-Black and Steen take it to the extreme!
-Taped from Chicago Ridge, Illinois
-Your hosts are Joe Dombrowski and Dave Prazak
-Tag Wars 2010: Erick Stevens and Necro Butcher (w/Prince Nana) vs. Grizzly Redwood and Rasche Brown
I can’t say I’m happy about this match opening the show. I am happy that we get the Embassy out of the way. Stevens and Necro start immediately by attacking Brown and Redwood before the bell even rings. Stevens tries to press slam Redwood, but Brown stares him down. Press slam on Stevens. Face team teases a double dive. Things settle down. A very paint by the numbers boring tag team match. Stevens is the only one of the four who deserves better. This is a guy who was in one of the best ROH feuds in late 2007 and 2008. Now he’s curtain jerking matches with ROH students. Redwood takes a pretty stupid bump on a press slam. Redwood was even lacerated by those dreaded guard rails. Not sure if it was hard way or not. Redwood sort of gets a powerbomb and tags Brown. House of fire. Choo choo appears to regain the advantage for his team, but Brown gets a chokeslam. Redwood dumps Necro to the floor. Huge dive. Chicago crowd gets behind Brown. Stevens with a roll-up on Brown. He holds the tights and gets three.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: The Embassy/8:55/*
-The match happened. No one got killed. Move on.
-Sara Del Rey (w/The Kings of Wrestling and Shane Hagadorn) vs. Amazing Kong
This is a rematch from Supercard of Honor V, a match with a controversial ending as Del Rey used Chris Hero’s elbowpad to get the victory. KOW at ringside basically means we’re getting a screwjob finish. Crowd wants Kong to kill Del Rey. Del Rey goes for a kick. Kong blocks. Shoulder tackle attempts don’t work out so well. Kick to the face seems to work. Then Kong splashes her. Del Rey powders. Claudio tugs the foot. Del Rey clubbers away and rakes the arm against the top rope. Boots and a choke in the corner. Continued work on the arm.  Kong grabs a sleeper. Jawbreaker by Del Rey. Running yakuza. Hero helps Del Rey on the outside. Kicks to the arm. Kong gets mad. Series of chops. Irish whip and a clothesline. Del Rey kicks the arm. Stretches it out. Irish whip reversed. Kong clotheslines. Running splash in the corner. Off the ropes with a big splash. Amazing bomb attempt. Del Rey with a kick. Kong kicks her again. Del Rey crawls out on the apron. Vertical suplex attempt to the floor. Kong pushes Del Rey on to KOW. Kong dives on everyone except Hagadorn. Back in the ring. Implant buster. 1-2-NO! Kong goes to the second rope. Hero grabs her leg. Kong sends her flying down. Del Rey distracts the referee. Claudio kicks Kong in the face. Combo kick. Kong gets a roll-up for three.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Amazing Kong/7:58/*1/2
-These two are capable of having a great wrestling match. It’s so easy. Just tell them to go out and take care of business. Instead we get interference through the whole match and another roll-up ending. I’m so tired of Ring of Honor matches ending in roll-ups or screwjobs. It’s lazy booking. I don’t care who’s doing the booking either.
