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-Taped from LaFayette, Indiana

-Your hosts are of course various members of the Chikara roster and staff

Match in Five Words or Less: All The Way

Match Highlights: Very unusual set-up for this main event as there are only fans on one side of the building, more like a theater than anything else. Dasher and Cannon begin. Archie and Quack are on comment. Everything about this match rules. Feeling out process. Corbin and Angelosetti take their turn. Pair of dropkicks by Corbin. Monkey flip. Running splash. Angelosetti hits a series of shoulder tackles. Cannon comes back in. Veronica is shown at the entrance. Three point stance by both men. Knee to the gut and a chop. Cannon rolls and sets up for a snap. Kick by Angelosetti. Punch by Cannon misses. Axehandle misses. Punch hits and Cannon says it’s good. He’s a Vikings fan. What would he know about made field goals? Corbin and Dasher come back in and they bring things back to the mat. Swing and a miss by Dasher. Strike two with another swing and miss. Corbin somersaults but Dasher doesn’t swing. Axehandle to the midsection by Dasher. Home run! Baseball dropkick to the corner. Angelosetti hits a back suplex. Knee drop. Another bodyslam. Series of splashes but the last one misses. Angelosetti gets a headlock and Cannon throws a yellow flag. Dasher challenges with a red flag. So we get it. Amazing. PJ Drummond calls holding on Angelosetti. Immediate dropkick. Sitdown powerbomb gets two. I guess pointing out penalties can’t be challenged would be feudal. Shots to the back by Angelosetti. Stiff right hand by Cannon followed by an acecrusher. Superkick by Corbin. Dasher breaks the count. Suicide Squeeze on Corbin gets three but Angelosetti holds onto the leg of Corbin.

Match Analysis: These two teams could probably deliver a better match, but this was fine as an opener. We got a little bit of comedy, a little bit of solid wrestling, and some continuing tension between the members of the Throwbacks. Somewhere down the road, Dasher is going to go heel or break from his cousin. I assume those answers will come at the iPPV.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: The Throwbacks/8:36/**1/2/***

Match in Five Words or Less: This Roced

Match Highlights: Kevin Ford is far more familiar with these gentlemen after reviewing every episode of the hit YouTube show entitled School of Roc. I’d strongly recommend checking it out as soon as possible. They’re only 20 minutes and a very easy watch. Roc is quite popular. Cassidy and Patricks begin with some mat work as Tom Green makes his announcing debut. Shot to the back by Hadley. Roc comes in and schools his student of course. Wilkins and Jackson enter in next. Charge misses. Wilikins hits a series of chops. Jackson won’t come out of the corner. Another charge misses. Shoulder tackles go nowhere. Wilkins smartens up and steps on his feet. The other heels come in and double team him. Wilkins dumps Hadley out of the ring. Cassidy applies a nervehold. Elbow drop. Armbar. Axehandles from Wilkins. Blow to the back by Cassidy. Series of counters. Leg lariat and a tag to Patricks once again. Chop by Cassidy. Snapmare. Running kick to the head. Roc breaks the count. Cassidy and Hadley miss moves off the top rope. Jackson takes advantage. Clubbering blows in the corner. Patricks hits a dropkick off the middle rope. Jackson immediately samoan drops Roc. Senton by Cassidy. Senton by Jackson. Wow, that’s a big boy. Right hands from Roc. Kicks from Hadley and a neckbreaker. Other faces knocked off the apron. Roc ducks out of a hip attack. Cassidy accidentally back drops his own partner. Duck of a splash and a double tag. Faces use their quickness to assert dominance. Double back drop. Suplex on Cassidy. Leg drop/senton combo. 1-2-NO! Cassidy exits the ring. Roc fakes a dive on one side but goes after Cassidy. Wilkins and Patricks hit dives of their own. Cassidy tossed back in the ring. Jackson and Hadley help isolate Patricks. Elbow drop by Hadley. Cover quickly broken. Into the middle turnbuckle hard for Patricks. Jackson climbs up the ropes. Roc meets him. Patricks rolls out of the ring. Roc hits a sunset bomb. Wilkins hits an exploder on Cassidy. Hadley is by himself. He spits on all three opponents. Triple team. Wilkins hits a facebuster. German suplex by Wilkins. Roc hits an SOS (Kofi Kingston’s roll-up) and gets the win for his team.

