MAY 15TH, 2011

Oberhausen, Germany


MATCH 1: Axeman (WXW) vs. Satoshi Kajiwara (Kensuke Office)

Kajiwara declines a handshake to start. Politely. Axeman backs up Kajiwara and gives a clean break. Kajiwara then does the same and tries a cheap shot, but Axeman ducks and warns him off. Exchange of wristlocks. Feeling out process. Kajiwara hangs on doggedly to a headlock. Axeman finally shoves him off and on the third try, Kajiwara eventually scores with a shoulder tackle. One foot leg lariat from Axeman. Kick to the back and a kneedrop gets 2. Kajiwara gets feet up on a corner charge. Running hurricanrana, followed with a dropkick. Sliding kick from Kajiwara for 2. Forearm exchange. First of the night. Probably not the last. Kajiwara takes out the knee with a low dropkick and goes to work. Kajiwara delivers a couple of chops in the corner. Whip, but Axeman evades and hits a running forearm, followed with a dropkick for 2. Axeman ducks early and pays with a neckbreaker. Axeman avoids a lariat and answers with a kick combo. German suplex, but only 2. Kajiwara fights out of a powerbomb. Axeman kicks out his shin though. Kawada kicks, then a sliding dropkick for 2. Off comes the elbow pad. Kajiwara blocks the forearm though and hits a tornado DDT. Up top, big missile dropkick, nearfall. Kajiwara slams Axeman and calls for a moonsault. Axeman cuts him off and powerbombs him. Kajiwara kicks out, but Axeman hangs on and lifts him right back up, into a DVD for the pin. Simple opener, not a lot to it.

Winner via pinfall (9:13): Axeman (*1/2)

MATCH 2: Zack Sabre Jr. (WXW) vs. Taiji Ishimori (NOAH)

These two were set to team in NOAH’s July Junior Tag League before Ishimori got injured. So maybe they made friends here. We get a handshake this time. Hold for hold they’re fairly even. Pace picks up and Taiji sends Zack outside. Ishimori fakes a dive, then dropkicks Zack through the ropes and skins the cat back in, then back out with the pescado. Crowd are split. Zack with some British style escapology, into a cross armbreaker and Taiji gets the rope. Breaks Special and Zack is targeting the arm. Fujiwara armbar causes Taiji to go to the ropes again. A dreaded PWG miscellaneous 3 in 1 submission! Taiji escapes a Breaks Special into a sunset flip for 2. Taiji up and over in the corner. Springboard dropkick. REDNECK KUNG FU from Taiji (!) and a handspring into a kick for 2. Running knees in the corner. Taiji puts Zack in place and double stomps him off the bottom rope. Ouch. Only 2. Forearm exchange. Zack kicks the arm to break the chain. Taiji tries a springboard off the middle but Zack kicks out his leg. Standing switches. Zack does a Chaos Theory roll into a Dragon Suplex for 2. Liger bomb gets another 2. Zack kicks the arm again, but runs into a nice looking DVD. Only 2. Superkick by Taiji, followed with an inverted powerbomb lungblower. 450… into the KNEES. Zack takes Ishimori down for a cross armbreaker. Taiji stacks him in a pin but Zack kicks out and hangs onto the hold! Taiji gets his foot on the ropes again. Backslide into a jacknife for 2. Exchange of cradles. Taiji eventually stacks Zack up for another two. Superkick by Ishimori. Answered with a roundhouse from Zack! Taiji counters a roll up by sitting down, but Zack rolls him through and manages to get the 3 count. It looked like Taiji kicked out, or was kicking out at least. Crowd seemed to think so. So did I. Nobody seemed angry about it and it wasn’t a blown call, but everyone took a couple of seconds to register that, yes, the match was over. As a result, the finish came off a little anti-climactic. That aside, this was a really good little match. The chain wrestling looked crisp and they meshed really well. And, yes, they did make friends afterwards. Maybe they’ll get to team down the line.

Winner via pinfall (9:50): Zack Sabre Jr. (***1/4)

MATCH 3: Big Van Walter (WXW/THE MIND) vs. Shuhei Taniguchi (NOAH)

Walter has Adam Polak (the leader of The Mind stable) with him. Polak cuts a promo before the match. Crowd want him to shut the f up. He calls them “buffoons”. Taniguchi asks for translation. Polak explains that Walter went to Japan to get the WXW Unified Title back from Daisuke Sekimoto and tonight he’d beat another Japanese man to defend it. Walter doesn’t seem happy about Polak making it a title match, but Polak promises he’ll thank him later.

