’t exactly get along in the match and often were not on the same page. It kind of made for a bit of a mess for their match and the match dragged on quite a bit. Marcus Street has a good look and cool tights with a cityscape on them. Not sure where he came from, but I would not mind seeing more of him. Napalm Bomb was also impressive, but I really don’t get the gimmick. And then there is Smiley. Smiley reminds me of a poor version of Shane Storm with the whole happy face gimmick mask. I was not that impressed with Smiley, although he took 3 really hard powerbombs and kicked out each time, so I’ll give him props for being tough.

It was also interesting to see the commentary pairings for some of the matches.One match had Veda and Thunderdrog announcing. Another had Blaster and Boar. With no Gavin, and Bryce busy being the ref for every match, it made for some unique commentary teams.

Match of the night was easily Thunderfrog vs Assad King. The kids LOVE Thunderfrog. Match was very back and forth and used comedy, solid wrestling, and old school heel work by King with his evil Middle Eastern gimmick. Right as the match started, Thunderfrog even said Assad King was to blame for 9/11 which I thought was hilarious but I am not really sure that kind of humor belongs on a family friendly show. Thunderfrog went to the top rope multiple times in this match and twice knocked out lights hanging from the ceiling which was pretty funny. Another neat spot in the match was when Thunderfrog got thrown into the front row by King. This caused a little girl to start crying. Veda Scott immediately went over by her and sat beside her the rest of the match and helped root Thunderdrog on. It was a really sweet and classy move by Veda. After Thunderfrog won, all the kids got to celebrate inside the ring with Thunderdrog and the girl who was crying a few minutes earlier, was smiling and having a great time by the end of the match. That’s the kind of stuff I love seeing from a CHIKARA-style show. I def think Veda needs to be involved in more shows, even if she is not wrestling, because she just adds a lot with her mic work and personality.

Overall, the show was good, but not anything I would say you NEED to see. They announced the next show will be on April 12, and it will be called Spring Fling at the same venue and time.

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