-Not gonna lie. I looked at the match listings for this disk and considered just plain skipping it. There appear to be some okay matches but nothing that would fall under the banner of “Best of.” Let’s get down to business.

-Unified Tag Team Championship: Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von w/Stacy Keibler) (WCW Tag Team Champions) vs. Hardy Boyz (WWE Tag Team Champions) (11.18.2001)

 Match in Five Words or Less: Jeff Hardy Is Dumb

 Match Summary/Analysis: WCW was dead at this point, but WWE still saw the need to bring the championships into WWE for the invasion. If you’re wondering why two WWE teams are battling to unify different companies’ championships, then you’ll understand why the Invasion was a miserable failure. In this no DQ unification match, the match starts… like a regular tag match. Why? No idea. These two teams wrestled a million times, but unless Edge and Christian or ladders were involved, they weren’t anything to run out and see. After observing tag team rules for a few minutes, the Hardy’s just decide to climb out of the ring, but both get taken down by Bubba and D-Von. Jeff Hardy tries escaping the cage despite the fact that he’d leave his partner in the cage alone. And people are surprised they show videos of them tazering Reby Sky. Dudleys control the match, and there isn’t any illusion of this being a tag match. Dudleys take turns missing splashes. Double clothesline by Matt off the second rope. He valiantly fights off Bubba and D-Von by himself until Jeff recovers. Double team off the ropes only gets two. Matt goes to climb out of the cage  and he ends up upside down. Serves him right. Bubba calls for Stacy to get the tables. Stacy gets the key to the cage door from Nick Patrick (notable that he’s a WCW official. Hardys escape the fate of the table. Matt sends Bubba back in the cage before leaping to the floor. Jeff Hardy almost gets out of the cage but he instead tries to put D-Von through a table and promptly gets pinned. Those Hardy brothers? Not too bright. This was a decent little match, but the Hardys came off really dumb multiple times in this match.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: NEW Unified Tag Team Champions- The Dudley Boyz/15:50/***

-Edge vs. Chris Jericho (07.25.2002)

 Match in Five Words or Less: That’s A Lot of Hair

 Match Summary/Analysis: It’s incredible how few matches these guys actually had while being in WWE together. The match apparently started during a commercial break since we apparently HAD to see both men’s full entrances. Edge gets right down to business on Jericho. Jericho responds by trying to escape. Jericho gets tied up in the ropes and gets speared. Out of the ropes and Edge meets the cage. Jericho tosses Edge about the ring into the steel. He maintains control as Edge bleeds. Jericho charges… and promptly gets sent into the cage himself. OH THE IRONY! Pace picks up as Edge makes his comeback. Dropkick misses. Lionsault met with knees to the gut. Reverse facebuster for two. Edge starts climbing. Gordbuster off the top by Edge as Jericho caught him climbing. Two count. Edgecution attempt into a Walls of Jericho. Slingshot into the cage as Edge counters out. Jericho tries going out the door. Jericho grabs a chair and nails Edge in the face. There’s something you won’t see anymore. Pair of covers only get two. Jericho grabs the chair again. SPEAR! 1-2-NO! You know it’s a great match because Tazz calls it a rocketbuster. Edge climbs again. Bulldog off the top rope by Jericho. Now Jericho begins climbing. Edge barely catches him. Electric chair OFF THE TOP! Both men are down. Edge climbs out as Jericho tries heading out the door. Edge is quite a bit faster, so he gets the win. Test, Lance Storm, and Christian beat up Edge after the match and sends him into the cage.  ROOKIE JOHN CENA tries to make the save. Rey Mysterio with a splash OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE. Babyfaces make a comeback and clean house. A very underrated cage match with an interesting post-match segment.

 Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Edge/13:14/***3/4

-Chris Jericho vs. Christian (w/Trish Stratus and Tyson Tomko) (05.10.2004)

Match in Five Words or Less: Trish Stratus Is Not A Flower

 Match Summary/Analysis: Jericho and Christian had been feuding over a couple months after having a very successful partnership. And wouldn’t you know it? A woman came between them. In this case Trish Stratus. Jericho attacks Christian as he tries to come in the cage. Walls of Jericho attempt early. Jericho nearly gets out completely. Christian is taken down and guillotined on the top rope. Back and forth in the corner with strikes. Kick by Christian and a backbreaker. Both men battle toward the top of the cage. Christian has an ugly meeting with the top rope. Jericho tries to leave, but Tomko threatens him with a chair. Jericho crossbodies Christian from the top. Jericho tries going out the door, but Tomko grabs the door. Referee finally tosses him. Christian grabs Jericho’s foot. Jericho with a charge but he gets backdropped into the side of the cage. Christian goes shoulder first into the cage on a charge of his own. Christian starts bleeding. Bulldog gets a long two count. Trish climbs the cage. Christian sends Jericho over the top into the steel. Unprettier (now known as Kill Switch) gets 1-2-NO! Double arm suplex by Jericho from the top rope. Trish brings a chair into the ring. Jericho puts her in the Walls of Jericho. Christian climbs up and over. Jericho reaches him and pulls him back. Spinebuster (sort of) into the Walls of Jericho. Christian reaches the ropes and tries crawling out of the door. Jericho pulls him in the ring. Christian has no choice but to tap. Too much interference for my liking but a fun contest nonetheless.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Chris Jericho/11:40/***

-Randy Orton vs. `Nature Boy’ Ric Flair (10.19.2004)

Match in Five Words or Less: Flair Takes A Beating

Match Summary/Analysis: WWE tried running a Pay-Per-View on Tuesday to avoid Sunday night football. That failed. They tried moving it to Sunday and keeping the voting aspect of the show. That failed. They tried moving it to free television and couldn’t get the voting right. Internet voting and WWE just don’t get along. This was during Orton’s inexplicable first babyface run when he was being set up for the WWE title at Wrestlemania 21. Needless to say John Cena and Batista would have a lot to say about that. The purpose of this match was for Flair to put over Orton big time before Orton was expected to beat Triple H for the heavyweight title. Flair lays in some shots and sends Orton into the cage. One of the few times the babyface has started bleeding first in these cage matches. Vicious chops and strikes by the veteran. Chops in the corner no sold. Uh oh. Orton sends Flair face first into the cage. And here’s a shocker. Flair bleeds. I know you all might need some time to calm down and reflect on this dramatic development. Please take a moment and breathe. Orton rams Flair’s head into the beams and crotches himself on the top. Punches and kicks to the face in the corner. Flair nails Orton with yet another low blow. Series of hard fists by Orton. Flair’s head raked along the cage. Orton slams Flair off the top and climbs up top. Very awkward crossbody gets two. I don’t think Orton ever tried that again. Inverted backbreaker for two.  Flair goes into his tights for a foreign object. Punch to the face. 1-2-NO! Flair unsuccessfully goes out the door, but he tries a chair instead. RKO! 1-2-3! This felt more like a television main event as opposed to one you’d see on WWE PPV. Still a solid match between these two. Flair took a beating and sold like champ in order to get Orton over. They shake hands afterward. Orton even hugs Flair.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Randy Orton/9:37/***1/4

-Matt Hardy vs. Edge (09.18.2005)