Walter overpowers Taniguchi and gives a clean break. Taniguchi with a waistlock and they exchange holds, a bit surprisingly. Taniguchi tries a shoulder tackle and nobody moves. Again, same deal. Third time, Walter comes back and knocks Shuhei down. Forearm exchange. Big boot from Taniguchi. And another. Off the ropes a dropkick finally puts Walter down. Walter goes outside to regroup. Test of strength. Walter forces Shuhei down. Shuhei breaks out and whips Walter to the corner. Big running elbow. Cover for 2. Camel clutch from Taniguchi. Walter gets to his feet with Taniguchi on his back, rams him into the corner. More forearms exchanged. This is a NOAH show alright. Taniguchi rocks Walter with a boot! Bodyslam attempt, but Walter is too big. Taniguchi keeps trying and eventually gets squashed. 2 count for Walter. Walter dares Taniguchi on. Forearms. Walter with the boot this time and Taniguchi may be KOed. Only 2 though. Bodyslam from Walter. Big man elbow drop for 2. Walter with chops. Taniguchi answers them with forearms. Chop knocks Taniguchi down. Vertical suplex and a big splash gets 2. Chinlock. Taniguchi fights out. Off the ropes, but runs into a shoulder. Walter whips him to the corner. Avalanche. Release underhook powerbomb gets 2. Taniguchi blocks a powerbomb and backdrops the big man. Taniguchi avoids a charge and hits a suplex! Yakuza in the corner. Sets up another, but Walter CUTS HIM OFF WITH A JOHN WOO DROPKICK! Was not expecting that. “Holy Shit” chant and a 2 count. Crowd realise who they’re chanting for and cleanse their souls with a “You Still Suck” chant. Spinebuster from Taniguchi for 2. DEADLIFT by Taniguchi into a waistlock takedown. That took some strength. Walter fights off a waistlock. Lariat is blocked with a boot, but Walter hits the lariat standing. 2 count. Slam and Walter heads to the top, for our first “Shooting Star” chant of the night. BIG Splash from Walter, but Taniguchi kicks out! Lariat is ducked. German suplex from Shuhei, only 2! Sleeper. Walter counters with a back suplex. Big boot by Taniguchi. Walter shrugs it off and hits a Lariat. Only a 1 count! More forearms. Taniguchi dishes out some slaps. Off the ropes but Walter hits another clothesline for 2. Folding powerbomb and Walter retains. I’ll be honest, I saw the match time before I started and was not giddy for 12 minutes of Walter. But this was perfectly fine. For two big guys exchanging bombs, it lacked a little fire, which has been Taniguchi’s weakness. For who was involved, no complaints.

Winner via pinfall (11:52): Big Van Walter (**1/4)

MATCH 4: Karsten Beck, Tommy End and Adam Polak (THE MIND) vs. Emil Sitoci, Johnny Moss and 2-Face (WXW)

Emil’s jacket is pretty sweet. Emil tells the crowd his birthday is in two days and the party was going to start tonight. Yay! He makes a deal with the crowd, the louder they cheer, the tighter he’ll wrap his hands around Polak’s neck.

