It’s that time of year again folks, Wrestlemania weekend, and that of course means a double-shot of ROH shows in Atlanta, both on internet pay-per-view via GoFightLive. On tap in the main event for night one we have brand new World Champion Eddie Edwards making his first defense against recent rival and Television Champion ‘The Fallen Angel’ Christopher Daniels. That’s not the only title match on the card though, as The Kings of Wrestling Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli make their biggest defense to date against Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin. The two teams are 1-and-1 in non-title affairs but now the straps are on the line. Meanwhile Davey Richards and Roderick Strong will collide in a rematch of Final Battle 2010, El Generico will tangle with Michael Elgin and The Briscoes will face Adam Cole & Kyle O’Reilly.


We’re under way! Kevin Kelly and Dave Prazak are hyping up the live crowd via microphones rather than just us on commentary. Some interesting music played for a moment as Cary Silkin came to ringside. Odd.


House of Truth Banned From Ringside

Michael Elgin vs. El Generico


Let’s keep the stipulation in mind here, if Truth Martini, Roderick Strong or anyone else gets involved with the match they’re suspended… or something. This is a rematch of their bout from the 9th Anniversary Show which I enjoyed. Elgin tosses Generico down early, using his power. Generico avoids a body slam and fires away with chops. A shoulder tackle does nothing, but Elgin’s wipes Generico out. Leapfrog spot backfires on Generico as he gets caught but he slips out of a potential death valley driver and fires away with right hands in the corner. Elgin misses a huge charge and then Generico flies off the top with a crossbody. Only one! King & Titus got thrown out of the building as announced by Rhett earlier, ROH are claiming it was due to a brawl with the Briscoes. Elgin stops a tornado DDT in mid-air and dumps Generico down. Slow pace now as Elgin uses right hands and stomps to keep Generico down, cutting off a comeback with a big back elbow. Superplex fails, and Generico flies off the top for a sunset flip attempt but Elgin won’t go down. He tries to sit down on him but Generico evades. Two clotheslines fail to floor Elgin. Generico goes up top again and hits a gorgeous flying hurricanrana. Blue Thunder Bomb gets two. Half and Half fails, and Elgin tries another charge into the corner but eats an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles!!! Only two. Elgin catches the Yakuza, hoists Generico up and rams him into the turnbuckle but fails to follow up… Lariat! I stand corrected. Only two. Elgin goes for a powerbomb but Generico muscles him over for a back drop. He charges in but gets planted with a 360 Black Hole Slam. Wow. Only two. Generico crawls to the corner and Elgin flattens him with his third attempt at a charge. He charges again but Generico low-bridges him and sends him to the outside. Generico flies off the apron btu Elgin catches him and charges along the ringside area with him over his shoulder but Generico knew it was coming this time and shoves him into the barricade. TIJUANA TORNADO DDT!!! (I just invented that as the name, his diving tornado DDT between the bottom and middle rope on the outside.) Generico sets up a Yakuza kick but someone wearing black and a mask (probably Kaleb Conley) grabs his foot. Spiral Powerbomb by Elgin. Match over!

Winner: Michael Elgin via Pin-Fall (Spiral Powerbomb)


Cary Silkin is among those who help Generico out of the ring and to the back as we go to footage of Eddie winning the title. We return to Truth Martini in the ring with Caleb Konley. The fans are shouting many bad words at them. Martini runs down the rules of the audition, thumbs up means he’s in the House of Truth, thumbs down means Elgin eats him.