Match in Five Words or Less: 15 Minutes Of Fame Over

Match Summary/Analysis: WWE had something with Matt Hardy for about five minutes back in 2005 as a real life situation became one of the biggest storylines that year. It broke up Edge’s marriage in real life (to the point where she accused Edge of steroid use in a rather infamous Wrestling Observer article) and Matt Hardy told fans to find him in Ring of Honor. Hardy went nowhere despite being over, and Edge turned into a main event guy once and for all shortly after this feud ended. At least it makes sense for this match to happen in a cage. For a match that should have been so heated and a bloody brawl, this has to be a disappointment. Both guys try to escape the cage early on. There are holds applied. I guess they pretty much killed the feud at Summerslam when Edge beat Hardy into a bloody pulp. But still. Twist of Fate not only blocked but Edge sends him hard into the cage. Both men end up on top of the cage. Side effect blocked. Edge sends Hardy’s head into the beam. Missile dropkick nearly whiffs. Series of back suplexes. Edge maintains the advantage. Powerbomb into the cage followed up by a bucklebomb. Kick to the head. Nothing better than booking a revenge feud where the guy seeking revenge can’t get any offense in. Hardy tries escaping. Edge powerbombs Hardy from the top rope. Hardy drops Edge on the top turnbuckle. Spear dodged. Side effect for two. Edge goes for the door. Lita hands her man the briefcase. Shot misses. Hardy with right hands. Ties Edge up in the ropes. Vicious right hands and the crowd goes crazy. Takedown into a slingshot. Bulldog on the briefcase. Edge sent into every side as Lita tries climbing in. She’s sent back down. Edge is bleeding. Series of kicks to Edge’s head. Edge sends the referee into the rope as Hardy was about to end the match with a briefcase shot. Spear by Edge. Side effect off the top rope. Lita tries bringing a chair in the ring. Hardy goes for a cover, but the count is broken by Lita. Edge goes for the door. Lita tries to use the briefcase. Twist of Fate by Hardy. Spear by Edge. 1-2-NO! Edge’s head sent into the beam. Matt Hardy teases climbing out but decides to stay in for whatever reason. Leg drop from the top of the cage! 1-2-3! First half of this match was not good at all, but the second half was chaotic in a good way and seemed to finally match the intensity of the feud. As the next match on this collection shows, we know who ultimately won the rivalry though.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Matt Hardy/21:25/***1/2

-WWE Championship: John Cena (champion) vs. Edge (w/Lita) (10.02.2006)

Match in Five Words or Less: These Two Again

Match Summary/Analysis: See everyone. Edge wasn’t that hurt by losing the match at Unforgiven. He had already cashed in Money in the Bank and held the title by this point. Plus, the ratings went up so dramatically that these two had a summer long feud, This was the final match between the two for a significant amount of time. Edge works on Cena’s injured arm early on. Cena attempts a comeback, but Edgecution nearly gets three. Edge grabs an armbar.Cena tries to climb despite his injured left arm. Edge sends Cena’s arm hard into the top rope. Spear into the cage. Battle on the top of the cage. Cena drives Edge down hard with a bulldog. Belly-to-belly suplex out of a chinlock by the champion. Edge tries going out the door. Cena drags him back in. Unfortunately, he gets tossed into the cage. Edge nearly climbs up and over. Fist battle on the beams. Cena crotches Edge on the top rope. Cena comeback. Five knuckle shuffle. FU but Edge sends the champion into the cage. Series of counters but Edge rams the back of Cena’s head into the mat. Lita hands Edge a chair. Referee tosses her. Edge goes for a move off the second rope, but the referee is taken out. Edge grabs the chair and misses. Cena nails Edge in the head and applies the STFU. The second referee can’t seem to get in the ring. Lance Cade and Trevoe Murdoch come in the ring in an angle I’ve completely forgotten about. Double team on Cena. They get Edge up as the crowd chants for D-X. Here comes Hunter and Shawn to save the day. Michaels superkicks Murdoch into the door into Edge’s head. That was a cute spot. Cena FU! 1-2-3! Cena retains. Solid match between two guys who have incredible chemistry together. Little too much gaga in the end but still another good match on this disk.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: STILL WWE Champion- John Cena/14:16 (shown)/***1/2

-World Heavyweight Championship Batista (champion) vs. Chris Jericho (11.03.2008)

Match in Five Words or Less: What’s the Point?