“Die Tommy Die” chants already. 2-Face attacks Beck before the match and takes him out with a pescado. But someone (forgive my ignorance) hits him with a chair! SCARY dive from Sitoci! He almost ended up like Lita on that one episode of Raw. Not cool. Polak out and End moonsaults onto the pile. Moss follows with a flip dive. Not sure the match has even started yet. Oh wait, there’s the bell. Moss whips End in and hits a clothesline. Reversal by End and Beck grabs the leg. Dropkick by End for 2. Tag to Polak. The Mind attack Moss in the corner. 2-Face is carried out after the chair shot. Three on two at the moment. End back in and Moss tries to fight back. Overhead belly to belly. End cuts off the tag though. Polak tagged in. Whip to the corner. Moss gets a boot up. Missile dropkick from the second rope. Tags, End and Emil in. Emil cleans house on End and Beck. Gutbuster on End. Legsweep and a split legged moonsault on Beck for 2. Chin breaker sends End out. Polak breaks up a pin on Beck and runs away. Cheapshot and Beck rolls up Emil for 2. 2-Face is back in the corner now. Tag to Polak. Polak with some elementary attacks. Beck back in. Back suplex for 2. Hiptoss. Cocky cover gets 2. Polak in again for more stomping. Horse collar and Emil tries a tag but is dragged back. Emil is choked in the corner. Butterfly submission from Beck, into a suplex for 2. Emil tries to fight back. Up and over out of the corner. Springboard crossbody! Tag to 2-Face, who hits a 360 clothesline to Beck. Corner clothesline and a cannonball in the corner. End and Polak gets Germaned by Moss (who is English, I mean the suplexes). Northern lights by Moss, who rolls through and hits a shining wizard. Polak runs from Emil. End gets hit with a kick from Emil and turned inside out by a Moss clothesline. Beck pulls Moss outside to break the pin. Beck hangs up Emil and goes for a clothesline, but Emil hits a snapmare driver. Polak gives Emil a backdrop suplex. Moss tombstones Polak and goes up top. But End crotches him. End tries a suplex on Emil. Emil escapes and goes for the snapmare but gets pushed off. Beck grabs his leg and End hits a brainbuster for 2. 2-Face in but gets a roundhouse kick. Clothesline by Beck. Double stomp off the top by End gets 3. All felt a bit manic. But, at the same time, not terribly exciting.

Winners via pinfall (10:40): Beck, Polak and End (1/2*)

MATCH 5: Ricky Marvin (NOAH) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (Kensuke Office)

Handshake to start. Clean break by Marvin. No clean break from Nakajima. Exchange of chops and, yes, forearms. Nakajima throws the first kick. Marvin tries to fire back but he’s not going to win. Some seriously brutal kicks from Nakajima and the crowd chant “Holy Shit”. Running rana from Marvin. Goes for a dive but Nakajima slides in and cuts him off with a kick. Marvin fires up with a kick combo and sends Nakajima out for a breather. Springboard crossbody to the floor from Ricky! “NOAH” chant. Back in, Nakajima blocks a kick and hits a dragon screw. Marvin reverses a whip. Missed yakuza kick in the corner and Nakajima kicks the knee. Nakajima gets the heat, focusing on the leg. Ricky tries to fight back with forearms. FUCK YOU and a running boot. But Nakajima doesn’t go down and kicks the leg. Marvin tries again, but Nakajima kicks him down again. Third boot connects. Nakajima responds with a legsweep! Ricky catches a spinkick and hands Nakajima’s foot to referee Tas, then hits an enziguri! Tas pleads innocence. Marvin to the top and jumps from one corner, to the middle of the rope, into a dropkick in the other corner! John Woo kick and a cannonball in the corner gets a 2 count. Nakajima counters a powerbomb into a facebuster, Billy Kidman style. Running yakuza in the corner. Facelock suplex and Nakajima goes up top. HUGE missile dropkick! Only 2 though. Ricky tries a kick but Nakajima blocks and elbows the knee. Ricky blocks a kick, but Nakajima hits an enziguri. Swinging DDT for 2. Nakajima dares Ricky up. Series of kicks. Ricky mans up and gets to his feet. Roundhouse ducked and Ricky hits a reverse rana! Ricky up top in one motion. Double knee drop. Kneeling superkick gets 2! “This is awesome” chants”. Marvin tries a moonsault but gets KNEES. Nakajima sets him up for and calls for a brainbuster. Marvin fights out, but Nakajima hits a spinkick and climbs back up. Superplex! Running kick to the chest but Ricky kicks out at 1! Superkick from Nakajima! Sankakugeri! Brainbuster, but only 2! Nakajima hits the ropes, but Marvin hits a clothesline. Headlock, but Nakajima hits a backdrop suplex. Close 2 count! A couple of superkicks from Nakajima, followed by a barrage of kicks and one final running punt to the chest and Nakajima scores the pin. All action match. Best received match of the show so far, easily. Okay, the leg work was quickly forgotten, but if you can get past that then this was an exciting effort.

