-Taped from Reseda, CA

-Your hosts are Excalibur, the ROH champion, a former ROH champion, and a future TNA SUPERSTAR

Match in Five Words or Less: Quick

Match Highlights: Callihan walks right up to Perkins and kisses him before the match. Bicycle kick misses. Perkins rolls him up and gets two. Cartwheel. Callihan drives him in the corner. Not playing around tonight. Clothesline ducked by Perkins. Callihan reverses into the stretch muffler. Perkins roll-up for two. Wow. Callihan blows a kiss at Perkins. Things get heated. Front chancery. Hard one too. To the ropes. Referee breaks them up. Shove by Perkins. Double boots. Into the ropes. Bicycle kick misses by Callihan. Perkins taken up and over. Tope suicida and Callihan appears to nail some chairs. Perkins with a tope suicida of his own. Back in the ring for a hot moment. On the apron, Perkins hits a pair of kicks on Callihan. Snapmare and a leg drop. Front chancery.  Sunset flip. Perkins locks a butterfly submission. Perkins with a series of boots. Uppercut in the corner. Callihan placed on the top rope. Headbutt by Callihan. Sunset bomb blocked. Superkick to the leg. Trailer hitch by Callihan. Perkins grabs the rope. Pair of chops. Bodyslam into the ropes. Very reminiscent of what Finlay did to Callihan in their Evolve matches. Perkins whipped upside down in the corner. Another whip. Straight dropkick by Perkins. Callihan charges but Perkins grabs a cross armbreaker in the ropes. Kick by Callihan. Clothesline blocked with boots. Springboard dropkick sends Callihan through the ropes. Back and forth with kicks and forearms. Uppercut by Perkins. Series of kicks. Chop by Callihan. Back and forth they go. Leg kick by Callihan. Chop blocked. Perkins grabs an STF. Perkins misses a charge. Enziguri by Callihan. Forearm. Perkins over the top. Shoulder breaker by Callihan. 1-2-NO! Big splash misses. Callihan shoves Perkins in the corner. Suplex. Perkins manages a superkick. Backslide gets two. Ligerbomb. 1-2-NO! Perkins rolls over into the STF. Callihan rolls Perkins up. Hard kick by Perkins. Kick to the head blocked. Stretch muffler. Oh Jesus, that looks awful. Perkins taps.

Match Analysis: Two solid openers for Perkins but Callihan winning is the right decision. Very fun and fast-paced opener, a perfect match given the position on the card. I very much enjoyed this and hope to see a rematch somewhere down the road. Callihan has really been stepping up his game, and I’ve found myself enjoying him more and more.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Sami Callihan/12:49/***

Match in Five Words or Less: Best…Heel…Ever

Match Highlights: These guys are super best friends in Ring of Honor, but in PWG, Cole is a playboy! The crowd is pretty split for this one. Excalibur says when Cole looks at him, he gets a little shiver. Just remember folks. It’s not gay if it’s Adam Cole. Feeling out process. Cole gets the fans to clip in rhythm. He says Edwards to suck.. I’ll let you guess. Again, not gay if Adam Cole. Cole blocks a chop and shoulder tackles Edwards. Edwards nails him in the penis. Slap and a chop. Guillotine on the top rope. Cole with a series of forearms back in the ring. Edwards sent off the ropes. Low superkick. Shining wizard. 1-2-NO! Edwards tea bags Cole. Chop. Cole with a running kick. Edwards sits Cole on the top rope and applies a single leg crab. Running punt to the back. Baseball dropkick but Cole ducks. Chop by Edwards. Another chop as Cole is sitting in a chair. Edwards dumps beer on Cole. Edwards chops the post. Cole slams Edwards’s arm into the apron. Back in the ring. Splash on the arm on Edwards. Snap suplex into the cover for two. Cole teases a kick but rakes his face instead with his boots. Bodyslam. Cole starts rolling. He goes to the middle rope as Edwards gets up. Cole is rolling with his arms and climbs to the top rope. Edwards shakes the ropes and crotches him. Cole placed in the tree of woe. Cole pulls himself up. Edwards pulls him back up. Chop to the back. Kick in the face. Running dropkick. Edwards asks a fan to whip him. Leaping dropkick. Double stomp misses. Cole hits the neckbreaker out of the firemen’s carry. Elbow and a chinlock. Forearms by Edwards. Back and forth they go. Knee to the midsection by Cole. Chop by Edwards. Forearm by Cole. Chop by Edwards. Bypass. Cole catches Edwards with an enziguri. Yakuza by Edwards. Tope suicida. Both men are on the floor. Dropkick off the top rope. Chops in the corner.  Edwards up and over out of the corner. Up and over facebuster out of the back suplex position. Boots by Cole. Edwards leaping kick. Backpack slam. 1-2-NO! Half crab. Cole grabs the bottom rope. Edwards taken up and over. Cole DDTs Edwards on the apron. Cole hits a big splash. 1-2-NO! Edwards kicks him away. School boy. Shining wizard by Cole. 1-2-NO! Running kick by Edwards as Cole is on the top rope. Cole fights him off. Edwards back drops him. Double stomp. Cole sunset flip. Edwards applies a single leg crab. Cole small package gets two. Kick to the face. Cole sits down on a roll through attempt by Edwards. 1-2-NO! Edwards with a back elbow. Lungblower connects. Cole with a pele kick. Superkick by Edwards. Series of chops. Superkicks by Cole. Straightjacket suplex sends Cole into the semifinals.