Four-Corner Survival

Caleb Konley vs. Tomasso Ciampa vs. Colt Cabana vs. Homicide


The building is absolutely packed by the way, and Colt and Homicide get big love. Prazak and Kelly are talking up The Art of Wrestling and Wrestling Road Diaries (which I watched earlier). Ahem… Homicide and Konley start out amd Caleb gets an arm drag while Homicide laughs and mocks the thumbs-up-thumbs-down thing. Leapfrog spot leads to another arm drag by Konley. Colt claps sarcastically. Fans chant “Let’s go spanky!” at Konley. Lovely. Homicide tags Cabana in and it’s shenanigans right away. If you’re looking for play-by-play on Colt then you’re crazy. Pin attempts and escapes galore, then a big hurricanrana by Konley which Colt pops up from and looks confused… before destroying Konley with a reverse flying ass. Homicide tagged back in and he hits a belly to belly overhead suplex on Konley. Ciampa tags in and goes after his opponent for tomorrow, Homicide, but ends up eating 9 punches in the corner. He breaks it by tossing Homicide to the outside and Princess Mia spin kicks the hell out of him. Nana, Osiris and Evans continue the beat down. Don’t worry though, Homicide’s no-selling it back in the ring. Ciampa tags Konley and this is basically a tag match. Big suplex by Konley and he’s looking decent. Ciampa back in and he gets a lariat and poses for the fans. Another tag to Konley and he continues to rough Homicide up. Catapult into the bottom rope gets two and Ciampa was trying to break it up, causing a minor disagreement. Konley takes Homicide down nicely and locks in a modified fujiwara armbar. Homicide fights to his feet but gets thrown back down. Konley misses a big boot and Homicide tags out to Cabana. Big double chops and then the flip, flip and fly. Elbow for Ciampa and Evans and Nana and Osiris! He kisses Mia Yim instead. Kevin Kelly makes a crude joke. Seriously. Springboard moonsault by Cabana gets two on Ciampa. Flying Apple to Konley! Weird spinning neckbreaker that went a bit wrong by Ciampa. Konley takes Ciampa down and hits a running knee to the face for two. Chaos. Konley makes a mistake by heading to the second rope and ends up being destroyed by Ciampa’s powerbomb onto the knees. Homicide tagged in though and tries to steal the pin. He and Ciampa trade fists and Homicide ends up ducking a clothesline and hitting a tope con hilo on Cabana on the outside. He gets back in, throws Ciampa out and does it again! He avoids Konley and hits a third Tope!!! Fans go nuts. Konley and Homicide make it back into the ring. Ace Crusher blocked, Cop Killa is not!!! Count to 100.

Winner: Homicide via Pin-Fall (Cop Killa)

Truth Martini gives Konley the thumbs up and deservingly so… oh no wait, April Fool’s. Elgin appears from nowhere and beheads him before hitting a brutal Spiral Powerbomb. Someone should tell Truth that the jokes end at mid-day. Konley was decent here, but alas.


Women of Honor Match

Sara Del Rey & Serena Deeb vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto & Ayumi Kurihara


Apologies in advance for spelling errors. Deeb starts out with Hiroyo and they take each other down a few times. Sloppy arm drags by both ladies. Del Rey tags in and Hiroyo will stay. “Queen of Wrestling” chant for Death Rey. Hiroyo is pointing out their height difference which doesn’t actually look that pronounced. SDR denies a test of strength and boots her down and does a royal wave. Hiroyo tags Ayumi and she hits a running double knees in the corner, followed by a Hiroyo splash. SDR drops to the mat in the corner and Ayumi murders her with running knees to the face. Big suplex only gets two. SDR takes her down with a kick, and then an axe kick to the top of the head. Ouch. Deeb tags in and gets dropkicked. Ayumi locks in a sick submission but Del Rey breaks it up and attacks Hiroyo on the apron. Deeb slows the pace. She tries to Spear both ladies off the apron but ends up on the floor. Del Rey goes to assist but Ayumi soars off the top rope and body presses them both. Ayumi tries a monkey flip but Deeb turns her around onto the top rope. Arm capture hanging submission by Ayumi! Del Rey dropkicks her on the apron to break it. Deeb tags out and they double team in the corner and then hit a double back elbow. SDR rolls Ayumi backwards and wheelbarrows her, walking her over for Deeb to take a shot, and then dumping her down for a near-fall. Deeb back in now and she hits a body slam as the cameras cut to Daizee Haze and her partner with the Shimmer tag titles on the outside. Deeb has a grounded cravate now. Ayumi finally creates an opening with a lungblower! Hiroyo tags in and is a house of fire, running through a double clothesline and hitting a double running crossbody. Prazak calls her a female Morishima. She spins SDR around in an argentine backbreaker before hitting a gutbuster! Deeb breaks it up and then tags in and starts throwing hands surprisingly. Hiroyo takes her down. Rolling Liger Kick by Del Rey! Missile Dropkick by Ayumi! Monstrous turning Uranage by Ayumi to Deeb! Backdrop Driver by Hiroyo! Over.

