This week I take a look at a TNA match of all things…what’s the world coming to? Anyway…read on dear reader as we look at a 3 way ladder match between Jerry Lynn, AJ Styles and Low Ki from 2002.

Normally I strongly dislike TNA, but as I was browsing youtube this match really caught my eye. Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles vs. Low Ki in a ladder match? How could this be anything but good?

I had some pretty high expectations going into the match. This is also some of the only early TNA I’ve watched. 3 minutes into the match and we’ve had to have much use of the ladder. However, there has been loads of great technical wrestling which the crowd seems to be enjoying…for the time being. So far lots of stiff kicks from Low Ki and some absolutely wonderful submissions from Lynn. Not much offense from Styles thus far as he seems to be taking a majority of the offense. At about the 5 and a half minute mark Low Ki starts to bring the ladder in, only to get hit with a baseball slide dropkick from AJ.

Some pretty innovative offense with the ladder so far. I’m trying to keep in mind the context of the match and not compare the spots with the ladders to spots that would go on to happen in other matches in later years. Anyway, all of these guys are looking just fantastic.

Double hip toss on Ki onto a ladder. Simple but effective. Lynn goes to set up the ladder in the corner and goes back to work on AJ. Lynn whips AJ at the ladder and AJ runs up the ladder, backflips off, counters into an attempted tornado ddt, only to have that countered into a suplex onto the ladder! Ki hits a hurricanrana onto Lynn that sends Jerry into the ladder. Lots of great action so far from all three men. AJ winds up tied up in the ladder in a modified Tree of Woe and absolutely gets the snot kicked out of him by Ki. AJ bring in a second ladder by throwing it into the ring and landing it on Jerry Lynn’s head. Ouch. Ki brings a third ladder into the ring and now we have one ladder for each competitor. DRAGON SLEEPER ON TOP OF THE LADDERS! All three men on the ladders…and AJ knocked to the outside. Ki and Lynn battle ontop of the ladder which leads to a super Cradle Piledriver on Low Ki!! Jerry Lynn sets up the ladder and he is your winner!

Winner and New X Division Champion: Jerry Lynn (***3/4)

I really enjoyed this match overall. It’s always fun to see guys in their early years. It’s just a shame TNA couldn’t have kept it up and had to go so far downhill…but that’s another story. Anyway, I’ve got a couple links down below. The first is to the match on youtube and the second is to a guy who has a channel on youtube and normally puts out some pretty great wrestling content. Enjoy and be good everyone!


Gemni686 youtube channel:

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