Match Analysis: This was easily one of the better showcases you’ll ever see on Chikara. These things are definitely a mixed bag, but all six guys showed why School of Roc was such a successful school and show. I hope these men can all return to Chikara at some point, perhaps for a Young Lion’s Cup tournament.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: Billy Roc, Remi Wilkins, and Dale Patricks/11:30/***/***

-Matt Jackson calls the fans nerds. Hey, that’s Mr. Touchdown’s gimmick. The Bucks talk about taking the Campeonatos de Parejas to Ring of Honor and… television. Ooooooo.

Match in Five Words or Less: Buck Up

Match Highlights: Hallowicked goes after Donst right away of course. Nick Jackson dives on Donst and Hammermeier. Boot from Kodama on Matt. Dropkick by Matt. He hits a pescado on the other rudo team. Mantis rams Kodama’s head into the turnbuckle. Off the ropes and into a roll-up for two. Bodyslams. Kick and a vertical suplex gets two. Kodama rammed into the corner. Double team leg drop gets two. Hard strike from Kodama. More strikes as Kobald takes advantage of the situation. Donst holds him back. Charge misses. Wicked hits a step-up knee drop. Iconoclasm. Mexican rolling pin for two Donst low bridges Wicked out of the ring. Batiri work Wicked over. Hammermeier and Donst get in on the fun. Full nelson slam by Mantis. Donst goes after Wicked yet again. Mantis gets a back drop. Nick Jackson with clotheslines for everyone. Back elbow on Kobald. Tiger driver into a backbreaker. Double team backbreaker. Matt Jackson gets a trio of powerbombs on Kobald. Spin kick by Nick. Tandem piledriver on Kodama ends the Batiri’s chance. Donst and Hammermeier attack right away. Double jawbreakers. Superkicks blocked. STOs hit sort of. Hammermeier’s was botched. Donst rams Wicked’s head into the mat multiple times. Series of crossface forearms on Wicked. Wicked quickly exits. Forearms from Mantis. Double team boot into a samoan drop by Donst. Kick by Wicked. Go 2 Sleepy Hollow on Hammermeier. Rydien bomb. Donst chokes Wicked and of course he has the shoe lace. Mantis can’t break the hold up in time, and the Spectral Envoy are eliminated. Nick Jackson cross bodies both men. Matt causes some miscommunication. Dropkick on Hammermeier. Asai DDT by Matt on Donst. Right hands in the corner. Hammermeier grabs the hair. Nick hits a running knee on him. Donst ducks out of the way. Throw on Nick. Running forearm by Hammermeier. Gutwrench suplex by Donst gets two. Into the turnbuckle goes Matt. Whip to the corner. Elbow by Matt on hammermeier. Boot on Donst. Donst eventually gets a Donstitution. Nick comes in with forearms. They go back and forth. Donst from behind with a face crusher. Nick tossed outside. Facebuster by Nick coming back in the ring. Nick superkicks both BDK members. Hammermeier gets powerbombed into Donst. Enziguri by Nick. More Bang for your Buck gets the victory and a third point for the Jackson brothers.

Match Analysis: Good sprint between these four teams. This had time to develop, and unlike a lot of the other four ways, this didn’t feel as busy with a million angles going on at once. The Donst/Wicked angle was at the centerpiece with Wicked being choked out and leading to their match at the upcoming iPPV. Most importantly, the Bucks get a tag team title match in what should be a dream contest.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: The Young Bucks/12:15/***/***

-Sara Del Rey is as tired of the Batiri as I am of this feud in general. Del Rey says she’ll get the last laugh.