Winner via pinfall (11:32): Katsuhiko Nakajima (***1/2)

MATCH 6: Bad Bones (WXW) vs. Go Shiozaki (NOAH)

Bad Bones puts on a Happy Birthday hat someone threw into the ring during the intros. Battle for position. Go with a shoulder block and both men hit a chop. A warning chop, maybe. Bad Bones gets a takedown and ends up giving a clean break in the corner. Facelock by Bones. Go struggles out. Shoulder tackles but Bad Bones won’t go down. Bones hits the ropes and takes Go down with the tackle. They bump knuckles in respect. Test of strength. Go wins out, but Bones bites the fingers to gain the advantage. Go backdrops out and chops Bones down. Slam and a kneedrop gets 1 early on. Go with chops. Bones returns fire, but Go knocks him down. Bones blocks a backdrop and hits a DDT for 2. Go out to the apron. Bones clubs him back in and drops an elbow. Chinlock. Go escapes but gets caught and taken back down. Arm stays up on the third drop. Go runs into a shoulder. 2 count. Back to the chinlock. Danielson elbows and another 2 count. Bones applies a crossface. Go gets a foot on the ropes. Headbutts from Bones and another DDT for 2. Bones drops a knee and gets 1 this time. Whip to the corner but Go gets a boot up. He runs into a forearm, but catches Bones with a clothesline. Go whips Bones in. And again. Bones gets a boot up but Go fires back with chops. 10 punches in the corner from Go. Nobody knows how to count to ten in Japanese, sadly. Cobra clutch legsweep gets 2. Go measures Bones. Glancing blow with a rolling elbow by Bones. Russian legsweep. Bones with a springboard legdrop for 2. Go blocks a suplex and uses one of his own, dumping Bones out over the top rope face first! Go delivers his running knee on three sides of the ring. He breaks the count. Tas not impressed. Chops from Go. Bones counters a suplex on the floor and hits one of his own! Both men get back in at 14. Two words. Forearm. Exchange. They trade headbutts. Bones laughs but a chop stops that. Exchange of chops now. Bones catches Go with a superkick. Double down. They clothesline each other. Backfist from Shiozaki, followed with a back suplex. But Bones catches him with an exploder. More clotheslines, then Shiozaki goes for the rolling chop, but Bad Bones blocks and hits a cutter. Only 2. Go avoids a pump kick, but is caught with a superkick and a front kick for 2. German suplex and Go gets dumped. Second german earns a 2 count. Bones runs into the rolling chop. Bones counters a clothesline into a crossface and rolls Go away from the ropes. Go manages to get his foot on the rope. Go blocks and catches Bones with a clothesline. Rolling chop and a close 2 for Go. Bones ducks a lariat. Superkick from Go… superkick from Bones! Brainbuster by Go! Only 2 though. Exchange of chops. Go hits a punch. Standing lariat, followed with the Go Flasher for 3. Definitely picked up at the end. Looked for a while like they were trying not to do too much, but it was probably due to the match length as much as card placement. Not blow away, but solid. Bones thanks Go for the birthday present afterwards.

Winner via pinfall (22:02): Go Shiozaki (**1/2)

MATCH 7: Chris Hero (WXW) vs. KENTA (NOAH)

