-Taped from Taylor, Michigan

-No commentary on the DVD

-Samuray Del Sol vs. Williams

Match in Five Words or Less: A Good Opener

Match Summary/Analysis: Strangely,  this is the second straight show Petey Williams has opened.  Mat work to start. Pace picks up as Del Sol armdrags Williams out of the ring. Fake dive. Williams drop toeholds Del Sol in the middle rope and dropkicks him. Williams stays on offense. He definitely wrestle more like a heel as he slows the pace down and is more deliberate with everything he does. Blind charge misses and Del Sol hits a leaping enziguri. Series of roll-ups and cradles for two. Dropkick to the leg. Williams hits a clothesline and Russian legsweep before rolling Del Sol for two. Flatliner and Williams is ready for his finisher. Williams hits a dropkick and applies a sharpshooter. He grabs Del Sol’s arm, but he reaches the ropes anyway. Rana by Del Sol. Gutbuster sends Williams flying. 1-2-no. Moonsault whiffs. Up and over the apron goes Del Sol. Leaping kick. Springboard misses. Williams up and over. Springboard lungblower into the Canadian Destroyer. Done. For the second straight show, Petey Williams gets the show off to a good start.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Petey Williams/9:38/***

-Wreckingforce (Dragon Kreed and Wreckingball) vs. -Victorious Secret (Cameron Salem & Mason Conrad)

Match in Five Words or Less: Meh

Match Summary/Analysis: Goofy comedy to start and Wreckingball jumps up and down. Salem actually sells it. More comedy as Salem forces Wreckingball to run. Double team by Victorious Secret. Kreed gets to know his partner better than he probably wanted to. More double teaming by Victorious Secret. Heat segment on Conrad.  Pair of blind charges miss. Double lungblower on Wreckingball. Kreed takes on Salem and Conrad. Hard slams on both. Big splash gets Wreckingforce the victory. Too short to be anything offensive.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Wreckingforce/4:14/*

Ded Vaughn (w/Tommy Treznik) vs. Marvelocity 

Match in Five Words or Less: Too Much Time

Match Summary/Analysis: Marvelocity looks like a low rent El Generico. Punches by Vaughn. Pair of side suplexes as Treznik encourages him to injure Marvelocity more. Quick kick as Marvelocity puts the cape on. This is just asking for trouble. He takes waaaaaay too long to go to the top rope. Splash misses of course. Vaughn hits a charging splash in the corner. Butterfly driver ends Marvelocity’s night. This was a case of two obviously green guys coming together to have a match. Good idea keeping the proceeding short for the reason.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Ded Vaughn/2:55/1/2*

-Tommy Treznik (w/Ded Vaughn) vs. Ophidian 

Match in Five Words or Less:

Match Summary/Analysis: This is the first of three CLASH Wrestling vs. Chikara matches we’ll see tonight. Treznik drinks a blue liquid before the match. Get it? He’s a mad scientist. Early offense from Treznik. Ophidian kicks him away in the corner. Rolls him over for an eventual nearfall. Short backbreaker into a fist drop by Treznik. Elbow and strikes by Ophidian. Vaughn grabs his leg. Treznik takes him outside. Vaughn gets a shot in. Glad to see the referee is doing his job not allowing the interference. Ophidian hypnotizes Vaughn outside the ring before doing the same to Treznik… or so it seems. Ophidian dances around and makes Vaughn do the same. Treznik hits a kick and nearly hits the Bus Driver. Kick takes him down. Ophidian goes back to dancing and even low bridges. Treznik gets Vaughn out of his trance. Big dive. Treznik gets control back as Ophidian lands down hard on the outside. Kicks and strikes out of the corner. Lariat by Treznik. Choke by Ophidian but Treznik takes him in the corner and drops down.  Another roll-up by Ophidian gets two. Torture rack into a neckbreaker by Treznik. 1-2-no. Kicks take Ophidian out of the ring. Vaughn interferes again, but at least the referee has his back turned this time. Flying kick by Ophidian. Quick takedown into a roll-up for two. Leg nelson and he stretches. Gutbuster by Treznik and then does a move that I don’t even know what to call. Looked kinda messed up. Ophidian hits a double knees for 2.5. Armdrag into a roll-up for two. Twisting kick sends the big man down. He goes to the top rope and hits a moonsault. Cover attempt but Ohidian sells his injured ribs. Kick into a Bus Driver. Cover for three and Treznik sends Clash to their first victory. An entertaining little bout that really never got into third gear for me.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Tommy Treznik/14:43/**3/4