Match Analysis: I think these guys showed more personality during this match than in their entire Ring of Honor runs combined. Overall, this was as good as you might expect from two men who have been in the ring with each other for some tag team matches in Ring of Honor. Cole has now beaten a former PWG world champion and now a former ROH world champion. Keep in mind these are the first two singles’ matches of his PWG career.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Adam Cole/15:08/***1/2

Match in Five Words or Less: Beast Versus Machine

Match Highlights: If you’re not excited for this match, go to a mirror and slap yourself five times. Preferably in the face. Lock-up and both men quickly break. Lock-up goes to the corner. Elgin informs Cage is not breaking him. Lock-up. Cage says he’s going to get his stuff in. Headlock by Cage. Shoulder tackles go nowhere. Cage hits a back elbow. Elgin press slams him. Forearm by Cage. Springboard cross body. Elgin deadlifts him. Clothesline ducks. Armdrag out of the quesa dora. Low flatliner. Forearm by Cage. To the corner for more forearms. Body slam and leg drop. Elgin with shots. Knees by Cage. Stalling vertical suplex. It only lasts about 12 seconds. Cage can’t bring Elgin up over the top rope. Boot by Elgin. Springboard back elbow. Stalling vertical suplex by Elgin. SIXTY-FIVE SECONDS.  Running kick by Cage. Back elbow by Elgin. Elbow by Cage. Strike exchange as they do everything you can possibly imagine. Cage hits an exploder. Elgin no sells. Exploder of his own. Double clotheslines go nowhere for either man. Boot by Cage. Pele kick by Elgin. Elgin with a series of knee strikes to the face. Back kick. Blind charge misses. Uppercut by Cage. Chaos Theory by Elgin. 1-2-NO! Superkick. Plant on Cage’s head out of the suplex position. Pumphandle facebuster by Cage. 1-2-NO! Headbutt by Cage. High angle drunk slam gets two. Cage goes for a superplex. Elgin sends him down with a right hand. Rana by Cage off the top rope. Springboard moonsault gets two. Weapon X countered as Elgin sends him in the corner. Air raid crash. 1-2-NO! Clotheslines in the corner. Cage sent into the top turnbuckle. Cage lifts him. Elgin hits a forearm. Back elbow. Ki Crusher. 1-2-NO! Cage floats over. Elgin almost nails the referee. Now he gets sent down. Swinging neckbreaker by Cage.  Steen goes in the ring and hits F-Cinq. The PWG champion goes to the back. Elgin covers. 1-2-NO! Bucklebomb. Discus lariat by Cage. 1-2-NO! I did not see that coming. Swinging neckbreaker. 1-2-NO! Elgin gets a backslide for two. Back fist. Powerbomb. Bucklebomb. Spinning powerbomb. Elgin finally gets the victory and advances.

Match Analysis:  The last couple minutes elevated this match from something good to something borderline great. Not my favorite match of all-time as both men were clearly exhausted from tough matches the night before and pacing themselves. Regardless, they delivered to the level I expected them to. Glad to see this match happen at some point because I cannot imagine either guy being on the indies for very long.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Michael Elgin/17:55/***1/4

-Kevin Steen is in the mount position and working over Cage. The Young Bucks, who aren’t even supposed to be here, run in. Rick Knox attempts to break things up. Cage clobbers Knox in the back. They set Knox up for More Bang for your Buck. El Generico comes in with a chair to make the save for Rick Knox. Knox is tired of this feud with the Young Bucks and Brian Cage has now angered him. Knox lays down a challenge for tonight. Six man tag between Knox, Generico, and Steen versus the Bucks and Cage. Knox pleads with Steenerico to reunite. Ironically enough, the last time they teamed was Final Battle 2009 against… the Young Bucks. Generico drops the chair. Steen flips Generico off.