Match in Five Words or Less: This Feud Must Go On

Match Highlights: Obaryion punches her in the face immediately. Forearm. Into the turnbuckle goes Del Rey. Choking along the bottom rope. Kicks by Del Rey. Kick by Obaryion. Whip across and a back elbow. Del Rey with forearms. Obaryion hits a knee in the midsection. Snapmare and he puts his boots on her air. More forearms from Del Rey. Kick off the Irish whip. Elbow and a boot by Obaryion. Shoulder blocks from Del Rey. Obaryion lifts her up, but we get a counter. Kicks. Flying forearm by Obaryion and he pulls back on the hair. Into the chinlock. Del Rey elbows out and boots him. Whip. Knee to the midsection. Roll-up into the turnbuckle. Series of kicks across Obaryion’s chest. Lariat by Obaryion. Stunner from Del Rey. Combo kick. 1-2-NO! Both climb to the top rope. Obaryion licks her face. She falls down. Leaping DDT and he gets the pin.

Kobald chases Drummond out of the ring. Kodama is also in to join in on the fun. They attempt to hog tie Del Rey. Saturyne makes the save, and this naturally sets up a handicap tag team match for the big show coming up in June.

Match Analysis: How does Del Rey go from beating one of the top indy stars in El Generico to losing to someone who hasn’t won a singles match in months. And in relatively clean fashion. The back and forth action was perfectly acceptable, but this feud is literally benefitting no one. In fact, I’d argue Del Rey is being significantly hurt by being attached to the Batiri. Remember when the Batiri were creepy goblins who struck fear into the hearts of people? Now they’re engaged in a Twitter feud. Oy. I don’t mind some banter or trash talk between folks on Twitter, but taking feuds to social networks strikes me as being incredibly lame.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: Obaryion/5:51/**1/2/**1/2

-Green Ant talks about the Chikara being the ultimate tecnicos. He says it’s not about wrestling or wins at this point. It’s now a war.

Match in Five Words or Less: Another Ant Infestation.

Match Highlights: Guess how these six start? If you didn’t say “brawl,” you’re a moron. combatANT goes after Fire Ant’s mask right away. Vertical suplex. assailANT works over Solider Ant on the outside and makes sure he can’t make the save. combatANT continues going for the mask. Green Any makes the save. Forearms on combatANT. Rudo ants maintain control. Nice running forearm by deviANT. They continue trying to tear the mask off. Soldier tossed over after trying to make the save. Triple dropkick. Green Ant finally pulls his partner out. He catches assailANT with a right hand to the midsection. In the ring with a flying headbutt on deviANT. Chinbreaker by deviANT. Right hands by Green. Gordbuster. Chops on combatANT. Drunk slam. He kicks assailANT. Big kick and a diving kick. Soldier hits a flying kick off the top rope. Series of dives. Dropkick by Fire on combatANT. We get a pile on the floor. Fire hits a springboard tope con helo. Series of kicks back in the ring on assailANT. Hard right hand. Into the middle turnbuckle goes Green Ant’s head. deviANT joins assailANT on the top rope. Headbutts from Green Ant. Soldier joins him. Double double stomps. Dropkick on both men by combatANT. Fire Ant hits a cross body. Kick to the side of the head. Brainbuster hits. Into a double powerbomb. Saluting headbutt by Soldier. combatANT rammed into the corner. Other Swarm members block six feet of fury. combatANT works Soldier over. Hard whip in the corner. Six feet of fury from the Swarm. Fire Ant dropkicks deviANT. assailANT taken up and over. Fire clotheslined over. Forearms by Green Ant on combatANT. Torture rack. combatANT goes for the mask. TKO. Back to the mask. Chikara Special. Soldier salutes. He tears at combatANT’s mask and manages to forearm him. Dropkick by assailANT misses. Chikara Special. 17 runs in to cause the DQ. He goes for Soldier Ant’s mask. Continued after the break…

Match Analysis: It feels like the energy and intensity is starting to pick up in this feud with both teams now going for masks. Not a great match by any means but the Swarm seem to be coming together nicely. I enjoyed this thoroughly. Who would have thought a trip to the Midwest would be just what Chikara ordered to get things in gear.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: The Colony/8:33/***/***

-Kingston hits an overhead throw on 17. He clears the ring of the rest of the Swarm. Shard nails Kingston in the knee. Bell rings and we’re underway. The ants are still battling to the back.