-Tag Wars 2010: The House of Truth (Christian Able and Josh Raymond) vs. The Briscoe Brother (Jay and Mark Briscoe)
Martini makes Harvey re-introduce him again. Properly I made. How could Harvey forget “The Book of Truth” being on the New York Times Bestseller list all those weeks? Ridiculous.  Mark and Raymond start with a lock-up. YEAH! Feeling out process to start. Winner of this faces the Embassy. As far as match quality goes, they’re the losers if they have to face the Embassy. Jay Briscoe tags in. Raymond with the advantage. Able with a shoulder tackle leads to a chop war. Able whips Jay. Reverse elbow and leg lariat by Jay. Double team shoulder tackle on Able. Mark hits a charging Able with a boot. Neckbreaker. Mark sends Able into the top turnbuckle. Double chops and boots. Double beal on Able. Able hits Jay with a dropkick. Tag to Raymond. Raymond with a roll-up for two. Wow. Thought that might be the ending. Raymond tries to chop Jay. Dumb. Jay wins that exchange pretty easily. Bodyslam and a legdrop. Martini holds the ropes down. Jay goes after Martini and nails Able in the gut. Raymond and Able nearly nail their manager. Jay clotheslines both men. Chop by Jay. In comes Mark. Back suplex. Into a cradle for one. Shot to the throat. Gutwrench suplex. Fist drop. Punch by Mark. Jay with a series of forearms. Raymond battles both men. Double team powerbomb by H.o.T as Able controls traffic. Heat segment on Jay Briscoe. Their double team work just isn’t as smooth as it is in AAW. I have no idea what the problem is. Raymond goes to the top for a spiral tap. Knees up. Enziguri by Jay. Hot tag to Mark. Redneck kung fu for everyone. Leaping kick on Raymond. Leaping knee on Able after a whip. Northern lights suplex on Raymond for two. Whip in the corner. Raymond gets an elbow up and goes to the top. Mark slaps Raymond and gets an iconoclasm for two. Forearm exchange between Mark and Able. Kick to the gut and a brainbuster. T-bone suplex on Raymond. Jabs on Raymond. Slap on the top rope. Able lawn darts Mark. Raymond hits a shooting star SPEAR! Able kicks Jay away. Mark out of a neckbreaker attempt. Burning hammer attempt. Alabama slam by Able. Quick cover for two. Double team quebrada. Jay saves his partner. Forearms delivered. Duck of the clothesline. Superkick on Raymond. Death valley driver on Able. Doomsday device attempt. Able catches Mark in a powerslam. 1-2-NO! Raymond sends Jay into the turnbuckle. Tower of truth. Jay pushes Raymond off the top. Cutter on Able. Jay gets a boot on Raymond. Jay driller attempt. Martini misses a book shot. Superkick by Raymond. Clothesline by Jay takes Raymond end over end. Mark with a huge dive. Jay driller sends the Briscoes into the next round of Tag Wars.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: The Briscoes/16:00/***1/2
-Probably the best match House of Truth has had since coming into Ring of Honor. They got to showcase themselves quite well in a match that got a lot of time. Good work and a good finish makes me happy. Hopefully, we’re now off and running with this show.
Pick 6 Series: Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong (w/Truth Martini)
Strong is a guy who needs to get himself over as a heel. Who does ROH put him in for a singles match? One of the biggest heels in the company. No wonder the fans have trouble picking who to cheer for. Forgot one aspect of this match. GENERATION NEXT EXPLODES! Aries tells the fans to stop cheering for him. THEN WHO ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO CHEER FOR DUMMY? Lock-up into the corner. Aries slaps him a bit. Another lock-up into the corner. Referee separates the men. Aries headlock. Strong puts him in a headscissors. Oh no. Aries doesn’t dropkick him in the face but simply reverses. Strong out of it and gets a dropkick. Aries with an elbow while in a waistlock. Strong applies the waistlock already. Aries over. Into the corner. Chop ducked by Strong. One of his own delivered. Aries heads outside. Chop by Aries. Outside again. Knee to the midsection and a headlock. Strong wristlock. Aries into one of his own. Knee by Aries. Irish whip and a leg lariat by Strong. Chop in the corner. Clubbering blows and kicks. Another chop. Aries with one of his own. Strong maintains the advantage. Whip in the corner. Aries rakes Strong’s face along the ropes. Martini grabs the leg of Aries and gets himself tossed. Now the whole face/heel thing is more confusing. Aries nails Strong off the apron. Heat-seeking missile. Strong sent into the guard rail. Shoulder block. Shot to the back. Slingshot sends Strong’s neck into the bottom rope. Left hands. Whip in the corner. Bulldog. Rake of the eyes. Fist drop. Aries with a figure four stump puller (Joe Dombrowski’s words) into a cover for two. Chop by Strong. Knee by Aries. Vertical suplex attempt. Strong gets a gordbuster. Aries dropkicks Strong in the leg. Double axehandle by Aries on the floor. In the cover for two. Chinlock. Forearms by Strong. Irish whip reversed. Strong goes for the Gibson driver. Aries tries to apply the stronghold. Strong kicks him away. Leaping knee. Forearms by Strong. Whip in the corner with a clothesline. Follow through met with an elbow. Snap powerslam by Strong. Aries out of the gutbuster. Backrake. O’Connor roll blocked. Strong gets a kick. Aries with a left forearm. Aries with a neckbreaker on the second rope. Missile dropkick. Strong catches a charging Aries. Enziguri. Gutbuster. 1-2-foot on the ropes. Kick by Strong. Gibson driver attempt but Aries sends him in the corner. Kick by Strong. Enziguri. Rana by Aries out of the Gibson driver. Japanese armdrag in the corner. Running dropkick in the corner. 1-2-NO! Last Chancery reversed into a quick cover. Chop exchange. Strong comes out on top. Aries with a stungun. Lifts him for a jawbreaker. On the apron. Strong quickly back in the ring. Aries sends Strong into the top turnbuckle. Strong hits a kick. Up to the top rope. Aries fights Strong off. Chop by Strong. Backbreaker on the top turnbuckle. 1-2-NO! Stronghold. Aries gets a roll-up for two. Strong with a half nelson backbreaker. Second one turned into a crucifix driver. Kick to the head. Brainbuster turned into a backbreaker. SICK KICK! 1-2-3!
