A shooting, smart-mark, fan-boy with an overly obsessive desire to intimately view and evaluate Ring of Honor Wrestling; can further be described as an “ROH-Bot.”

Figuratively speaking and imaginatively distributed; I would not dare to place any of the above labels over top of my exclusive fandom.

A fan-boy, marking-out, dishing-out smart-mark comments, aimed at what they consider as their top promotion stems from individuality; not knowledge, experience or age.

For what I believe can be considered as a respectable amount of time; I have been fervently evaluating, assessing and, yes, “marking-out,” for professional wrestling.

The inability to completely comprehend the idea of professional wrestling, at the midst of self-discovery; triggered my venomous craving to explore this industry. It took much longer than expected to figure out why professional wrestling would forever be a constant, despite its repetitive nature.

I remember being severely intoxicated by a guy in a mask jumping off the ropes, using his legs to grab onto his opponents head, wrenching him sideways and flipping him over, only to have the guy who just hit the mat get back up and kick the masked man square in the face; and then only to have that culprit leap over the ropes down onto the floor on top of another guy. This all happened in 10 seconds, tops.

A leaping hurricanrana from the top-rope, followed up by a drop-kick; then a cross-body onto the floor and I am lost in an exceptional portrayal of combat.

The more unique the portrayal of combat, the more I find myself overwhelmingly dedicated to this business.

All of the drama aside, nothing felt more right than watching Billy Kidman hit a shooting star-press and Rey Mysterio delivering a west-coast pop.

With age, came the desire for the tale of combat to intensify.

However, this is not a back-story. This is not a plea. This is not narrative of any kind. This is not a record of my relationship with professional wrestling.

This is me, admitting to you, one respectable fact. (This fact has taken time to develop)

A fact that there is a promotion I have desired more than others. A fact that there is a promotion I enjoy evaluating more than others. A fact that there is a promotion I follow more than others. A fact that there is a promotion I can confidently and proudly state I will support more than others. (As I, how I, and when I see fit)

This column in no way reflects the right or the wrong; the correct or the incorrect. This column reflects my decision to publically admit and admire my infatuation for Ring of Honor Wrestling.

Proudly and humbly, I am aware my passion and heart-driven affiliation for professional wrestling was/is pumped alive by Ring of Honor Wrestling.

Call it what you may, but my heart-driven affiliation for professional wrestling has led me to be more than just a fan of the ROH product. My fanatical affiliation for professional wrestling kicked itself into another gear upon the discovery of the ROH product.

Call it what you may, but as an instantaneous believer and supporter of ROH; I have a self-distributed responsibility.

The responsibility: to showcase any level of appreciation for a company that has convincingly powered and forcefully taken the wheel of my adoration for professional wrestling.

The Davey Richards suicide DIVE’s, the Roderick Strong and Eddie Edwards CHOP fests, the El Generico Yakuza KICK’s and all of the OLE’s that follow; are not exclusive to ROH. (Any independent assessor would know.)

However, my inaugural viewing of Ring of Honor Wrestling supplied me with an epiphany; and my inaugural live viewing of the ROH product backed the very same epiphany up.

It revealed several facts behind my laborious obsession for this industry. Therefore, it simply makes sense to acknowledge and share my fanatical acceptance for Ring of Honor. It became the promotion that opened, shaped and furthermore helped to develop the relationship I have with professional wrestling in 2011.

This piece serves as insight into my feverish fandom for Ring of Honor Wrestling. What stops a freelance columnist from producing an editorial motored by heart-affiliated opinion? Nothing. I have a passion for professional wrestling and I am proud to admit where a generous portion of that passion is and has been distributed.

This industry is much bigger than an ROH Wrestling ring. This business is much bigger than the ROH Roster. This industry is much brighter than the ROH lights; and this business is much more of a production than an ROH event.

The ROH product is exclusively responsible for revealing what drives my fascination for professional wrestling. This instantaneous realization suggested my fascination for this business stems from much more than the enormity of the industry.

However, without hesitation and without the worry of being subjected to ideological, premature labels, that definitively suggest this column is nothing but a letter from a Ring of Honor fan-boy; ponder the following…

4 thoughts on “Dives, Chops, Kicks and Ole’s”
  1. Hi Matt,

    I’m not altogether sure what this column is about. What was the angle you were looking for? Simply that you’re telling everybody you like ROH more than any other promotion? I mean..are you going to be reviewing ROH shows in the future for PWPonderings? If that’s the case, awesome, I’ll be looking forward to it. But, I don’t see that here.

  2. The column serves as insight into my feverish fandom for Ring of Honor. What stops a free-lance columnist from putting heart-affiliated opinion into a column such as this one? Nothing. I have a passion for pro-wrestling and I am proud to admit where a lot of that passion is and has been distributed…Thank you for looking at the piece despite your confusion towards the point of the write-up

  3. Awesome. I totally get what you mean and now I kinda see where this column is headed. I would say that you should try your hand at reviewing ROH shows. I think with your dedication to the company you would be able to write good recaps. Just be able to call them out when they do something wrong.

  4. Thank-you for following up with me as you have. In relation to the writing side of it, I appreciate the response and furthermore your desire to understand/here me out. In relation to you feeling I should review the events; unfortunately at this point in time that position is taken by other writers here at PWP. Thanks again for stopping by.

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