Last Sunday TNA held their biggest PPV event of the year Bound For Glory and this week on IMPACT Wrestling, the fallout from the results and reveals of the show will take center stage.

  • New TNA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy will be attendance to celebrate his win. Former champion Austin Aries is also expected to be on the show, and one must assume he’s not going to take this loss laying down.
  • After months of speculation, the first member of The Aces and 8’s was revealed last Sunday and it was someone no one expected: Bully Ray‘s former partner and Hulk Hogan‘s now former friend Devon. With the renegade group now granted “full access” to the show thanks to their win over Ray and Sting, expect them to make their presence felt in one form or another with Devon in tow.
  • Samoa Joe, the only wrestler on the roster to remain champion at Bound For Glory, will defend the TV Title against an opponent yet to be announced.

All of this plus more awaits you on the Bound For Glory Fallout” edition of IMPACT Wrestling.


*Show Recap*

Highlights from Bound For Glory play set to a song by Trapt who are apparently still making music. Special focus on James Storm Vs. Bobby RoodeDevon‘s reveal as a member of the Aces and 8’s, and Jeff Hardy becoming the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Post-match promos for each are spliced in as well. The crowd is much louder and positive about Hardy’s win in this package than it was live.

The Aces and 8’s arrive to the Impact Zone, complete with their theme music. They bypass security and head right for the ring. The six members in the ring point to the ImpactTron, and we are live at the Clubhouse. One of the Bane voice guys says they beat Hogan at their own game and they have one man to thank: Devon. They lift their beers to toast to the new member of the group.

Devon makes his way out to the ring as the Aces and 8’s members in the ring applaud in approval. Devon hugs each member down the line and demands a mic. Devon tells the Impact Zone to shut the hell up and the crowd boos (shock, right?). A “You sold out” chant starts up. Devon says the Aces and 8’s have had his back since day one and were there to pick him up when he was down. Devon tells the fans they are no good inbred pieces of crap.

  • Thoughts: Man he is really trying to be seen as a heel.

Devon says without the Aces and 8’s, he wouldn’t be standing in the ring testifying. Devon thanks “The President” as well for patching him into the group. Devon says the Aces and 8’s will destroy TNA. Devon says he attacked Bully Ray for Ray’s attack on his son from two years ago and says payback’s a “biatch”. A “Bully’s better” chant breaks out.

The Icon’s music hit and out comes Sting with the top faces on the TNA roster. Sting is glad the Aces and 8’s made it to the Impact Zone unscathed because he would like to introduce them to the TNA roster. The guys rush the ring and the all out brawl commences. “Not Quite the nWo Theme” hits and out comes Hulk Hogan with a bat. The Aces and 8’s retreat as the Hulkster makes his way to the ring…and now awkward commercial break.

  • Thoughts: Devon’s reveal on Sunday was lackluster to say the least; surprising but not in the “shock the wrestling world” sort of way. His mic work here, however, was pretty good. He’s embracing the heel persona. The giant brawl that broke out was to be expected but I was hoping to get some more motive explanation from Devon first. Oh well.

*Commercial Break*

We come back from commercial with Hogan and the TNA roster. The Aces and 8’s return in greater numbers. Bully Ray and others walk over, and the masked guys shield Devon. Hogan says with full access, the Aces and 8’s have to fight. Sting takes the mic and challenges Devon for tonight. Hogan grabs the mic and says Devon either faces Sting tonight or “gets out”. Devon accepts the challenge. We have our main event for tonight. Devon says if Sting doesn’t show up, he’ll find him in the parking lot and take him out personally.

  • Thoughts: I don’t think Hogan can tell Devon that he has to “get out forever” if he doesn’t face Sting since the Aces and 8’s don’t work for them and are free to do whatever they want. But the Sting/Devon main event is a good hook. I wonder how much interference we’ll get during the match, if it even starts.

Bound For Glory Recap: Jeff Hardy pins Austin Aries to become the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

Impact Hype: Jeff Hardy celebration party.

Backstage Austin Aries is watching the goings on on a monitor. He sarcastically says he’s surprised they’re throwing a party for him and says that he guesses he should show up.

  • Thoughts: And the main event for Turning Point will be…

*Commercial Break*

Hulk Hogan is talking with Mr. Anderson in the back. He tells him that next week Jeff Hardy will be defending the TNA World Heavyweight Title next week for “Championship Thursday”. Hogan names him as one of the four possible contenders (James Storm as another) and talks about a triple threat match to decide who else will be in the running. That match will happen tonight. Joseph Park walks in and says he needs to speak to Hogan alone. The Hulkster kicks everyone out, cameras as well.

Robbie E comes out to the ring for the next match accompanied

Match #1: Samoa Joe (c) Vs. Robbie E for the TNA Television Title

Joe goes right on the offensive. Splash in the corner followed by the kick. Joe snapmares him, chops him in the back, and kicks him in the chest. Joe follows it up with a splash for a 2-count. Joe headbutts Robbie E in the corner then lifts him to the top turnbuckle. He goes for the Muscle Buster, but Robbie T grabs Joe’s legs to stop him. Robbie E tries to get some offense in, but Joe ducks the clothesline and flies through the second rope to hit Robbie T. Robbie E launches at him, but Joe catches him in the midsection and rolls him back in.