-Sweet & Swagg (Joey Marx, Bryce Benjamin, and Dave Manzo) vs. The Batiri (Obaryion, Kodama, and Kobald) 

Match in Five Words or Less: Batiri Impress

Match Summary/Analysis: Benjamin starts out quickly on Obaryion. He sures does like to dance a lot. Marx helps his partner with a flapjack. Sweet double team that ends with Benjamin hitting a springboard splash. Kodama rips at Marx’s eyes. Kodama in for a brief Lucha sequence. Sloppy rana coming back in the ring. Marx with one of his own. Madness breaks out as the babyfaces triple team Kodama. Series of elbow drops. Kobald breaks the count to tag himself in. Chops on Manzo. Manzo hits a back elbow. Clothesline followed by a dropkick. Kick out of the corner by Kobald. Overhead release belly-to-belly suplex by Manzo. Obaryion and Kodama attack from behind. Kobald chokes away and covers for two. Heat segment on Manzo. Right hands and leg lariat from Manzo. Marx in. Neckbreaker on Kodama. Up and over goes Marx. Obaryion clothesline Marx. Marx is stuck in the Batiri’s corner. Obaryion hits a reverse Go 2 Sleep and nearly gets three. Marx hits a leaping enziguri out of the corner and nails a second rope neckbreaker. Benjamin hot tag. He goes to town on Obaryion. Leaping facebuster. Marx hits a springboard 450, but the cover is broken. All six men battle in the ring and hit their high impact moves. Forearm battle between Benjamin and Obaryion. Rana into a nearfall. Whip in the corner. Charge is met with a boot. Obaryion hits the top rope DDT for  the win. Chikara gets its first win, and the series is tied at one. Obaryion and Kodama were clearly the strongest members of this match, and it never felt like this match never completely jelled. Still decent for what it was.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: The Batiri/13:40/**3/4

William J. O’Malley vs. Austin Manix vs. Amazing N8 vs. TD 

Match in Five Words or Less: Bore Corner Survival

Match Summary/Analysis: O’Malley and Mannix tease teaming up, but O’Malley leaves the ring. Awful dive by Mannix as Nate and TD stare each other down in the ring. They pair off and things break down into a tag team match. Back and forth go TD and Mannix. Mannix rudely tags in O’Malley. Crossbody by Nate. Armdrag sends him in the ropes. Nate works over o’Malley’s arm. TD tags in to continue the arm work. Nate reenters and hits a back elbow off the ropes. TD back in for a hip toss.  Mannix and O’Malley use some team work of their own. This turns into every ROH four corner survival as the heels work over the faces, and it feels more like a tag than four guys fighting each other. Thomas takes the heels down with a dropkick. Nate hot tag and it’s clotheslines for everyone! Back elbows too. Noggin knocker. High knee on O’Malley. Flapjack on Mannix. Fisherman buster. Leg drop off the top on Mannix, but O’Malley breaks the count. Awful looking STO on Nate. O’Malley slowly climbs up top. He clearly didn’t learn anything from Marvelocity. He actually hits the swanton, but the cover is broken up. We get a stupid bomb involving all four men. Nate hits a roll of the dice, but the referee gets pulled out as he’s about to count three. Nate dropkicks Mannix. TD dances around, hits a kick to the back of O’Malley’s head, and gets three. Not a fan of the finish but the action did at least pick up in the end.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: TD/12:40/**

-Gavin Quinn (CLASH Heavyweight Champion) vs. Amasis

Match in Five Words or Less: We Miss You Amasis

Match Summary/Analysis: Feeling out process. Amasis does some dancing with Quinn? More shimmying and a slap to Quinn’s face. I’m absolutely gutted that this is turning out to be one of Amasis’ last matches in wrestling. Pair of dropkicks. Up and over. Forearm. Quinn manages a kick and a ring my bell. Amasis takes it like a champ. Stomps in the corner. He absorbs the jeers of the crowd. Elbows by Amasis. Solid kick followed by a powerslam by Quinn. Springboard moonsault for two. Hard clothesline takes Amasis down. Amasis pounds the mat to get himself back in the contest. Quinn hits a kick and comes off the top with a senton. 1-2-NO! He asks the fans to wave good-bye to Amasis. Counter. Chinbreaker, enziguri, and running elbow strike. Jawbreaker by Quinn. Spinebuster by Amasis. Small package by Quinn. Forearm by Amasis. 1-2-NO! Quinn catches Amasis coming off the top with a gutbuster. Killswitch into his knee. Superkick. Done. That was an anti-climactic ending to say the least. Very good action for the most part but I’m not sure why the heels won all three of these matches so cleanly and definitively. Clash wins 2-1