Winners: Ayumi Karihara & Hiroyo Matsumoto via Pin-Fall (Back Drop Driver)

Water-spitting chicanery from the champs and the ladies chase each other backstage. Needed? We’re reminded the All-Night Express were kicked out earlier and then go to footage of their match with the Briscoes from Manhattan Mayhem IV recently, including their backstage confrontation afterward, with a terrible job of censoring the profanity.


Tag Team Challenge Match

The Briscoes vs. Adam Cole & Kyle O’Reilly


Cole & O’Reilly were recently christened Team Abercrombie on the debut of the JKM Fun Hour, so I may or may not go with that. The Briscoes get a smattering of boos and lukewarm cheers but the fans still chant Man Up. Code of Honor is followed, but the Briscoes look distinctively serious. Cole and Mark start out and Cole gets taken down immediately, switching into a headlock, but finding himself back on the mat and in a headlock himself. Back to their feet, stand-off. They lock up again and Cole goes to the arm but gets tripped. Mark runs the ropes, dives over Cole and rolls, they exchange arm drags and near falls and have another stand-off. Both men tag out and it’s more of the same from Jay and Fitch… I mean O’Reilly. Shoulder tackle takes Kyle down, but he reverses a hip-toss into one of his own and a cross-armbreaker but Jay escapes. Big boot to the face takes K-O’R down. Cole blind-tags and they hit a snapmare and running kick to the face. Jay muscles Cole to the corner and Mark punches him in the stomach a few times. Stiff chops to Cole and he begins to fire back with some of his own, before tagging out. Mark blocks a double team but ends up eating the old Speed-Muscle flatjack/bulldog combo. Mark slaps Kyle in the face but he fires back with a spin kick to the gut. Blind tag by Jay, and he hits a ridiculous lariat with assistance from Mark. They knock Cole down and Jay hits a running leg drop for two. Another Briscoe tag and they chop O’Reilly in stereo, before playing a game of who can hit harder. Double hip toss out of the corner as Cole argues with the ref. Only two. Mark locks in a camel clutch but lets it go to bring his brother back in. They try the double football tackle but Kyle hits an enzuigiri and tags Cole. Dropkick to Mark. Jay ends up on the apron and gets kicked off. Insanity as Cole launches himself through the ropes on a suicide dive! Cole misses a top rope move and rolls through but can’t avoid a giant spinebuster from Jay. Really nice suplex by Mark gets two. Double football tackle gets another. Jay creams him in the corner and then hits a snapmare and a running kick to the face for another two. Cole tries to battle back but ends up on the receiving end of more Briscoe beat-down in the corner. Jay and Mark take turns to choke Cole and Mark works him over in the corner. He runs into a kick in the corner and Cole hits a flying leg lariat off the second rope. Tag to O’Reilly! He kicks Jay off the apron, kicks Mark in the corner, slides through his legs, hits some palm strikes, knees and a leg sweep. Jay attacks from behind and they whip him off the ropes but he rolls through. He catches both of their legs and hits a double dragon screw! Missile dropkick to both men by O’Reilly! Cole blind tags and Kyle hits the rolling butterfly machine, but he and Cole turn it into a lungblower/German suplex combo that nearly got three if not for Jay breaking it up. Crowd are really into it. Jay and Cole brawl on the outside, and Cole sees Mark trying a dive to the outside and hits a leaping enzuigiri to stop him. Jay flies into the cameraman and O’Reilly flies off the apron with a missile dropkick. Diving crossbody by Cole to Mark gets a near two. Fireman’s carry by Cole, O’Reilly flies off the top rope with a knee strike, Cole follows with a neckbreaker down over his knee. Double kick! Only two. Cole charges Mark in the corner and then tries a superkick but gets caught and hit with an enzuigiri. Jay tagged in. Falcon Arrow! He’s done the deal! Kyle breaks it up because nobody kicks out of the Falcon Arrow. Mark and O’Reilyl exchange strikes. Superkick by Jay! Exploder Suplex by Mark! Cole is left with both Briscoes and they hit the Springboard Doomsday Device for the win.