Hero is beloved in Germany. KENTA in his No Mercy gear, no more yellow and brown. Crowd probably 70/30 for Hero. Mat exchange that Hero gets the better of. Crowd want a knockout. Hero backed into a corner and hit with a kick. And another. Hero fires back with a chop. Forearm by KENTA. Pieface escalates into slaps and shit is on! Hero with a chop. KENTA with a forearm. Exchange of big boots and they go forehead to forehead. Chop from Hero. Kicks from KENTA. Hero catches one and makes KENTA pay with a chop. KENTA blocks a rolling elbow and attacks the legs, before knocking Hero down with a boot. Hero fights a suplex and escapes to hit a boot of his own. Elbows from Hero, european uppercuts from KENTA. Punches from Hero. And a boot to the side of the head finally puts KENTA down. Only a 1 count as Hero delays the pin. Surfboard applied. KENTA tries to turn out but Hero keeps on turnin’ and maintains control. KENTA backs Hero into the ropes and hits two kicks to the stomach. KENTA hangs Hero over the top rope. Double stomp to the back! KENTA with some more kicks earns a 2. Battle ensues and KENTA is on top now. Figure four necklock. Hero makes the ropes. KENTA takes the fight outside with kicks. 70/30 has become 80/20. Hero is whipped to the ropes, but rolls up and over, booting KENTA from the apron. Big boot puts KENTA down. Hero tries to pick KENTA up and gets kicked, so hits a senton instead. Knees to the head. Cravat! VINTAGE Chris Hero. Hero gets a 2 count with the hold. Sliding kick for 2. Hero puts on a submission and tries to rip KENTA’s arm out of the socket to take home with him. That just looks nasty. KENTA bites the fingers to get out. Hero lays KENTA out with a punch and takes out his anger with stomps. Hero talks smack in Japanese as he attack in the corner. Kobashi chops. And a boot. Hero asks if that’s all KENTA has. KENTA reverses a whip and eats an elbow. Powerslam from KENTA though. Crowd chant “Hero” as KENTA makes his comeback. Flying forearm and a suplex. Top rope lariat for 2. KENTA puts on an STF but Hero gets the rope. KENTA dishes out some kicks, including one I’m pretty sure hit Hero in the jaw. Hero escapes a waistlock but misses a rolling elbow. Hero hangs on to prevent a rollup. Elbow! Cravat suplex. Flying elbow in the corner, followed by the release suplex for 2. Hero calls for a piledriver. KENTA escapes, but Hero hits a boot and delivers the piledriver! Only 2. Hero’s Welcome is countered and KENTA hits a kick to the chest. Both men fight to their feet. KENTA with a springboard dropkick, followed by two running yakuza kicks in the corner and a hesitation dropkick! Fisherman’s suplex gets 2. KENTA with a strike combo. Busaiku knee kick for 2. KENTA thinks GTS, but Hero elbows out. Big boot. KENTA blocks a corner charge. Tornado neck snap. KENTA springboards back in, but gets elbowed in mid-air! Hero hits another elbow for 2. Hero with a rolling yakuza kick, for another 2 count! They exchange strikes. KENTA with a kitchen sink. Double stomp off the top. HERO KICKS OUT AT 1 OH SHIT! Hero catches KENTA glancing with a rolling elbow, follows up with Hero’s Welcome for a close 2! Forearm exchange! Hero with chops. KENTA with kicks. Hero goes for a rolling elbow, but gets caught. Go To Sleep, is COUNTERED! Hero catches the leg. Spins KENTA around, ROLLING KO ELBOW! Elbow pad is off! Rolling elbow, COUNTERED WITH A 360 CLOTHESLINE!! That looked awesome. KENTA with a running yakuza in the corner. He runs back for another but Hero follows him with a boot in the corner! Hero then runs back and KENTA follows him with a boot! KENTA runs back, Hero tries to follow. But KENTA is smart to the game and cuts Hero off with a clothesline, turning him inside out! Go To Sleep connects this time! BUT HERO JUST STARES AT KENTA!!! KENTA picks him up and hits a second Go To Sleep and that’s 3! This was a BATTLE. If you like seeing two guys beating each other up in the name of pro wrestling, here’s a match for you. Hero getting the heat on KENTA when he did took a bit of steam out of the match, because this crowd simply weren’t routing for KENTA’s comeback against Hero. I guess you’d say this was more ‘dynamic’ than ‘engrossing’. I loved the finish. Hero absorbed the GTS, with the move being damaged in the end.

Winner via pinfall (22:20): KENTA (****1/4)


Takashi Sugiura (NOAH, CHAMPION) vs. Claudio Castagnoli (WXW)

This was Sugiura’s 14th defence of the GHC Title, taking him past Kenta Kobashi’s record for most defences. Odd that NOAH would have this historic event happen in Germany, but there you go.