Match in Five Words or Less: Short And Sweet

Match Highlights: 17 of course goes to work on Kingston’s left knee and works it over. The Shard rams Kingston’s knee into the side of the ring. Kingston catches 17 and hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Elbows. A double underhook lariat misses. Hard palmstrike from 17. Lightning Lock: Beta hooked in. half nelson suplex. Shard distracts the referee again. Kingston has a visual pinfall. Backfist on Shard. Dropkick to the leg by 17. Figure four leglock. Kingston grabs the rope and gets an inside cradle. Backfist to the Future gets Kingston the victory.

Shard attacks the knee once again.

Match Analysis: Nothing like having a top heel, who’s already injured two people, lose in just over five minutes to one backfist. Gekido need all the help they can get, and having 17 essentially lose twice does not strike me as being terrible productive. The match did not really get enough time to really develop into anything special.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: Eddie Kingston/5:18/*1/2/*1/2

Match in Five Words or Less: Battle Of The Originals

Match Highlights: Some shadow puppet play to begin. Some shenanigans to begin. Jigsaw has some fun at Icarus’s expense. These two had a major hair versus mask match back in 2006 and have not had a singles match since. Up and over out of the corner with a series of armdrags. Low dropkick. Tope suicida on Icarus. They go up the aisle. Chops from Jigsaw. They brawl through the crowd, and the fans get their shots at the hated Icarus. Amazing. Low bridge ends the fun. Sliding dropkick and Jigsaw is sent into the wall. Crucifix pins. Crossface but Icarus grabs the rope. Jawbreaker and he rams Jigsaw along the middle rope. Noogie. Choking in the corner. He teases a chop but instead goes for a series of snapmare. Jigsaw gets one of his own and a quick nearfall. Dropkick by Icarus. Jigsaw placed on the top rope. Jigsaw claps him off. Double stomp to the lower back. Slap exchange. Kick and a brainbuster by Jigsaw. 1-2-NO! Whip to the corner and a back elbow. Enzguri. Cross body gets two. Superkick blocked. Spear from Icarus. 1-2-NO! Kick to the side of the head. Dragon suplex by Icarus gets two. Elbow and enziguri. German suplex into a bridge and a two count. Icarus sends Jigsaw’s head into the middle buck. Sliced bread gets two. Big twisting splash. 1-2-NO! Knee to the gut by Icarus. Pedigree hits. 1-2-NO! Blu-Ray countered. Jigsaw misses a charge. Superkick on Icarus. Brainbuster off the top. Jigsaw picks up a huge victory.

Jigsaw lays down a challenge for the Grand Champion in New York City at the second of the two Anniversario shows. I wish Jigsaw was on a roll going into making this challenge and not going into the match with a barely .500 record going into the championship match. I’m not against Kingston and Jigsaw having a rematch. I am against giving title shots out at random simply because people make challenges.

Match Analysis: The actual match between Icarus and Jigsaw was fine. These two have a lot of chemistry ( as well they should considering the amount of years they’ve been in Chikara together) and they delivered a good wrestling match. Not much more you can ask for.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: Jigsaw/11:10/***1/4/***1/2

-The championships don’t feel real to Scott Parker. They’re still underdogs even though they’re defending the belts against F.I.S.T. Parker has a cracked rib and will be going into the match hurt. Matthews delivers one final message.

Match in Five Words or Less: Oh No

Match Highlights: Matthews and Taylor begin. Quick lock-up into the corner. Chop by Matthews. Quick shoulderblock. Taylor flees away from a Boston crab. He throws a shoe at Matthews. Parker elbow drops it. Gargano comes in next. Shoulder tackle by Matthews. Boston crab blocked again. Parker clotheslines Taylor over. Immediate kick to the injured ribs. Series of chops by Parker. Double whip. Forearm. Elbow drop. Taylor meets the same fate. Running knee strike in the corner. Quick shot to the ribs. Short clothesline by Parker on Gargano. Vertical suplex. Bodyslam. Taylor brings a chair in the ring and nails Parker. Taylor covers and gets the first fall at 4:09.