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Roderick Strong/17:58/***1/2
-An excellent match honestly. Despite not knowing who to cheer for, these guys had a very good match that was at or above the level of the matches they had in 2007. Some nice innovation and counters from both men. Good stuff here.
-Aries talks after the match because I guess he’s got it in his contract to cut promos on every show. He says he brought the best out of Strong and implies he’d like to be the manager of the man who just beat him. Strong and Martini walks out. Aries talks about what he did to Daizee Haze. And it wasn’t anything sexual. Threats are made to Delirious of course. Aries is about to go into manager mode.
-Tag Wars 2010:All-Night Express (Rhett Titus and Kenny King)(w/Austin Aries) vs. Delirious and Jerry Lynn
Lynn and Delirious take the fight to the All-Night Express right away and clear the ring. Delirious chases Aries away from ringside. Titus sends Delirious into the guard rail. Lynn is all alone. No, he’s not. Delirious comes in. Babyfaces once again clean house on Titus and King. Double team facebuster. Irish whip. King knees Lynn in the back. King with shots. Lynn headscissors. Double team kicks. Snapmare by Delirious. Perfect neckbreaker by Lynn. Running splash off the ropes by Delirious. Headbutt. Fireman’s carry slam. Senton for two. Choke in the corner. 10 punches in the corner. Aries comes out dressed in the gear of Daizee Haze. Not gonna lie. I laughed. Heat segment on a distracted Delirious. He fights them off using his head until King gets a spinebuster. Knee into the back. Crowd chants “Daizee Aries.” Cute. Double team neckbreaker into the back of Titus. Snap suplex by Delirious. Titus drags Delirous by the tassles. King in. Headbutt by Delirious. Sitting flatliner. Lynn hot tag. Titus sent off the apron. Back drop on King. Series of elbows. Bulldog/clothesline combination. Lynn counters into a reverse DDT. Titus saves his partner. Atomic  drop by Titus. Lynn kicks Titus. King with an accidental clothesline. Clothesline from the top by Delirious. Cobra clutch suplex on King. Titus sent on the apron. Lynn hits a dropkick. Cannonball on King and Titus. Delirious dives on Aries instead and puts him in the ring. To the top. King pushes Aries out of the ring. Titus pushes Delirious off the top. King gets a backbreaker. Titus with a knee. Cover for King. 1-2-3!
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: The All-Night Express/12:57/**
-Delirious knocks King and Titus down but pulls Aries back in the ring. All-Night Express bail their manager out while Lynn gets a chair.
-Mediocre match. Pretty formulaic but nothing offensive. I think the right team won. Lynn looked awfully stiff and banged up walking to the ring and throughout the match. Guess wrestling three nights in a row isn’t the best of ideas.