Match in Five Words or Less: Another Dream Realized

Match Highlights: if you’re not excited for this match… why do you watch indy wrestling? Feeling out process. Shoulder tackles have more effect. Chop by Strong. Kick by Ricochet. Step-up headscissors and dropkick. Elbow to the back of the neck. Boot by Strong. Another chop. Shoulder tackle. Another chop in the corner. Ricochet fires back but that fails. Whip but Ricochet snakes under. Standing moonsault press. Series of kicks. Back elbow. Strong hits a backbreaker. Stomp. Kick to the side of the head. Clubbering blow to the chest. Another stomp. Back suplex by Strong. Strong applies a body scissors. Ricochet grabs the bottom rope. Strong kicks him out of the ring. Leg kick by Ricochet. Strong with one of his own. Chop exchange. Back suplex into the side of the ring. Ricochet tossed back in the ring. Strong ties Ricochet up. Forearms by Ricochet. Spin kick. Ricochet with a kick. Leaping knee and elbow. Running boot by Ricochet. Strong takes him up and over. Springboard Meteora. 1-2-NO! Phoenix splash misses. Knee to the midsection by Strong. Ricochet with a forearm. Ricochet ducks under. Diving acecrusher. Standing corkscrew splash. 1-2-NO! Backslide countered. Ricochet sent head first into the turnbuckle. Drunk slam by Strong. Chop by Strong. Running knee. Ricochet goes for a kick. Strong tosses him. Running forearm. Springboard and Strong simply tosses him down on his face out of a suplex position. That was unique. Orange Crush backbreaker but Ricochet hits a rana. Roll through and pele kick. Dragon suplex blocked. Leaping knee strike. Gutbuster. Backbreaker. 1-2-NO! Stronghold. Ricochet climbs up. He hits a version of a Canadian Destroyer. Not a pretty landing. Ricochet with clubbering blows. Kick to the face. Shooting star press.

Match Analysis: Considering the amount of matches going on in a short amount of time, it’s incredible the wrestlers have established this kind of pace. Strong tossing around small guys will never not be fun. Ricochet wasn’t as smooth in this match as he was the night before but still good enough to deliver an excellent performance. Great job by both guys.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Ricochet/16:28/***1/2

Match in Five Words or Less: Sleazy And Ambitious?

Match Highlights: Richards and O’Reilly’s outfits are absolutely ridiculous. They’re basically dressed like Joey Ryan. This is the first non-tournament match of the weekend. There are fans chanting “statutory.” I never thought I’d have to announce that… or write that. Richards not having a lens in his glasses makes this even better. A rematch from the original Threemendous starts us off, Joey Ryan and B-Boy. B-Boy brings a chair in the ring, so Ryan powders. Better than having someone bring a head in the ring, amiright? Back elbow out of a waistlock by B-Boy. Chest hair toss. Side headlock. Shoulder tackle by B-Boy. Running kick and a dropkick. Ryan hugs Richards. Hip tosses for everyone Team Statutory. O’Reilly tries leaving out the back door. He fails. Richards exits instead of facing Younger. O’Reilly and Younger battle instead. O’Reilly says it’s about to get sleazier and sends chairs in the ring. With Drake Younger? Are you kidding me? Chair battle. O’Reilly wants to wrestle. He hits himself with a chair. Younger slams O’Reilly head first into the chair. I’d ask if that’s a DQ, but my efforts would be futile. Richards with a running kick on Mack. Forearm by Mack. Samoan drop and standing moonsault. Bodyslam. Back roll into an elbow drop. Shot by B-Boy. Snap suplex. Younger joins him for a double team flapjack. 10 punches in the corner on Richards. Richards salutes before flopping. Boot by Mack. Sunset flip but Richards gets help from his partners. Younger and B-Boy pants them. Sunset flip. Triple dropkick sends Statutory out of the ring. Younger hits a moonsault on them. Uranagi on Richards. Ryan kicks Mack in the back. Mack fires back. Richards hits a release German suplex. Richards has some fun with the crowd as he shows off his butt. SHENANIGANS! Mack sent into the corner. Heat segment on Mack I guess. Never was a “This is awkward” chant more appropriate than in this match. Mack hits a running kick. Younger hot tag and it’s clotheslines for everyone. Younger hits a falcon arrow on O’Reilly. 1-2-NO! Younger sent into the corner. Overhead throw by Younger. Richards drop toe hold into O’Reilly. Ryan gets the same treatment. Mack with some Human Tornado kicks on Ryan. B-Boy running dropkick on O’Reilly. Younger with a half nelson suplex. Shining wizard by B-Boy. Richards takes control. Back and forth with Younger. Series of forearms. Kick by Richards. Spear by Ryan. Regalplex for two by O’Reilly. Heels keep B-Boy and Mack out of the ring. Roundhouse kick into the brainbuster. Mack and B-Boy break the count. Forearm exchange between O’Reilly and Mack. Series of kicks and a forearm by O’Reilly. Back drop driver. B-Boy hits a DVD in the corner. Superkicks by Ryan. Younger in. Tazmission. Northern lights bomb by Younger. Richards hits an alarm clock and spinning lariat. Ankle lock. Richards sent into Mack. Chocolate Thunder Driver. Mack pins Richards.

