We open the show talking to Queen Aminata who says that tonight it not going to be about the King of the castle, but it will be about the Queen of the castle. Next, we here from KiLynn King who says that the Queen has made her tap out before, but she learns from her mistakes.

Missa Kate & Sierra vs. Alex Gracia and Kayla Sparks

Kayla hits a bulldog and a shining wizard on Sierra for the first pin attempt of the match. Sierra kicks out and quickly scatters to her corner to tag in Missa. Missa spits her gum at Alex, who is standing in her corner. This distracts the referee enough for Sierra to grab Kayla’s hair and pull her into their corner. Missa chokes Kayla, but Kayla is quickly able to get the advantage and tags in Alex. They hit double back elbows on Missa and Alex picks up the tempo using her lucha knowledge to take Missa down with a spinning head scissors. Missa makes the tag and Sierra kicks Alex in the head as she is coming in the ring. Sierra traps Alex in her corner, but Alex is able to roll away and tag in Kayla.

Kayla comes in with a flurry of clotheslines and elbows, but her momentum comes to a sudden halt as Sierra hits her with a suplex and tags in Missa. Missa and Sierra trap Kayla in their corner and make quick tags. Kayla tries to roll Missa up for a couple quick pin attempts, but Missa escapes and hits her with a big kick to the head. Sierra comes in and tries to slow down the match, but Kayla hits her with a jaw breaker and is able to get to her corner and tag in Alex. Missa also comes into the match, but gets hit with a crossbody off the second rope and a face wash. Sierra tags herself in and hits Alex with a suplex. Missa decides she has had enough and goes to get a snack. This distracts Sierra enough for Alex to hit a lung blower and pick up the win for her team.


We hear from The Hex, Allison Kay and Marti Belle, stating that there aren’t any real tag teams, just two wrestlers being thrown together. They say that they like winning but need some better competition, so they may need to try something new.

Tasha Steelz says that she lost the tag team match that she and Mazeratti had with The Hex and Tasha does not lose, so she is issuing an open challenge.


Queen Aminata vs. KiLynn King

They are very even early in the match. King is able to get the early advantage as she throws the Queen out of the ring after the Queen misses a boot. King tries a sliding dropkick to the outside, but Queen moves and gets the upper hand. They exchange shots on the outside until Queen throws King into the ring post. The Queen keeps the advantage and locks in the Juicy Lock, but King battles out of it and hits her with a backbreaker. They exchange pinfall attempts and Queen locks in a STF but King gets to the ropes. Queen gives her a hard kick to the back and goes for a double stomp off the top, but King moves and hits her with a suplex. Both competitors exchange forearms and King hits a drop kick off the top and then a dropkick through the ropes to Queen on the outside. Both wrestlers get near falls. Queen tries to kick King, but King picks her up and slams her to the mat. No one is able to keep the advantage for a very long time. Queen hits a sliding drop kick but misses the double stomp again. King goes to the top, but Queen headbutts her and throws her to the mat. Queen hits the double stomp, then a big boot in the corner, but King kicks out of the pin attempt. They trade pin attempts and King hits a big kick to the head. They exchange strikes and pinfall attempts again. This time Queen Aminata is able to roll King up for the 3 count and the win. This was a back-and-forth match that could have gone either way and one that I would very much like to see again.

By Don Halliwell

I have watched wrestling all of my life, from WWF and NWA to ECW and then indie shows. I have been steadily going to independent wrestling shows since 2002.

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