-Tag Wars 2010:The American Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) vs. El Generico and Colt Cabana
Go from a battle of heels to a battle of babyfaces. I’m sorry. The Wolves spit in the hands of their opponents. Seriously, what the hell are these guys? Getting really annoying. Cabana says he’s going to eat Davey alive. Davey waits by the referee. Into the corner. Cabana ducks a chop and gets one of his own. Cabana sends Richards outside the ring. Richards wants to bring a chair in the ring. Cabana takes Richards down. Quick roll-up for two. Into the corner. Richards gets his boot up. He tries a flying asshole. He fails. Atomic drop by Cabana. Cabana and Generico take turns punching Generico. Punch by Generico. Forearm in the corner. Irish whip. Hard clothesline by Richards. Armdrags by Generico on Edwards. 10 punches in the corner. Cabana gets one for good measure. Generico with a chop. Tag to Cabana. Forearm. Generico with an elbow drop. Richards tags and eats a leg lariat. Chop. Strikes by Cabana and Generico.  Generico with a whip. Yakuza blocked. Richards kicks Cabana. Richards holds the ropes down so Edwards can get a leg lariat. Heat segment on Generico. Richards works Generico over outside the ring. Powerslam by Edwards. Richards hits a headbutt. Same combination they used against the Young Bucks as well.  I’m also really glad the Wolves can go from being faces to heels so easily. That was sarcasm. Generico sells like a champ and even takes the assisted alarm clock. Edwards accidentally superkicks Richards. Generico out of a waistlock. Quebrada on both Wolves. Jabs to both men. Elbow on Edwards. He sends Richards into the ropes. O’Connor roll. Flying asshole. Richard comes out of the corner. Quick two count. Double chops. Edwards grabs Cabana’s foot. Generico dives on the back of Cabana to Edwards on the outside. Richards goes for a dive of his own. Cabana charges at him. Billy goat’s curse. Richards to the ropes. Colt 45 worked out of. Hard kicks by Richards. Generico grabs Richards. Cabana holds Richards while Generico gets a yakuza. Billy goat’s curse. Generico tries to keep Edwards at bay but no dice. Hold is broken. Generico comes off with a big splash. 1-2-NO! Generico goes for the half nelson suplex. Richards goes for the handspring enziguri. Generico grabs him. Richards gets an enziguri. In the corner. Edwards hits a forearm. F-5 and a big kick. 1-2-NO! Edwards places Generico on the top rope. Generico with forearms and headbutts. Crossbody gets two. Generico ducks a forearm and nails Richards. Superkick by Edwards. Michinoku driver by Generico. Edwards does his best to prevent the tag. Flying asshole by Cabana. Yakuza kick by Generico. Colt 45 gets two. Richards makes the save and deposits Generico. Superkick by Edwards. Kick by Richards. Double kicks by the Wolves. Edwards gets Cabana on his shoulder. Cabana gets the billy goat’s curse. As Generico gets a top rope brainbuster on Richards. Edwards has no choice but to tap.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: El Generico and Colt Cabana/16:15/***3/4
-A really good tag team match. Generico is a guy who can sell exceedingly well for the Wolves. If Cabana just wrestles competently, the match will work out. They had a very good match down in Phoenix during Wrestlemania. I think this match may have been even better because Cabana and Generico have developed more chemistry together. Once again, this was not necessarily a formula tag team match, but something a little bit different.
-Richards kicks Shane Hagadorn right in the midsection in the aisle. I guess that means the American Wolves are babyfaces?
-Non-title:The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) vs. Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli [ROH World Tag Team Champions])(w/Shane Hagadorn and Sara Del Rey)