Matthews gets a headscissors on Taylor. Then he hits one on Gargano. He meets boots in the corner. Boston crab. Gargano taps very quickly to end the second fall at 5:09.

Taylor throws powder in Matthews face. Matthews kicks out before a count even begins. Applied headscissors by Taylor. A clearly injured Gargano comes in. Double back elbows. They dance a bit and stomp a mudhole. Parker gets kicked off the apron and to the floor. Choking on the middle rope. Taylor hits a double axehandle. Dropkick off the Irish whip. Matthews gets a Red Bull and gets pumped up. Unfortunately, the ring is now a slippery mess. Gargano knocks Parker to the floor as Jon Barber cleans the ring. Matthews gets a basement dropkick. Stomp by Taylor. Swinging DDT countered into a northern lights suplex by Matthews. Parker hits a flying forearm. Leg lariat. Acecrusher. Boot from Taylor. Flapjack. Matthews hits a powerbomb. Over into the Boston crowd. Gargano superkicks Matthews to breaks the hold. Strike exchange between Parker and Gargano. Enziguri by Gargano. Lawn dart. Boot out of the corner. Spear by Matthews with help from his partner. Soul Food by Taylor. Taylor hits a superman spear and covers Parker as Taylor tosses Matthews. Back to the powder. Matthews tosses it back at Gargano’s face. Gargano superkicks his own partner. Double team lungblower. Cover but Barber gets pulled out. Taylor goes for one of the belts. Barber removes it. Gargano nails Parker with the chair. Taylor covers but only gets two. Another lungblower. Gargano covers and they get the victory.

The Bravado Brothers come out to mock 3.0. They make choking gestures.

Match Analysis: I understand the want to have a F.I.S.T and the Young Bucks on iPPV for the championships. That makes total financial sense. However, 3.0 didn’t even beat the champions to win the belts. Many people probably hadn’t even seen the title victory at the time this happened. I know Scott Parker was injured, but these guys have been built up as the underdog team for the last six years in this promotion. To have them lose in their first title defense to the men who were the former champions strikes me as a poor decision. I love Taylor and Gargano as singles or as a team, but does them having the belts really mean as much as letting a team like 3.0 have it? Especially on iPPV. I know 3.0 aren’t students, but since I started watching Chikara, they’ve been around a lot of shows. A very frustrating ending to what was an otherwise good show.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: New Campeones de Parejas-F.I.S.T/16:00/**3/4/***

The Verdict: There’s enough good wrestling on this show to warrant a thumbs up, but some of the booking decisions were odd and left me perplexed.

For more information in CHIKARA Pro, including tickets and event information, please check their website. While you can purchase DVDs there as well, you can also purchase their DVDs on Smart Mark Video. Something relatively new to Smart Mark Video is video downloads. This is a great way to save on shipping and not have a DVD clogging your shelf (if that’s what you’re concerned about). It’s super easy to purchase and then download on your computer. I could not recommend this service strongly enough whether you’re buying CHIKARA or many other promotions.

To get a great sense of history and participate in discussion of the company, check out their official messageboard. One thing the promotion does really well? Videos. They have frequent (almost daily) updates on their YouTube channel.

As someone who is not nearly the CHIKARA fan as certain others, even I need to look up information and have a good CHIKARA resource. I can can think of no better place to do this and also read exclusive reviews of every CHIKARA show in history than at The CHIKARA Special. Kevin Ford maintains this little blog and also updates a CHIKARA Special Tumblr with news and videos nearly every day.

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One thought on “Chikara-The Contaminated Cowl DVD Review”
  1. Weird that both teams to have lost the Campeones in their first defense were Canadian teams who started out in the defunct IWS.

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