Match Summary/Analysis: Batista just won the title eight days before, and this was the 800th episode of Raw. Even more important than this match was the resignation of Mike Adamle. What an 11 months he had.  This Raw also took place the night before the election in 2008. Not exactly a great match since there wasn’t exactly a rivalry and these two didn’t have the best chemistry. Batista nearly loses the belt after kicking Jericho away and out of the door. Batista sells an injured knee throughout the contest, and it notable affects him throughout. Codebreaker attempt. Batista rams the challenger into the cage. Jericho dodges a spear attempt. Batista into the cage now. Jericho climbs over the cage. Creative move by Batista as he simply grabs Jericho in the doorway. Spinebuster back in the ring. Powerbomb but Jericho begins climbing over. Jericho sent down. Batista crotched on the top rope. Jericho again going over the top. Batista sets him up for a powerbomb from the top rope. Jericho pulls something off the cable that keeps the cage together. He nails Batista on the head. Jericho climbs over the top rope and gets to the floor to become the new world champion. Not exactly a classic and I don’t understand why they even bothered changing the title for an eight day title reign.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: NEW World Heavyweight Champion- Chris Jericho/10:56/**

-World Heavyweight Championship: CM Punk (champion) vs. Jeff Hardy (08.28.2009)

Match in Five Words or Less: Good Night, Good Riddanc

Match Summary/Analysis: Punk attacks Hardy even before the bell rings because he’s a jerk. Punk slingshots Hardy into the cage. And hey, the loser of this match is done with WWE. Guess that pretty much gives the result away. But in all seriousness, this is one of my favorite free television cage matches of all time. One reason is because Punk is involved. The second is Hardy left WWE and will likely never be seen again based on his own stupidity and poor choices. I will give him big props for putting Punk over in this contest about as clean as one can. Punk maintains the offensive advantage early on. Atomic drop by Hardy. Whisper in the wind. Hardy almost escapes the cage after a commercial break. Crossbody for two. Punk drags Hardy into the ring. Slingshot but Hardy climbs to the top. Battle on the top of the cage. Punk crotches on the top rope. Hardy hits a swanton bomb. 1-2-NO! Both men go for the escape. Punk notices Hardy is about to leave, so he pulls him back in. Kick by Hardy. Punk goes for the door after another commercial. Punk screams that he’s out as Hardy gets him back in. Fist exchange won by Hardy. Backslide by Punk gets a long two count. Colt 45 gets another two count. Twist of Fate by Hardy. He can’t seem to climb the cage. Hardy punches Punk and once again almost escapes. He dangles. Punk pulls him back in and hits a superplex off the cage. Sweet American Jesus.  Punk then gets himself over. Hardy tries to stop him, but a A POKE TO THE EYE sends Hardy down. The irony is that’s how the feud between these two really kicked off, when Punk claimed an eye injury during a PPV match a couple months prior. Punk climbs down and retains the title. A major moment in Smackdown history. Punk should have become a main eventer once and for all but a feud with Undertaker ruined those hopes.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: World Heavyweight Champion-CM Punk/13:01 (shown)/***1/2

 The Verdict: Not the best collection of all time but if you can find this for 20 bucks, I’d say most of the matches are worth checking out. A minor thumbs up.


3 thoughts on “WWE Best Cage Matches of All Time Disk 3 Review”
  1. I have always enjoyed watching the Edge/Jericho match from Smackdown. The Mysterio/Cena rescue is fun to look back on. Aside from that, Edge and Jericho have always had some consistently stellar matches.

    Personally, I would have switched out the Jericho/Batista match for the Undertaker/Batista match. I liked that one a little more. They probably thought there was too many Free (Smackdown) matches.

  2. ***1/2 to Hardy/Edge and Jeff/Punk?, unbelievable thinking they were on the top of the each years list. So crazy to not rate over the four stars.

  3. I don’t think you gave Punk vs Hardy enough credit. That being the culmination of the feud was amazing. Punk taking out Hardy’s eye early in the feud, then for it all to end with Punk poking him in the eye and escaping the cage was a brilliant way to end it. This was one of the best matches of 2009 in my opinion. You can even listen to our Best of 2009 podcast and it’s cemented on their.

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