Match in Five Words or Less: Thanks Touchdown

Match Highlights: Both men put up their dukes. They shake hands since they’re going to wrestle. Criss cross. Cabana misses a slap after telling Hatfield to run. Another criss cross. He misses again. Remsburg says it’s strike two. Hatfield tells Cabana to look up and slaps him. Cabana cuts Hatfield’s grand slam and hits a dropkick. He puts Remsburg in front of him. Assisted takedown and pinfall for two. Hatfield slides under Remsburg and Cabana for a roll-up. Pair of armdrags by Hatfield. Back elbow and uppercut. Another body blow. Small package gets two. Flying apple gets two. Colt 45 countered. Hatfield takes him to the corner. Sliding dropkick after Cabana misses a blind charge. Elbows from Hatfield. Series of double chops. Big right hand. Flying apple. Lariat. 1-2-NO! Cabana airplane spin. Both men are dizzy. Jabs from Cabana. Big elbow to the top of the head. Elbow off the middle rope. Mr. Touchdown brings Cabana down hard as Remsburg is distracted. Suicide Squeeze gets the win for Hatfield.

Angelosetti yells at Cabana for being a loser after the match. He even throws the football at him. Well, clearly there is an issue that needs to be settled here. Hatfield offers a handshake to Cabana. Cabana walks away.

Match Analysis: Great way to open the show as you’ve got a developing issue and two very good wrestlers within the Chikara realm. Little less comedy in this one but Hatfield is really earning his singles stripes in 2012 with two huge victories over Anniversario weekend. With Touchdown’s interference, an issue was also started with Cabana and the Throwbacks, so this definitely served its purpose.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: Dasher Hatfield/6:56/***/***

Match in Five Words or Less: Battle Of The Female Rookies

Match Highlights: The idea here is that these two women are rookies battling it out. Kagetsu with immediate strikes in the corner. Dropkick off the ropes. Dropkick by Saturyne but she is powerslammed while attempting a cross body. Headlock by Kagetsu. Saturyne counters with a snapmare. Charge is met with a forearm. Springboard misses for Kagetsu. Takedown and a dropkick right to the head. Spin kick from Saturyne. Running leg lariat. Bulldog. Whip by Kagetsu. Charging elbows. Into the armbar. Another spin kick for Saturyne. Cross body. That move is going to get her hurt one of these days. Cross body gets two. Kagetsu catches her in a firemen’s carry. Airplane spin and samoan drop gets the victory for Kagetsu.

Match Analysis: This was a solid sprint between the rookies. Both girls showed what they could do, and there’s no reason they can’t be stars in their respective countries. Saturyne is someone Chikara clearly has high hopes for based on the opportunities they’re giving her, but she needs to continue improving.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: Kagetsu/5:46/**/**1/2

Match in Five Words or Less: The Not So Usual Colony

Match Highlights: Usually, it’s Soldier Ant teaming with Fire Ant, but Fire Ant was not booked. Some comedy between Soldier Ant and Hijo. Soldier At tries getting him salute and slaps both IceCreams around. He sends the Ice Creams into each other. Chinbreaker by Junior on Green Ant. Armdrags. Headbutt to the midsection followed by another armdrag. Bodyslam. Running splash. Hijo brings Soldier Ant down by his antennae a number of times. Snake eyes and one more tear down by the antennae. Heat segment on Soldier. Ring my bell from Junior. Bodyslam. Soldier Ant is too close for Hijo to come off the top rope. Some slight movement. Hijo still feels he’s too close. More movement. Junior brings Soldier Ant all the way to the other side of the ring. Splash misses badly of course. Green Ant enters. Flying headbutts on Hijo. Splash met with knees from Junior. Double vertical suplex blocked by Soldier Ant. Double dropkicks send them upside down on the ropes. Double tilt a whirl backbreakers. Dropkicks miss. Off the ropes and double back elbows. Double bodyslams. Double splash…sort of. Double Chikara specials. We get double tap-outs.

Match Analysis: Not much to this tag team match. This was more an excuse just to get the Colony on the show. Nothing wrong but nothing worth seeing either.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: The Colony/8:34/**/**

-Lance talks about how cute the Sendai girls are. Harlem suggests they bring the girls back home to grandma after they beat them. Hilarious.