Sugiura is sent off and tries a shoulder tackle. Claudio tries one of his own, neither go down. Forearm exchange. Not wasting any time throwing that in. Claudio hits the ropes but is upended with a kitchen sink. Sugiura whips Claudio, but Claudio springs off the second rope with a european uppercut! Stand off. They exchange holds and Claudio grabs a headlock, which he doesn’t intend on letting go of. Sugiura tries to escape but can’t. Eventually Sugiura forces a rope break. Forearms. Sugiura whips Claudio to the corner, but ends up posting himself. Claudio follows Sugiura outside and slingshots him into the ring post! Sugiura ends up nursing his shoulder. Claudio targets the arm for a bit. Sugiura forces another rope break. Hammerlock slam gets 2. Cross armbreaker from Claudio. Sugiura gets a foot on the rope. Can’t remember seeing Claudio use a cross armbreaker before. Another forearm exchange. Claudio wins it and hits a powerslam for 2. Back to the arm. Short arm scissors. Pin for 2. Claudio muscles Sugiura up and drops him across the top rope. 2 count. Trio of elbow drops get 2. Armbar. Sugiura blocks a suplex. Back to the forearm exchange we go. Sugiura runs into a boot, but responds with a spear! Front suplex by Sugiura. Spear in the corner and a throw for a 2. Deadlift throw by Sugiura. Running boot in the corner and a kick to the back. Claudio back up! European uppercuts versus forearms. Back to the exchange. Running boot from Sugiura. And another Claudio asks for more. He catches another boot and counters into a fujiwara armbar! He lets go and gives Sugiura a vertical suplex into an inverted atomic drop, then a european uppercut. 2 count. Sugiura escapes the UFO. Corner european and a pump kick gets 2. Claudio tries a giant swing. But Sugiura slips free and puts on the ankle lock! He drags Claudio from the rope. Claudio gets to the corner and climbs his way up to escape. Rolling kick from Sugiura and a german suplex. Running knee is blocked. Giant swing! 11 rotations enough for Claudio. Big lariat from Claudio. Sugiura out at 1 and up with forearms! Claudio catches him off the ropes. Chokeslam! Only two, but Claudio locks the fujiwara armbar in again. Sugiura makes the ropes as Claudio tries to transition. Claudio tries the UFO, but Sugiura escapes. German suplex by Sugiura! Claudio is right back up and hits a german, RIGHT ON THE HEAD! But Sugiura is right back up with fighting spirit! German by Sugiura. Both hit a clothesline, then Sugiura ducks but runs into the pop up uppercut! Claudio hits the UFO! Only 2 though! HUGE lariat! Only 2 again. Sugiura counters the Ricola Bomb with a hurricanrana! German suplex, INTO THE TURNBUCKLES! Sugiura hits a running knee. Forearms to Claudio in the corner. Referee has to try and step in. But Claudio FIRES UP! Sugiura off the ropes, but Claudio calls him a son of a bitch. Oh, and flips him up into a POWERBOMB! 2 count for Claudio. Claudio goes up top but Sugiura cuts him off. Sugiura goes for a super hurricanrana. But Claudio CATCHES HIM! Claudio sets up for a SUPER Ricola Bomb… but Sugiura counters it into the hurricanrana!! Running boot from Sugiura. Claudio fires back with one of his own! Big boots back and forth. Sugiura sidesteps one and hits a spear! Running knee and a german, followed with a second running knee! Only 2 for Sugiura though! Claudio breaks a dragon suplex. Forearms. Claudio with the uppercuts. Off the ropes, but Sugiura hits a pop up german suplex for a close 2!! Dragon suplex, even closer 2!! Sugiura finally hits the Olympic Slam and gets the win. Another really good match. Not sure how much people really believed Claudio could/would win, but it didn’t hurt the match badly. Again, the arm work kinda quietly disappeared in here somewhere. But Claudio did go back to it a few times in the match. Strong showing from Claudio in what was a big match for him.

Winner via pinfall and still champion (21:49): Takashi Sugiura (****)

Overall: If you’re buying this DVD, chances are it’s (like me) predominantly to see the Kings Of Wrestling matches. Good news is, both deliver. The majority of shows this year aren’t going to have a main/semi-main pairing as good as this, that’s for sure. So, you’re going to get what you’re after out of this show. But it’s not just a two match card. Both the junior matches are well worth your time and the Bones and Walter matches were solid as well. If you’re any sort of NOAH fan, the chance to see the NOAH guys in a different, fresh environment is a selling point in itself. So, check it out if you haven’t. Especially if you like forearm exchanges. Which, if you like NOAH, you probably do. No whips into guardrails though, I’m afraid.

You can buy the DVD from the good folk at http://www.smartmarkvideo.com, or if you prefer at http://shop.wxw-wrestling.com/.

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