Winners: The Briscoes via Pin-Fall (Doomsday Device)


The Briscoes aren’t too happy. Kenny King and Rhett Titus appear behind Kevin Kelly and Dave Prazak in street clothes and then hit the ring for a brawl. Jobbers and ring crew try and break it up but bodies are flying. The ANX try a spike piledriver on the floor but Jay gorilla presses someone out onto them to stop it. Jay gets in the face of a fan and then goes back after Titus. It’s dragging a little bit now. King and Titus are in the ring, the Briscoes leave. Fans finally cheer “A-N-X” after seemingly not liking them before. “F*** the Briscoes!” chant.




And we’re back! Davey vs Roddy time. Somewhere Justin Houston is going to be welcomed to hell or be converted by Richards for one night only.


Final Battle 2010 Rematch

Roderick Strong vs. Davey Richards


Davey’s hair is getting longer and he looks especially small in this huge venue. They sort of shake hands and go right to the joint work. Naturally it’s the arm early, and Davey uses his bridging kick escape which you’d think someone would see coming by now, it’s been years at this point. Roddy takes a quick break to the outside. Davey’s turn to work the arm now and Roddy cartwheels free. Davey does the same and arm drags Roddy to the mat. Stalemate. Test of strength is of course a trick, and Strong has the arm again but Davey is in the ropes. Strong breaks at four and misses a huge chop. Davey tries a big kick and gets slapped in the face. Spin kick to the gut, running roundhouse by Davey and then a lightning fast snap suplex. Cycling Crab by Davey after playing to the crowd. Roddy makes the mistake of trying to fight from his back and Davey headbutts him down. Big body slam by Richards and he locks in the Trailer Hitch. He doesn’t have it properly and stands up and drops back to wrench the legs, but Roddy gets the ropes. Fans are all over Richards. Backbreaker by Davey and he heads up top but Truth Martini grabs his foot. Step-up enzuigiri by Roderick knocks Davey to the outside. It’s good old fashioned beat-down time from the former champion. Big suplex doesn’t even get one. Roderick throws strikes and Davey spits blood into the air. Yummy. Big arm wrench by Strong and he hooks the ear for a moment. Davey fights back up but gets a kitchen sink knee to the gut. Roddy hooks the arm once more, trying to trap the head, but Richards wriggles his way out, forcing Roddy to turn it into a body scissors. Richards reverses into his version of the surboard. Roddy gets out of it and he kicks Davey in the face. They head back outside and Roddy hotshots Richards on the barricade. Body slam onto the edge of the ring frame! Strong patronises the crowd by clapping and then heads back inside. He lays the boots into Richards as soon as he gets back in the ring, standing on his head. “I have until five!” draws some boos. Davey tries to fight back but spits more blood after a big forearm. Strong works the stomach but then blasts Davey in the face again. Strong may not be champion anymore, but he still has the presence of one, playing to the crowd as he beats Davey down, cutting off another comeback attempt