Match in Five Words or Less: Brothers Versus Sisters

Match Highlights: Bravados shake hands with the girls. Classy of them. Harlem starts with Sachiko. This is the first time a team of brothers are battling a team of sisters. Harlem establishes his power advantage before the match. Some fan says something I can’t understand, and the Bravados are incensed. Pair of lock-ups but Harlem shoves her down hard. Sachiko is crying. Harlem is ready to apologize. Kick and a headlock from Sachiko. Shoulder tackle by Harlem. Whip but Sachiko gets a boot up. Rana. Lance in. headscissors into the octopus. Chisako applies one of her own. Double dropkicks on Lance. Boot from Sachiko sends Chisako into Lance in a senton position. Lock-up and a knee strike in the abdomen. Choking in the corner. Running forearm by Sachiko on Lance. She gets driven hard. Bravados go to work. Bravados show what heels they are with cocky covers, choking, and other heel tactics. Sachiko counters out of a powerbomb. Hot tag and double stomp from Chisako. Wow. Springboard dropkick. Running Laurinitis crusher. 1-2-NO! Lance gets a belly-to-belly suplex. Tag to Harlem. He tries getting the crowd to clap for him. No dice. SCISSORS KICK!  Good gravy! Counter into a small package by Chisako for two. Perfectplex by Harlem gets two. Chinbreaker by Chisako. Sachiko hits a dropkick off the top rope. Gordbuster of her own partner on Harlem. Rolling senton by Chisako gets two. Headbutts by Harlem. Kick to the back by Chisako. Superkick by Sachiko. Assisted sliced bread. Moonsault by Chisako. 1-2-NO! Knees from Harlem. Bucklebomb by Lance. Blue thunder powerbomb by Harlem gets two on Chisako. 1-2-NO! Series of strikes. Cover by Harlem gets two. Bravados set up for something, but 3.0 make their way out. Sachiko climbs up and missile dropkicks Harlem. Superkick by Chisako. Rana into the cover by Sachiko. Sendai girls pick up the victory.     

Match Analysis: We really got a chance to see the best of what these guys and gals had to offer. The Bravados are so much better than before it’s not even funny. Now that they seemingly have better in-ring skills to go along with a defined heel persona, the sky is the limit for them in Chikara. Getting them involved in a feud with a team like 3.0 is a perfect way to keep things interesting on both sides. The Sendai Girls played great babyfaces and underdogs. They weren’t afraid to mix it up with the boys. Very fun match.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: The Sendai Girls/14:14/***1/2/***1/2

Match in Five Words or Less: The Feud Is On

Match Highlights: Parker is still nursing injured ribs. 17 and Shard actually have two of the three points required to get into tag team title contention. Brawl to start of course. Double clotheslines send the Gekido to the floor. Dive by Parker. Elbows on both Gekido members by Matthews. Double team on each member separately. Parker hits a running knee on Shard. Punches in the corner. 17 guillotines Parker on the top rope. Gekido focuses on the ribs. Parker armdrags Shard out. Kick to the ribs by 17. Body scissors. 17 places Parker on the top rope. Parker sends him back down and hits a discus forearm. Matthews hits a clothesline on 17 and shoves Shard down. Forearm by Shard. Dropkick by Matthews. Boston crab attempt quickly broken up by 17. Matthews gets a headscissors. Boston crab. Superkick by Shard blocked. Boston crab for him too. Bravados attack 3.0. Jon Barber tosses the match out. It’s worth pointing out Gekido loses the match and goes back down to zero  points. Beatdown continues as they focus on Parker’s ribs.

Match Analysis: This was more of an angle than a match as the emphasis was clearly placed on the Bravados/3.0 feud more than whatever Gekido were trying to accomplish. Very basic match until the match. Again, this wasn’t actually bad but nothing to write home about.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: 3.0/7:26/*1/2/**