We go from a babyface match to a heel match. Yeesh. Least this has the potential to be one of the better matches of the weekend. Bucks don’t make the same promo they did the previous night, so I guess they’re babyfaces. Claudio with a lock-up right away and a tag to Hero. Matt runs away. Feeling out process. Nick tags. Elbow by Hero. Claudio off the second rope with a fist. Claudio takes Nick over with a side headlock. Shoulder tackle. Armdrag by Nick. Continued work on the arm. Into the KOW corner. Hero in with knees and strikes. Tag to Claudio once again. Kick. Chops in the corner. Claudio misses a charge. Nick goes for a kick. Hero elbows him. Bodyslam. Senton met with knees. Dropkick by Nick. Tag to Matt. Matt launches his brother into Hero. Shoulder blocks in the corner. Irish whip and a double kick. Dropkick by both men. Cover by Nick gets two. Hero bites his way into the advantage. Into the buckle goes Nick. Tag to Claudio. He sends Nick in the corner, and we get a look at his Mohawk. Head sent into the knee. Series of kicks. A dropkick by the big man. Jawbreaker and leg lariat by Nick. Tag to Matt. Punch and shoulder blocks in the corner. Matt holds his brother and allows Nick to kick him in the arm. A double team neckbreaker. Matt gets a monkeyflip. Headscissors. Crossbody but Claudio catches him. Matt out of it. O’Connor roll. Hero suplexes Matt into Claudio’s knee. Hero dropkicks Nick off the apron. Bodyslam and senton by Hero. Cravat with knees. An elbow. Double whip by the champions. Chinlock. Matt out of the hold. Claudio gets a hiptoss. Double Irish whip leads to a double boot. Knee by Hero. Before Matt can get the tag to his brother, Hero dropkicks him in the left leg. That was different. Snapmare by Claudio. Combination of a dropkick and European uppercut. Nick saves his partner from a potential three count. Hero chokes Matt . Del Rey with a kick of her own. Claudio with a chinlock. Matt gets shots to the midsection. Claudio off the ropes. Victory roll by Matt. Hot tag to Nick.. Double stomp Dropkick to Hero on the apron. Rana on Claudio.  Claudio reverses an Irish whip. Hero grabs the foot. Nick comes off the apron with a moonsault on Hero. Hurancanrana off the top rope on Claudio. Nick gets caught but comes away with an acecrusher anyway. Claudio lifts Nick up but almost gets hit with a  sunset flip. Claudio powers him over and makes a tag. Back and forth. Hero gets an elbow. Air raid crash gets two. Hero with elbow strike combinations. Nick reverses a powerbomb into a rana. Matt in. Hero gets a boot up. Matt gets a boot up. Goes for an acecrusher. Kicks Claudio. Gets it. Nick with a superkick on Claudio. Matt gets a backflip. Nick with another superkick. Matt with a backflip facebuster. Nick gets a dive. Matt wants one of his but eats elbow. Claudio lifts Matt up for a vertical suplex. Hero with an elbow to the back. Claudio gets a European uppercut. 1-2-NO! Big swing. Nick with a blind tag as his broither gets hit with a dropkick. Nick with a hurancanrana from the top on Claudio. 1-2-NO! Superkick blocked. European uppercut. UFO. 1-2-NO! KRS attempt. Matt sends Hero into his partner. Forearms in the corner. Whip reversed. Nick goes for a superkick but it’s blocked. They  deliver some hard shots to each other. All four men. Hero ends up on top for a two count. Matt in and he dropkicks Claudio on the apron. Nick with a running knee on Hero. Matt sets up Hero on the ropes. 450 by Nick. Matt covers. 1-2-NO! They go for More Bang for Your Buck. Blocked. Claudio tosses Matt up and gets a European uppercut. Nick sent away. KRS hit. Hero gets a three count.
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: Kings of Wrestling/19:45/***
-One of the biggest complaints I had about the match with the Bucks against the Wolves was the Wolves taking too much of the match. This was even more obvious in this encounter. The KOW never wins clean, yet they did here. Bucks were made to look like borderline indy jobbers. I felt like I was watching a 20 minute squash. This has happened in a number of Chris Hero’s matches throughout the summer. I get that it’s cool for the Bucks to lose twice since they’re TNA stars, but there’s no reason this match should have only been worth three stars. These are two of the best tag teams in the world. If only the person booking this match understood that.