with more striking. Backbreaker. Back suplex gets two. Roddy locks in a front headlock but finds himself backed into the corner where the referee breaks the hold. Chop by Roddy, spin kick by Davey. Roddy ends up on the apron and gets hit with an enzuigiri. Davey hops over the top rope and runs the apron and kicks Roderick in the chest after missing the first attempt. He jumps back into the ring, sprints off the ropes and hits a huge suicide dive, wiping Roddy out against the guard rail. Davey howls and then hits a missile dropkick back in the ring. Big boot by Davey and then they start trading forearms. Roddy rocks Davey but he fires back with the Damage Reflex (handspring enzuigiri). German suplex gets blocked, as does half nelson backbreaker into a crucifix by Davey but Roddy kicks out. Big kicks by both men and then a german suplex for two by Davey. Ankle Lock! Why not? Roddy counters into the LaBell Lock to the boos of the fans. Roll-up by Davey gets two. Rolling elbow by Strong. He charges in the corner and then hits a sideslam back suplex. for two. He takes Davey to the top rope and keeps him there with a jumping enzugiri. Super backbreaker!!! Ouch. Davey kicks out but finds himself in the Strong Hold. Ropes. Roddy is looking comfortable at this point, firing away with chops in the corner. Davey’s still alive, firing back with multiple kicks. They continue to swap positions this way with Roddy eventually flooring Davey with a ridiculous number of chops. Davey eventually fires back with multiple kicks, flooring Roddy. Davey runs into a kick in the corner, but he catches Strong coming with the Alarm Clock. Roddy’s rope-assisted enzuigiri misses, spin kick does not! Spinning roundhouse to the head! Jumping knee strike obliterates Davey’s jaw. Both men are down. They trade strikes on the apron and Roddy gets the better of it again, putting Davey on the top rope looking to suplex him to the floor. Davey clings on for dear life, but ends up getting suplexed down on the ring frame. Damn. Davey nearly gets back into the ring at 11 but Roddy murders him with a superkick to restart the count. Richards gets back in at about 15 and does the whole “come on mother****er” but ends up getting Sick Kicked into next week. Gutbuster! Only two. Roddy goes for a Gibson Driver but Davey counters and looks for an ankle lock. Roddy pushes him off and charges in the corner. Todd Sinclair gets caught up in the corner as Davey fires back and hits Roddy. Big spinning lariat by Davey gets two. More slaps and another spin kick by Davey and then a roundhouse to the head! Roddy spits in his face! More head kicks! Ankle Lock! Truth Martini got on the apron and Davey takes him out. Enzuigiri by Roddy! Orange Crush Backbraker!!! Kick out! Superkick! Gibson Driver! Strong Hold!!! Davey counters into the Ankle Lock again and Truth gets into the ring this time. Davey takes him down. Sick Kick avoided! Ankle Lock! Roddy desperately crawls and gets the ropes but Davey won’t let go! Roddy is on the apron now and both men head up top… superplex by Richards! He held on! Falcon Arrow! He’s done the dea… Ankle Lock! Grapevined! Tap-Out!