Match in Five Words or Less:  Battle of the Best

Match Highlights:  Satomura with an immediate leg kick. Del Rey calls for a test of strength. Another leg kick by Satomura. Kick misses. Test of strength. They transition into a feeling out process as Satomura works a headlock and Del Rey works the arm. Satomura grapevines the legs. Into the turnbuckles go Satomura. Springboard forearm. Kick misses. She holds Del Rey and connects on the kick. Back suplex. Forearm by Del Rey. Battle on the top rope. Superplex. Knee strikes from Del Rey. Axe kick. Royal butterfly attempt countered as the women head into the corner. Running boot from Del Rey. Kick exchange. Big uppercut by Satomura. To the top rope but she loses her balance. Frog splash met with knees. Northern lights suplex by Del Rey into a cross armbreaker. Satomura grabs a sleeper. Del Rey grabs the rope. Four consecutive boots to the face. Kick to the back of the head. Powerbomb from Del Rey gets two. Kick to the side of the head by Satomura. Forearm uppercut. Cartwheel knees across the back of Del Rey’s head. Frog splash. 1-2-NO! Combo kick by Del Rey. Satomura with a kick to the head. Kick to the back. Kick from Satomnura. Rolling combo kick of her own. Del Rey responds with a kick combination. Cover for two. Royal Butterfly. Into the suplex. 1-2-NO! She does it again. Done.

Match Analysis: This is premiere women’s action at its finest with two of the best in the world going at it. Great exchanges as these girls beat the holy hell out of each other. Good to see Del Rey get this sort of singles match in Chikara since she’s been relegated to a lot of midcard matches in 2012 with the exception of this and the El Generico contest. Hopefully, she gets a grand championship match sometime this year.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: Sara Del Rey/16:25/***1/2/***1/2

-Tim Donst taunts Hallowicked with his hair again and talks about being best friends with Delirious. He talks about getting the band back together (the band being the BDK) and celebrating their victory in NYC.

Match in Five Words or Less: Utter Chaos

Match Highlights: I have enough trouble keeping track of six guys, let alone 12 now. Wicked and Obaryion start. Kick and a forearm by Obaryion. Right hands. Go 2 Sleepy Hollow misses. Takedown by Obaryion. Atomic drop by Wicked. Sunset flip by Obaryion. Whip to the corner and step-up boot. Iconoclasm. Tag to Donst. Wicked gets dragged out by combatANT. assailANT becomes legal. Donst clotheslines him over. Mantis and Kodama come in next. Shoulder block by Mantis. Pair of armdrags and a bodyslam. Monkey flip out of the corner. Delirious comes in. deviANT dropkicks Mantis. Frightmare cross bodies Delirious. Chinbreaker. combatANT nails Delirious from behind and sends him out of the ring. Running boot and neckbreaker by Frightmare. Dive blocked by Hammermeier. He immediately goes for the knee. Mantis makes the save and sends Hammermeier out of the ring. Saluting forearm by combatANT on Mantis. assailANT drops Mantis. Running kick by deviANT. He goes for the mask. combatANT also joins in on the fun. Snap suplex on Mantis. Back to the mask. Wicked low bridges combatANT. Donst goes after Wicked. deviANT sends Mantis to the turnbuckle. Six feet of fury from the Swarm. Batiri prevent the pinfall. They send all three men up and over. Triple pescados. Donst tries directing traffic. Wicked is tripped up. Back and forth they go. Rana by Wicked. Drop toehold by Delirious. Panic attack. Heat segment on Wicked continues. Batiri get involved as well. Rydien bomb by Wicked but assailANT blind tags Kobald. Triple team attempt goes awry. Frightmare takes out various Gekido members. Kick on Hammermeier. Crucifix driver but Donst attacks him from behind. Whip reversed. Various members of the rudo teams end up in the corner. Dropkick on all five men. He scares them. Exchange of finishers as it gets tough to keep track of the action. Ophidian runs out and spits mist… in Hammermeier’s face. Delirious choke bombs Mantis as Donst attacks Wicked. Obaryion comes off the top rope with a leaping DDT on Hammermeier. This is enough for the win.

Match Analysis: The action definitely veered toward the chaotic end of things, but there was enough storyline and quality action to make this a worthwhile endeavor. Glad the Batiri picked up the victory since they needed it more than any of the other three trios.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: The Batiri/15:49/***1/4/***

-Eddie Kingston talks about he and Jigsaw helped build Chikara. They’re best friends and spend holidays together. Kingston says Jigsaw will have to kill him to get the belt because of what it means to him.