Match Analysis: How does one rate a match like this? Lots of levity could be found in this match, which was much needed considering the somewhat serious nature of this tournament. My star rating is a best guess for some laughter and a nice flurry of action at the end. Nice to Richards and O’Reilly not taking themselves so seriously for once.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Willie Mack, B-Boy, and Drake Younger /15:59/***

Match in Five Words or Less: Seen This Before

Match Highlights: These two allegedly met in the main event of the only CZW I ever attended. I say allegedly because I was really drunk by the time these two hit the ring. I also feel like these two have met a million  other times. Immediate boot in the face by Callihan. Series of stomps in the corner. Referee has no chance of breaking it up. Callihan shoves the referee. Cole with a low blow. Neckbreaker out of the suplex position. 1-2-NO! Bodyslam followed by an elbow drop. Whip front first in the corner. Another front first whip by Cole. Callihan claps his hands and chops Cole. Knee to the midsection. Callihan catches him in a death valley driver. Rebound splash but Cole gets his knees up. Whip by Cole. Callihan sends him up and over. Clothesline to Cole sends him outside. Baseball dropkick but Cole wheelbarrow German suplexes him into the side of the ring. Cole taunts Callihan a bit. Callihan gets a little angry. Spitting. Headbutt by Callihan. Spitting by Callihan. Series of vicious knee strikes and a face wash. Short clothesline by Callihan. Cole responds. Exchange. Double clothesline. Callihan finally sends him down. 1-2-NO! Stretch muffler called for. Cole with a trio of boots. Superkick faked. Low superkick. Figure four leglock. Callihan grabs the bottom rope. Canadian Destroyer reversed. Callihan manages a spinebuster in the corner. Shoulder breaker gets two. Stretch muffler. He sits down on Cole. This is the same he won the opener. Cole grabs the bottom rope. Callihan climbs to the top rope and puts him on his back. Elbows by Cole. Powerbomb blocked. Right hands by Callihan. Cole with a low superkick, Small package by Callihan. Superkick by Cole. Callihan spits. Another superkick. Neckbreaker on the knee. Low superkick. Figure four leglock. Callihan reverses. Cole rolls back. Callihan tries rolling through again but has no choice but to tap.

Match Analysis: The crowd and I were both shocked by Callihan tapping. Great finish to a solid match. This only went about ten minutes, so they didn’t get to empty out the playbook like they usually do. Thankfully, they know each other so well that they can adjust for time and still put on an entertaining bout.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Adam Cole/10:14/***1/4

