Justin and Kevin return to talk CHIKARA's southern sojourn. The duo runs down both the Burlington, NC and Kingsport, TN cards in depth, specifically pontificating the 12 Large: Summit as it's ending is near. Also discussed are the possibilities of Archibald

Peck's mascot, the

Osaka Pro and female ta

lent coming to CHIKARA this weekend and much more. Some sidetracking leads to some Dragon Gate discussion as a bonus. This is a great way to get caught up on CHIKARA storylines and to get hyped up for the weekend ahead, so give it a listen!

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One thought on “The J&K Fun Hour: Justin’s Excellent Adventure”
  1. I was trying to cut back on the purchase of wrestling DVD’s this year, but this 12 Large Summit screwed up those plans.

    You know, talking about booing heels and cheering faces, I have to say in more than 25 years of watching wrestling, Chikara is the company who’s characters make it easiest.

    I fell in love with wrestling watching Roddy Piper smash the pineapple over Snuka’s head. Loved watching the Four Horsemen slam Dusty’s arm in the trunk of a car. Loved the Corporate Rock, hated the sporty babyface Rock. I’ve generally always liked the heels for their cocky, flamboyant ways, even if they had to cheat to win. Yeah, I liked Hogan as a kid, but I liked the womanizing loud mouth jerk Macho Man better.

    Chikara makes it difficult to like the heels, and makes it easy to cheer the faces. Vin Gerard and Icarus are scumbags, Quack is a real life superhero. I hate Dave Matthews, but when The Colony’s music hits, I get pumped! The BDK, it goes without saying, are probably the most hated faction ever. The heels aren’t cool and snarky, they are jerks, lowlifes, people you would never want to associate with. The faces are fun, energetic, and cool! It would be physically impossible to boo Sugar Dunkerton and Dasher Hatfield. Your mouth might form the shape, but no sound could come out. Reverse that if you tried to cheer for Brodie Lee.

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