Match in Five Words or Less: For Alex

Match Highlights: This is a rematch from the second night of Chikarasaurus Rex weekend 2011. It was one of the best matches last year, so these two have some high expectations to meet. Some mat work to start. Kingston fires almost a taunting forearm. Jigsaw says it’s time to go. Forearm exchange. Low dropkick to the knee by Jigsaw. Jigsaw begins working over the injured limb. Jigsaw drives the leg into the side of the ring. Kick to the back by Jigsaw. Running kick to the knee. Kingston sent head first into the turnbuckle. Chop. Pair of forearms. Kingston tosses him. Blind charge misses. Chops from Jigsaw. Kingston sends Jigsaw to the apron. Lariat  off the middle rope. Tope suicida. Reverse jawbreaker. Modified camel clutch. Chop with Jigsaw along the ropes. Ouch. Neckbreaker. Stunner by Jigsaw. Chops from Kingston. Double underhook suplex. Slap battle. Headbutts by Kingston. Whip across. Jigsaw takes Kingston up and over. Pele. Sliding dropkick sends Kingston into the front row. Jigsaw with a tope con helo on Kingston. Kingston comes back with chops. Clubbering blow from Jigsaw. He rolls in the ring to break the count. Brawl goes all around the building. Missile dropkick connects with Kingston. Back fist misses. Jigsaw hits a German suplex with a bridge. 1-2-NO! Jigsaw goes for the super brainbuster. Kingston manages a swinging DDT of his own. Dragon suplex. Lariat! 1-2-NO! Whip to the corner. Jigsaw gets a superkick. He powers the champion onto the top rope. End to end dropkick. 1-2-NO! Strike exchange. Chop by Jigsaw. Slap from Kingston. Back drop driver. Running D. 1-2-NO! Jigsaw with elbows to the back of the neck. Kick from Jigsaw.  Series of kicks. Superkick lands in the ear. DOUBLE STOMP! 1-2-NO! Spinning back fist by Kingston. Back suplex into the top turnbuckle. Running D to the back of the neck! 1-2-NO! Both men are on their knees. Series of slaps. This is amazing. Pele kick from Kingston. Jigsaw leaps up and over. Kingston placed on the top rope. SUPER BRAINBUSTER! 1-2-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Roll-up by Jigsaw gets two. Kingston with three straight B Backfists to the Future. Kingston finally gets three.

Both men look like they’ve been in some sort of auto accident.  They hug it out after the match in a very appropriate scene. Two men who have meant so much to Chikara the last 10 years being the last two wrestlers in the ring for Chikara’s ten year anniversary. Kingston talks about what a bad week he’s had before thanking everyone.

Match Analysis: I wasn’t sure these two could top what they did 10 months prior, but I’ll be damned if they did just that. The back and forth exchanges were so well done and executed. I really dug the false finish with Jigsaw hitting the super brainbuster and not getting the victory. It really connected the weekend well. Give these two all the credit in the world for being able to deliver another great match despite all the hardship these men have endured personally and professionally. Props to both guys.

Winner (s)/Time/Match Rating/Entertainment Rating: STILL Grand Champion-Eddie Kingston/21:47/****1/4/****1/4

The Verdict: The main event was pretty much the difference between being a good show and a great show. The first half of the show was a little bit shaky, but the last three matches make this an easy thumbs up for me. You’ve got two of the better women in the world matching up for a very good technical wrestling match, a chaotic four way trios match that may turn into a Chikara tradition, and the match that I would consider the best match of the year for Chikara so far. Heck of a way to celebrate ten years.

For more information in CHIKARA Pro, including tickets and event information, please check their website. While you can purchase DVDs there as well, you can also purchase their DVDs on Smart Mark VideoSomething relatively new to Smart Mark Video is video downloads. This is a great way to save on shipping and not have a DVD clogging your shelf (if that’s what you’re concerned about). It’s super easy to purchase and then download on your computer. I could not recommend this service strongly enough whether you’re buying CHIKARA or many other promotions.

To get a great sense of history and participate in discussion of the company, check out their official messageboard. One thing the promotion does really well? Videos. They have frequent (almost daily) updates on their YouTube channel.

As someone who is not nearly the CHIKARA fan as certain others, even I need to look up information and have a good CHIKARA resource. I can can think of no better place to do this and also read exclusive reviews of every CHIKARA show in history than at The CHIKARA Special. Kevin Ford maintains this little blog and also updates a CHIKARA Special Tumblr with news and videos nearly every day.

In addition to wrestling podcasts, I am also a proud co-host of a show specifically geared toward Mad Men. Please check out all of our previous podcasts here. You can also download them off of iTunes.

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