Match in Five Words or Less: Unbreakable Indeed

Match Highlights: Another indy dream match can be crossed off. Fast pace from the start. Ricochet steps up but gets caught. Rana out of the powerbomb attempt by Elgin. Boot and forearm by Elgin. Clothesline misses. Ricochet dropkick. Shoulder tackle and Ricochet spins around in the air. Double sledge across the spine followed by a clubbering blow. Ricochet gets a chinbreaker. Kicks to the chest. Elgin blocks and hits a forearm. Ricochet goes for the acecrusher. Release German goes nowhere. Elgin sends him in the corner. Back elbow. Ricochet ducks. Running knees. Elgin follows but misses a charge. Hard back elbow. Ricochet flips but gets planted. 1-2-NO! Ricochet whipped hard in the corner. Ricochet placed in the corner. Chop by Elgin. Whip. Ricochet gets a boot up. Elbow. Swinging DDT blocked. Tilt a whirl backbreaker by Elgin. Elgin preps for the stalling vertical suplex. Ricochet counters into a DDT! Great pay-off to that little angle. Forearms from Ricochet. Series of kicks. Elgin continues missing punches. Kick by Ricochet misses. Rolling forearm. Ricochet counters. Armdrag by Elgin. Spin kick by Ricochet. Neckbreaker. Standing shooting star press. 1-2-NO! Another standing shooting star press. 1-2-NO!  Ricochet struggles to pick Elgin up. No whip. Forearms by Ricochet. Elgin hits a pumphandle exploder with a bridge for two. Ricochet out of the powerbomb. He low bridges Elgin. Enziguri. Huge tope con helo over the corner and onto Elgin. Back in the ring. Meteora caught into an air raid crash. 1-2-NO! Bucklebomb. Spinning powerbomb turned into reverse rana! Ricochet climbs to the top rope. Shooting star press. 1-2-NO!  Ricochet climbs again. Elgin crotches him. Back kick by Elgin. Ricochet hits an enziguri. Rana but Elgin catches him. Ligerbomb off the top rope. Spinning powerbomb. Elgin advances to the finals in an unreal spectacle.

Match Analysis: it’s incredible to look back and think this was the third match for both of these guys, and one of them would have to wrestle one more time. This was an outstanding contest as both guys matched up with each other exceedingly well. The psychology was obvious. Big versus small guy, yet they executed it as well as could be done in under 15 minutes. Great job. This makes me excited to see the three way with Steen.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Michael Elgin/13:58/***3/4

Match in Five Words or Less: School Of Hard Knox

Match Highlights: Only in PWG would the senior referee be as over as the wrestlers. The Young Bucks deserve so much of the credit for this happening. Nick Jackson wants Knox. Generico hesitates. Extended stalling. Nick with a kick to the midsection and side headlock. Noggin knocker. Shoulder tackle sends Knox down. Knox with a back elbow. Generico ducks and hits a double axehandle. Nick with double chops. Knox ducks. Trio of armdrags for Matt. Matt sent into the corner. 10 punches in the corner. Matt sent into the top turnbuckle. Double back elbows. Knox covers for one. Matt with a knee to the midsection. Knox hits a dropkick. Immediate tag to Generico. Elbow strike to the top of the head. Generico whipped.Boot out of the corner. Cage hits a clothesline as Nick holds Generico prone. Cage with a series of right hands. Uppercut. Short clothesline. Bucks and Cage continue working over Generico. Generico kicks Nick into the corner. Matt gets the same treatment. Elbow drop by Nick and Generico is in trouble.  Generico crawls out of the ring but Cage cuts him off from making the tag. Generico takes Cage up and over o the floor. Nick low bridged out. Exploder in the corner on Matt. Nick brings Knox off the apron. Cage with a double axehandle. Knox sent into the post. Generico with a brainbuster on Cage. Kevin Steen walks out to check on Knox. He looks at both men. “Help, Steen, help” chant. Generico hesitates but tags Steen in to an enormous pop. Steen beats the holy hell out of everyone. He kicks the rope into Matt’s groin multiple times. DDT on Nick from the apron. Generico shoves Steen. Steen prevents Generico from diving. Knox brings peace. TRIPLE DIVE!  That was magic. Steen hits a swanton on Nick. Cannonball on Cage. 1-2-NO! Cage brings Steen up and over. Spin kick. Suplex over the top rope. Unreal. 1-2-NO! Generico and Nick have a forearm battle. Hard elbow by Nick. Blue thunder blocked. Elbows by Nick. Tag to Matt. Blue thunder powerbomb. Matt with a thrust kick. He goes for the mask. Series of go behinds. Michinoku driver on Matt. Tag to Knox. He eats a double superkick from the Bucks. Generico saves Knox. Nick superkicks Generico. Steen saves Knox next. Cage with a discus lariat. They set Knox up. Knox shoves Matt. Cage low bridges. Matt taken in the corner. Violence party! Nick with a double axehandle from  behind. Nick’s foot sent into Matt. SUPERKICK BY KNOX! DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! Steen powerbombs Cage into the side of the ring. Generico double yakuza kick. Steen with a double samoan drop. Swinging DDT by Knox. Steen hits a package piledriver into the brainbuster. Knox covers and gets the victory.