-ROH World Heavyweight Championship: Tyler Black (champion) vs. Kevin Steen
Black sucks up to the crowd by wearing a Michael Jordan jersey. Whoever thought that was a good decision should have been shot. Your world champion should not need to suck up that badly. Especially in Ring of Honor. John Cena can sort of get away with it because WWE fans are very sheepish. Steen licks the belt beforehand in a nice character moment. Code of honor followed. Steen slaps him. Big brawl to start as each man is on top firing right hands. Black sends Steen in the guard rail. More right hands. 10 punches on the guard rail. Steen sends Black into the ring post. Steen tries to send Black into the barricade. Black reverses and kicks Steen in the face. Black hits a springboard clothesline. Stomp to the face. Chop exchange. Stomps in the corner by Black. Choking. Irish whip. Steen goes for a package piledriver. Black sends Steen over. Steen pulls the champion out. Powerbomb on the ring frame. Such a dangerous move. Crowd goes “OLE!” Steen sends Black into the guard rail. Black fires back with right hands. Steen fires Black into the post head first. Steen rips at the face of the champion. He sends the barricade into Black’s midsection. Into the ring for a two count. More ripping at the face. Kick and chops do nothing to Steen. He gets bitten in response. Knee against the face in the corner. Steen says he’s the anti-christ and kicks Black one more time. Kicks and strikes by Black. Steen with an eye rake. Forearm. Black wanders around like a drunk. Irish whip. Black lands on his feet. He tries to springboard from the apron, but Steen gets an acecrusher. Swanton is met with knees. Black gets a back suplex after a roll through. He gets all fired up. Charging forearm. Neckbreaker. To the top. Steen pushes him off. Black ends up on the floor bleeding from the head. I believe that was planned. Steen points out the blood to the fans. Punches in the face. Black sure is bleeding a gusher. Back in the ring. Steen rubs Black’s blood on his own face. 1-2-NO! Chinlock and more biting. Forearm exchange. Steen punches Black down. Kick to the midsection. Suplex but Black gets out. Peroxism attempt. Steen gets the crossface. Black to the ropes. They end up on the apron. Punch exchange. Steen says he’s better than Black. Slap by Black. Steen with shots. He charges and gets booted. Black hits peroxism on the ring frame. That was different. Back in the ring. Black doesn’t want a countout. Off the ropes. Steen with a powerbomb. Right into the sharpshooter. Seen this scenario before. A bleeding superstar in the sharpshooter. Black to the ropes. Steen goes for an Irish whip. Black won’t go. Steen bites again. Steen goes for pumphandle suplex. Black gets a pele. F-5. 1-2-NO! Lionsault misses. Standing shooting star press doesn’t. Steen in the corner. Black calls for a high knee. Steen takes him over. Enziguri to the back. Springboard. Steen catches Black and gets a pumphandle neckbreaker. 1-2-NO! Steen climbs to the second rope. Black goes for a powerbomb. Steen punches him. Black leaps over with a kick. Bucklebomb to the other corner. Superkick. 1-2-NO! Black places Steen on the top rope. Steen fights him off. Black joins Steen on the top rope. Superplex. Black rolls through. Steen gets a gutbuster. Moonsault. 1-2-NO! Steen is incredulous. Crowd is into it. Steen awaits Black. Superkick. Black with one of his own. Steen gets one. Black gets three in a row. Both men down. Black can’t make the cover on Steen. Steen boots a charging Black. He goes outside. To the top rope. Pele by Black. Steen crumples to the apron. Black climbs to the top. He double stomps Steen THROUGH THE RINGSIDE TABLE! Unbelievable. Black sends Steen in the ring. Steen is bleeding. Spits Black in the face. Superkick. God’s last gift. 1-2-NOOO! Black to the top. Phoenix splash misses. Steen bucklebomb. Superkick. Package piledriver. 1-2-NOOOOOO! Steen has no idea what to do. To the top. I believe Steen wants a package piledriver from the top rope.  Black slaps him in the face. Steen has it locked… no. Black with a hurancanrana. Steen rolls through. Black gets a sharpshooter. To the middle of the ring. STEEN TAPS!
-Winner (s)/Time/Rating: STILL ROH World Champion-Tyler Black/23:05/****1/4
-A great match between these two. One of the more violent and twisted Ring of Honor title matches I’ve seen in a long time. Steen asserted his awesomeness as usual by being a complete jerk the whole match. His interactions and constantly talking to Tyler added an element to the match. Black played the babyface roll well, and  while I’m not a huge fan of all the blood in 2010, I think it added a dramatic element that would have otherwise not been there. A tremendously worked match that I think a lot of old school ROH fans can appreciate. For all the garbage Black takes, he sure is having a lot of great matches as the world champion.
-Steen says Black is amazing to someone on the cellphone. I’m pretty sure it’s Steve Corino. He also says Black has changed, and “they got him.” That’s not cryptic at all.
Final Thoughts: Top to bottom, this was one of the best Ring of Honor shows of the year. Some incredible action throughout. Even with the semi-main event disappointing at the level of being a dream match, there were still a number of fantastic contests. Just about every match had a clean finish, and the interference was kept to a minimum. And then there’s the main event. By itself one of the best matches in Ring of Honor. The sad part is this is Adam Pearce’s last show as Ring of Honor. Ironically, this will go down as one of the best shows he ever helped put together. Irony can be so ironic sometimes.

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