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In an exclusive interview with PWPonderings’ Scott Mitchel (@ScottsScoop44), Zuleyka (@barzybaby) talks about her debut, training at Create A Pro, competing at the biggest Create A Pro show of all time, following in Kris Statlander’s shoes, and so much more. Read it all below.


When and why did you really first get into professional wrestling?

“Well, my uncle would babysit me a lot, and I would be hanging out with my cousins. They would put on Raw and SmackDown and I just found it to be so cool. We used to go to the shows a lot, and I was like this is awesome. Then, I kind of fell out of wrestling in middle school. When high school came around I got back into it, knew I wanted to do it then.”


Did you have any favorites or anyone who you really looked up to that made you want to get into this?

“Beth Phoenix. She was my all-time favorite. Her, and Brodie Lee.”


When and why did you really want to start training and begin that journey?

“I realized when the Brodie Lee episode happened that wrestling is really just a whole family. It was really cool to see. I wanted to do it. I ended up going to an open house that Create a Pro was doing and I just thought it was so awesome. But there was only one girl there at the time. That made me realize I needed to be here, I needed to be another girl training here, I just had to.”


What made you choose to train at Create a Pro?

“I looked into a lot of the schools, there were a couple, but some of them were just a much bigger travel. I live in the Bronx and Create a Pro wasn’t as bad distance-wise as some of the other ones. I do love Kris Statlander too, and I want to be just like her, so I’m going to go there too.”


Take me through your first day of training. How nervous/excited/ready to go were you?

“I was so nervous. My mom was excited and ended up driving me there. She parked so she could see me and what I was doing. When I walked in there I was like, OMG. I was ready, but it was still so mind-blowing. My first day training too, guess who popped up? MJF. My first day of training and he was there. It was so crazy, and everyone there I love.”


There are a lot of great vets at Create a Pro who help to train the newer talent. Guys like Bear Bronson, and Liam Davis to just name a couple. Who are some of your mentors?

“Liam Davis and Bear Bronson. When I first started, it was just Liam Davis. Then, Bronson began to come in more and really both of them I owe everything to.”


Fast forward to your debut when you teamed with Gabby Forza against Sazzy Boatright and Nat Castle. What was it like making your way through the curtain for the first time and realizing it was here?

“I was so excited. Waiting for our theme song to hit, Gabby and I kept telling ourselves we got this. We were nervous but we knew we were ready for our match. The day of we were like, okay this is actually happening. Going out there just felt so amazing. Seeing my family, and everything made me realize how this was really real. When we got to the back after the match, I just couldn’t stop crying.”


You also got to wrestle in the biggest Create a Pro event in history, Homecoming. You teamed with Gabby and Dr. Cool to go up against Nat Castle, Sazzy, and Liam Davis. What was it like working that match on the biggest show in CAP history?

“That was something I was really nervous about. Whenever we spoke about the match, people kept saying how many people were going to be there. I was like, okay, that’s not making the nerves any better. When we went out there, the nerves were gone. Gabby and I teaming up with Dr. Cool was great. He’s an awesome person and a very cool guy. It was awesome and I loved every second of it.”


The upcoming Create a Pro Women’s Championship Tournament. What’s on your mind ahead of this tournament?

“The championship. That’s all I want. I want it. I’ve been in Create a Pro for a year. I remember when there was just one girl there, and I was the only other girl. She’s not there anymore now, then it was just me for a little bit. We needed more women, and more women started showing up, and now we have a division. Now it’s everyone for themselves and I just want that championship.”


We spoke briefly earlier about Kris Statlander and how she was arguably one of the top wrestlers to come out of Create a Pro. How important is it to try to follow in her footsteps and leave the mark she left behind at Create a Pro?

“It’s very important to me. I’m a big Statlander fan and always have been. I try my best at training to empower her somehow. Even when I get blown up and feel like I can’t go anymore, Statlander did it, I can do it, and more. I want to leave a huge mark as well.”


What are your hopes for looking ahead?

“Hopefully that Women’s Championship and many others at different companies. I want to hold some belts, beat some people, and I’m ready to make a name for myself everywhere.”


Do you have any future opponents you’d love to face off with one day?

“One is actually Statlander. I would love to wrestle Toni Storm. Beth Phoenix if there’s ever a chance there.”


What’s your dream match and on what stage?

“I have a dream match against Mercedes Mone. I would love to wrestle her. I would love to take her finisher, it just looks so cool, I’d love to do that. I’d love to have it at a WrestleMania or something.”

By Scott Mitchell

Hello, my name is Scott Mitchell and I have been a professional wrestling fan since 2005. Like everyone the first promotion I really fell in love with is the WWE. However, as I got older, I got largely into the greatness known as independent wrestling. Independent wrestling has turned into one of my biggest passions. Please enjoy!

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