Steen offers a handshake and then flips him off. Generico responds. Yup, they still hate each other. As it should be.

Match Analysis: If you want to know why Generico is one of the best in the world, just watch him in the heat segment. Watch the hot tag teases. He alone made that part of the match compelling and interesting. The Bucks obviously made the feud with Knox work because of the nuclear heat they have in Reseda. This was such an phenomenal match with some legitimate “Holy crap” moments. I had a big smile on my face after it was over. This was everything I love about indy wrestling. Storytelling from guys who know how to do it. Knox was in no way regarded as an equal to the greatest PWG tag team champions of all-time, but he still got to have his revenge. Steen and Generico were brilliant in their roles. The subtle looks and hesitation. Just magnificent.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Kevin Steen, El Generico, and Rick Knox/17:57/****

Match in Five Words or Less: BOLA Goes to Panama

Match Highlights: These two won a combined two singles match before this weekend. Excalibur uses Michael Cole’s name. Awful. Cole charges and misses. He catches Elgin with a jumping enziguri. Cross body. Elgin fallaway slam. Chop. Kick by Cole. Forearm exchange. Cole pokes Elgin’s eye and then a series of forearms. Elgin responds. Back suplex into the apron. They head to the trophy area. Elgin with a clubbering blow to Cole. Elgin carries Cole around the crowd. Slam on the floor. Stomp across the chest. Knee strikes to the face. Cole shot to the midsection and a leaping DDT on the apron. Elgin goes to the apron. Cole goes for a German suplex. Elgin back elbows. Superkick blocked. AIR RAID CRASHED ON THE APRON! 1-2-NO! Bodyslam. Twisting splash misses. Shining wizard by Cole. 1-2-NO! Second one. 1-2-NO!  Elgin O’Connor roll. Right into a German suplex. Superkick. Suplex but Cole with a series of knee strikes. Back fist by Elgin. Enziguri by Cole. Superkick by Cole. Clothesline by Elgin. Bucklebomb. Cole counters into the neckbreaker across his knee. Figure four leglock. Elgin goes to the bottom rope. Boot out of the corner. Straight jacket German suplex. 1-2-NO! Elgin small package gets two. Back fists. Bucklebomb. Spinning powerbomb. 1-2-NO! Slap by Elgin. Elgin goes for a powerbomb from the top. Sunset bomb by Cole. Shining wizard. 1-NO! Superkick. Elgin snaps Cole’s head back and plants him. Elgin charges. Kick to the knee by Cole. Canadian Destroyer. Pair of superkicks. Straightjacket German suplex and Adam Cole wins his fourth match of the weekend and is now the 2012 PWG Battle of Los Angeles winner.

Match Analysis: Two of the great young stars in PWG got to strut their stuff all weekend long. The two men rose to the occasion in every match and although they couldn’t go all out here, they still had an excellent match worthy of being called the 2012 BOLA final. I wasn’t sure about the decision to have Cole win the whole thing upon reading the results, but after seeing this tournament with my own eyes, I am convinced this was the right decision.

Winner (s)/Time/Rating: 2012 Battle of Los Angeles Winner-Adam Cole/13:54/***1/2

-Adam Cole wants the microphone after the match. He says he’s on top because he’s the best TODAY! He then has words for Kevin Steen and says all he does is win. Cole vows to win the PWG world title when he wrestles Steen. This is good enough to bring Steen into the ring. Steen says Cole caught lightning in a bottle. Cole kicks him in the balls and nails him with the championship. Wow. Quite the finish there. Cole leaves with the title and trophy.

The Verdict: The last three matches really brought this night together. This tournament is an easy thumbs up for any indy wrestling fan, and the best part was that new guys were showcased. It wasn’t just the Kevin Steen and El Generico show. Cole, Elgin, Cage, and Ricochet stepped up their game in a big way and showcased why they’re the next big stars in wrestling. To see the future of wrestling and to see why Adam Cole should be booked as a heel everywhere, but these DVDs.

For more information on PWG and their upcoming shows, check out PWG’s website. To buy this and many other PWG DVDs, check out Highspots. Below is a list of contact information for both the website and me.

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