Winner: Davey Richards via Submission (Ankle Lock)


Roddy leaves slowly, Davey leaves even slower. Dave Prazak has decided to take over announcing duties (unless that was him all night, which I don’t think it was), getting into the ring to announce the tag title match is next. Bold decision, possibly telling.


ROH World Tag Team Title Match

The Kings of Wrestling vs. Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin


Formal in-ring introductions, naturally. Hagadorn made it to Atlanta unfortunately. Both teams are wearing blue. Good thing they look nothing alike. Haas and Benjamin look cocky straight away. Claudio and Shelton are going to start. Shelton gets the better of Claudio and stares a hole in him as he cowers away. I’m already annoyed. Shoulder tackle by Shelton and Claudio scrambles to the corner and tags Hero, who hops in and poses for the fans. Hero takes Shelton to the mat and regrets it as Benjamin rolls him around the mat at will. Hero forces a break and rolls away. Test of strength is turned into a nice take down by Hero and Shelton rolls back. More mat work and Shelton of course wins. Slap to the face by Benjamin and Hero fires back. Another slap. All three were weak. Punch by Hero, two rights by Shelton. Haas tags in and beats Hero down further in the corner. Belly to belly overhead suplex launches Hero way up overhead. Armbar by Haas and Hero is in trouble. Hero escapes and uses strikes but Haas no-sells it for some reason. Hero goes to the eyes. Haas blocks a hip toss and uses a pair of arm drags and goes back to the arm on the mat. Hero shoves him free and tags Claudio but he walks right into a take-down and Haas works the knee, taking his knee-pad down. Shelton tags in and hits a knee-DT. Benjamin kicks the leg out from under Claudio as he tries to walk it off. Big body slam by Shelton and he holds Claudio’s leg across the bottom rope, letting Haas slingshot over the top and sit down on it. Hero can’t help and WGTT are working the knee over even more. Claudio fires back with a European uppercut, but Benjamin gets a school boy and then a half crab. Hero kicks him in the face and throws some elbows and chops at Haas but he reverses a whip and WGTT hit a double back elbow. Double back body drop to Claudio. The Kings are not looking good. They strike their way back into it but fail to whip Haas and Benjamin into each other and end up getting german suplexed at the same time. Double two count. The Kings regroup on the outside. Guillotine by Claudio to Benjamin and then some European uppercuts. Benjamin tries to fight back but Hero elbows him from the apron and tags in. Methodical stomps as Hero tells the fans to stop cheering him. Benjamin on the apron and Del Rey grabs his foot. Claudio gets taken out by Benjamin but Hero kicks him off the apron and then does some big-boy stomps. Benjamin rolls back in and gets dropkicked in the face. Tag to Claudio and a big European uppercut gets two. Elbow drop and now a stretch plum of sorts. Benjamin fights back temporarily but misses a Stinger Splash. Chokeslam is countered into a roll-up and a near-fall. Chokeslam! Only two. Hero back in now and he’s yelling. Hammerlock backbreaker gets two again. Armbar. Shelton nearly gets out of it but Claudio drops an elbow and tags in. Military press hotshot onto the top rope by Claudio. Modified sleeper hold now. Hero taunts Haas and tags in. Leapfrog by Claudio and Hero greets Shelton on the other side with a kick to the face for two. Hero seems fairly content to stomp and taunt. Shelton finally catches his foot and fires back with right hands. Hero stops it and hits a jumping elbow to the corner. He tries a top rope springboard moonsault but sails over Shelton. Rolling elbow countered, Dragon Whip! Shelton dives and tags Haas. Clotheslines galore! Spinning headscissors to Claudio! Exploder suplex to Hero! Powerslam to Hero, but Claudio breaks up the pin. He helps Hero up and their double-team backfires. Flying hurricanrana from the second by Haas. He ducks a rolling elbow and Shelton demolishes his face with a superkick. Haas has both the Kings up on the top rope and Shelton leap-frogs him and hits the axe-handle smash. Rolling Elbow by Hero. Double bicycle kick to Haas! Hero kicks Shelton to the outside but Haas kicks out. Giant Swing! Make that a King Swing! Benjamin breaks it up. Claudio lifts him up for a suplex, Hero drops him down and goes for the big elbow but Shelton ducks. Exploder to Hero. Huge swinging DDT to Claudio gets two. Haas tries to follow up but eats Swiss Death! Ricola Bomb countered into an Angle Slam! Angle taunt too. Haas of Pain! Sara has the referee distracted. Hero has the lucky elbow pad up top, Shelton runs up top, superplexes him down, Claudio taps. New champions.

Winners and New Champions: Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin via Submission (Haas of Pain)


I really love Eddie Edwards, but he’s got so much pressure to perform now in the main event after two huge matches and a title change.