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Gavin Quinn/10:35/***

-Lumberjack Match: Cameron Skyy vs. Tyler Elkins 

Match in Five Words or Less:

Match Summary/Analysis: Skyy comes in fast with right hands. Elkins hits double chops. Ground and pound. Skyy on top now. Chop in the corner followed by a series of  shoulder tackles. Skyy kicks Elkins away. Back elbow off the second rope. Elkins sent outside. Babyfaces take blatant cheap shots on the outside. In the ring for a two count. Elkins hits a belly-to-belly suplex for two. Elkins sends Skyy to the floor. Heels of course go after Skyy. Babyfaces make the save. Mandible claw by Elkins. Skyy elbows his way out. Hard clothesline by Elkins. After a two count, Elkins heads to the second turnbuckle and meets Skyy’s boot. Into the corner with forearms. Elbow. Charging clothesline. Flying forearm. Skyy is fired up. Russian lefsweep countered with an elbow. Sliced bread by Skyy. 1-2-NO! Bulldog attempt but Elkins powers out. Skyy hits a Russian legsweep. He tosses the cards about. Vaughn nails Skyy from behind. Benjamin pulls Elkins’ foot. Both of the participants are distracted. Things break down into a twelve person brawl.  Babyfaces clear the ring and demand an impromptu 12 man tag team match. I gather the referee tossed the contest out. Action wasn’t anything special before the big old brawl.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: No-contest/9:00/**

Cameron Skyy, Amasis, Ophidian, Bryce Benjamin, Joey Marx, and Dave Manzo vs. Tyler Elkins, Gavin Quinn, Tommy Treznik, Obaryion, Kodama, and Kobald 

Match in Five Words or Less: Sending Fans Home Happy

Match Summary/Analysis: My hunch is this match is just an excuse to send the fans home happy considering all the heels who’ve won tonight. Skyy goes to town on all the heels who aren’t legal as the faces work over Treznik. Ten punches in the corner. Treznik applies a headlock on Benjamin. Quick shoulder tackle and he’s out. Heat segment on Benjamin. High crossbody and Marx comes in with a double stomp. Forearms. Spin kick takes the big man down. Quinn breaks the count. Skyy back to work over his rival Elkins. Elkins takes Skyy in the heels’ corner. Ring gets cut in half and Skyy isolated. Skyy drives Elkins down and manages a tag to Ophidian. He goes ballistic on all the heels. Fisherman’s buster on Kobald. Osirian Portal finally get in the ring together. Babyfaces climsb to the top and all hit dives to the respective heels except Marx..  Save the best for last I guess. Marx jumps around and hits a corkscrew dive on everyone. Elkins catches Benjamin in a huge powerslam. Guys take turns in the ring battling it out and hitting various finishers. Obaryion finally gets the DDT off the top. Benjamin  hits the frog splash on Obaryion to of course send the fans home happy. Good action throughout and I liked that they paid off what happened in an earlier match for the purposes of this finish. Solid storytelling.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: 11:44/***

Line of the Night: Nope.

Finish of the Night: I really dug the payoff that the main event finish delivered.

MVP: Batiri looked most impressive in their respective tag team matches.

The Verdict: This was easily the best of the CLASH DVDs I’ve seen. Mostly decent to good matches with quality action. Tough to make a full recommendation, but if you’re a Chikara fan, this is something you should consider picking up.

For more information on Clash Wrestling, check out their website for updates on future shows and information on their mobile phone application. To purchase their DVDs for just 15 dollars (even less when a sale is going on), go to Smart Mark VideoFor updates of 140 characters or less, check out Clash’s twitter account. Finally, check out theirfacebook for videos, updates, and comments from fans.

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