ROH World Title Match

Christopher Daniels vs. Eddie Edwards


Not a lot has been made of this being champion vs. champion, but I guess there’s only been two weeks to build it and no TV to do it on. Eddie Edwards has new music, and new tights. Good for him, though I miss that wolf howl. Edwards is very over. Arm drag by Eddie to start things off. Arm work believe it or not. Daniels trips Eddie and works the arm himself. Eddie counters into a hammerlock but Daniels makes it to his feet and just about escapes for more arm work. Eddie tries and fails to roll free twice, Daniels staying one step ahead of him, turning the third attempt into a pin. Daniels uses the pin he defeated Edwards with in Chicago. Chop by Eddie, forearm by Daniels, slap by Eddie and they stand and look at each other for a while. Begrudging respect. Daniels beats Eddie down in the corner and chokes him a little, peppering him with forearms and boots. Eddie uses his speed and hits a hurricanrana and then an arm drag to take control. Edwards’ turn to beat Daniels down in the corner now. Fun fact: Eddie chops pretty hard. A second hurricanrana fails and Daniels turns it into an Achilles Lock! Ropes. Eddie rolls to the outside and avoids a baseball slide. Hip toss into the barricade by Edwards!!! Yikes. Chops and the like by Edwards around the ringside area. Back suplex back in the ring gets two. He puts Daniels up top but fails to get a back superplex, so hops onto the apron and hits an enzuigiri to drop Daniels down into a tree of woe. He rolls to the floor and hits a running dropkick to the side of the head! Two count. Rest hold. Daniels fights back but gets belly to belly suplexed for two. Eddie tries a suplex but Daniels lands on his feet and hits a running snapmare driver into the turnbuckle. Blue Thunder Bomb and now both men are down. Clotheslines and back elbows by Daniels and a nice STO. He charges in the corner but meets a foot and then a diving codebreaker! Sit-out F-5! only two. Daniels knocks Eddie down with an enzuigiri and then looks for a uranage but it’s countered. Daniels sits up top but gets hit with a step-up enzuigiri. Eddie on the apron now and he’s looking for the Backpack Stunner on the apron… Daniels escapes. Uranage through a table by Daniels!!!!! Long count by Todd Sinclair but Daniels decides to break it and sets up two chairs and body slams Eddie through them both. Referee gives him a warning. Fans chant bad things about Daniels’ other employers so he decides to show them the ROH world title. I’d think that would only incite them further but hey. Not one body slam, not two body slams, but three body slams back in the ring by Daniels. Two count. Daniels continues to work the back. Daniels heeling it up a bit if you weren’t getting that by the way. Suplex gets two. Rest hold. A few chops by Eddie are cut short by a spinebuster from Daniels. Superplex! Only two. Crowd are split, maybe ever so slightly in favor of Edwards. Daniels goes for another superplex but Eddie knocks him down and hits a big missile dropkick. Running big boots from Eddie and he tries to fix his back. O’Connor Roll by Daniels, kick out. Many fancy pins from both men. Daniels gets tossed to the outside and Eddie hits a suicide dive! Eddie heads back up top and hits a big flying crossbody for a near fall. More hard chops from the champion, Kenta Kobashi style! Tiger Suplex! Two count. Not even a hint of a finisher yet and this has been their best match so far in my opinion. Traditional enzuigiri to Daniels, and then a back suplex into a facebuster for two. Eddie goes for a double stomp off the top but misses and rolls through. Daniels locks in the Koji Clutch with Eddie still on his feet and the champion drops to the mat! He reaches out for the rope but Daniels blocks him with his foot. Edwards repositions and gets his leg on the rope instead. Nice. Back to the top rope now and Daniels hits a super sidewalk slam! Another two count. Jawbreaker by Daniels, enzuigiri blocked (finally), Achilles Lock! Daniels counters into the Koji Clutch but Eddie turns it into a pin for two. They trade forearms. Daniels hits rapid fire palm strikes. Superkick blocked, enzuigiri. Saito suplex! Lariat by Eddie! 2K1 Bomb! Only two. Eddie goes for a top rope move but Daniels looks for a Super Angel’s Wings. Eddie backdrops him off the top. Double stomp! Running kick to the chest! Daniels nails the Angel’s Wings out of nowhere! Eddie kicks out! Daniels does his best heel face, hits a uranage and then the Best. Moonsault. Ever! Eddie kicks out again!!! Daniels throws some right hands and gets in Sinclair’s face. He tries the BME again but Eddie gets his feet up! Achilles Lock!!! He stomps on Daniels’ head a few times, but Daniels rolls around and kicks his way free. Daniels hits more rapid palm strikes and puts Eddie up top and teases a super uranage. Edwards counters…. SUPER 2K1 BOMB!!! Daniels is dead. Standard 2K1 Bomb! 3 count!

Winner & Still Champion: Eddie Edwards via Pin-Fall (2K1 Bomb)


Eddie celebrates with the belt as Daniels struggles back to his feet and slowly turns to look the champion in the eye. Eddie offers a handshake and Daniels just stares a hole through him. Crowd chant for the handshake but it still isn’t happening. Daniels walks away. Shouldn’t be too surprised, he became the company’s first heel by doing this 9 years ago. Daniels takes his TV Title to the back as Eddie gets on the mic and says he enjoyed the match. He thanks the fans and asks us to look forward to tomorrow.


OK everyone, join me again tomorrow TWICE when we do this again for ROH and DGUSA. Head over to our UStream page now for a live review of this show!

3 thoughts on “Honor Takes Center Stage iPPV – LIVE Coverage!”
  1. El Generico’s tornado DDT through the ropes is called the Torpedo DDT, I think.

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