Joe puts Robbie E back on the top turnbuckle and connects with the Muscle Buster. Joe locks in the Kokina Clutch and Robbie E quickly taps out.

Winner and STILL Television Champion [via Pinfall]: Samoa Joe (2:38)

  • Short match but a dominant showing from Joe. He’s making the TV Title look prestigious. I couldn’t be happier…until he loses it in a month and it reverts back to jobber status. (C)

Robbie T tries to attack Joe after the bell but Joe ducks and locks in the Kokina Clutch on him. He releases the hold to celebrate with the TV Title.

Backstage new Knockouts Champion Tara is in a photoshoot with her Hollywood boyfriend Jesse Godderz. He is gorilla pressing her as they talk about how hot their reveal was at Bound For Glory. The photographer asks for more photos but they “big time” him and talk tabloid Hollywood nonsense before making out.

  • Thoughts: That was stupid. That’s really all I can say about that.

Impact Hype: Tara goes against ODB next!

*Commercial Break*

Tara comes out for the second match of the evening along with her Hollywood boyfriend Jesse Godderz. Taz says he’s a huge star because of Big Brother which I have never watched and actually thought was cancelled by now. Her opponent, ODB, is announced. She doesn’t immediately come out, and we go backstage to see her on the phone with Eric Young. She heads to the ring still on the phone and finally hangs up when she gets in the ring.

Match #2: ODB Vs. [TNA Knockouts Champion] Tara (w/ Jesse Godderz)

ODB attacks Tara right at the bell. She continues the assault and connects with a running powerslam. ODB goes for her phone; apparently Young is still on the line. She tells him to “hang on” and Godderz jumps to the apron. ODB rubs her boobs in his face, then gets back on the phone. Tara attacks her from behind and screams “THAT’S MY MAN!”. Tara picks ODB up by her hair in a hangman’s noose-type maneuver.

Tara slams ODB to the mat and kicks her in the midsection. She does another hangman’s noose and snuggles with Godderz on the apron. ODB grabs her flask and takes a swig. ODB picks Tara up, sprays Godderz in the face with the booze, then hits the TKO for the 1…2…3!

Winner [via Pinfall]: ODB (3:11)

  • That was a flat tire of a match but the ODB/cell phone stuff was amusing. She also beat Tara waaaay too easily. Like seriously, waaaaaay too easily. (C-)

Miss Tessmacher, who was apparently there the whole match, looks on in approval. We find out she’ll get her rematch for the Knockouts Championship next week.

AJ Styles and Kurt Angle are talking backstage. Styles says they’ve been great as a tag team but he says it’s time for him to focus on singles. Angle brings up Christopher Daniels being in the triple threat and Styles says this is the perfect time for him to get into title contention. He tells Angle he’ll see him out there and walks off.

  • Note: These are the three men wrestling tonight in the “triple threat match” Hogan mentioned earlier. Winner gets to be in the running for a title shot against Hardy next week on “Championship Thursday”.

Impact Hype: Sting Vs. Devon later tonight!

*Commercial Break*

The Aces and 8’s are hanging out outside of the Impact Zone. They are surrounded by their bikes and are apparently going orgasmic over them.

Bound For Glory Recap: Chavo Guerrero Jr./Hernandez become the new TNA World Tag Team Champions. We get a post-match interview from Christopher Daniels who says he and Frankie Kazarian will take them down in their rematch when it’s 2 on 2. Guerrero says “la raza” and such.

Kid Kash and Gunner make their way out for the next match. Their opponents are the new TNA World Tag Team Champions Chavo Guerrero Jr./Hernandez. This is a non-title match.

Match #3: [TNA World Tag Team Champions] Chavo Guerrero Jr./Hernandez Vs. Kid Kash/Gunner

Kash and Gunner go on the attack quickly and throw Guerrero out of the ring. They turn their attention to Hernandez, who levels them with a double running clothesline. Hernandez hits Kash with a gorilla press slam. Guerrero tags in and dropkicks a seated Kash. He goes for the pin but Kash grabs the ropes to get a break. Hernandez tags back in and catches Kash in a bearhug. He turns it into a belly to belly overhead suplex. Kash grabs Hernandez’s head and tags Gunner in.

Gunner whips Hernandez in the ropes but gets kicked in the face. Hernandez bodyslams him and tags Guerrero in. Guerrero sling shots himself onto Gunner and goes for the pin. 1-count. Gunner regains the advantage for his team and he and his partner work him over in the corner. Kash tags in and continues the assault. Guerrero kicks him but Gunner clotheslines him from the apron. Gunner tags in and the double team beatdown commences.

Kash and Gunner continue the 2 on 1 assault and Kash apparently tags back in. Quick tag to Gunner who again double team Guerrero. Gunner chokes him with his boot and Kash is tagged right back in. Kash kicks him and goes for the pin. 2-count. Kash continues the assault in the corner but Guerrero fights back with an uppercut. He goes for the tag but Kash grabs his leg. Guerrero hits an enziguri and makes the hot tag to Hernandez.

Hernandez hits a sling shot shoulder block and levels both bad guys with a clothesline. Hernandez hits the Pounce on Kash and Guerrero tags in. Guerrero hits a flying crossbody on Kash for the 1…2…3!

Winners [via Pinfall]: Chavo Guerrero Jr./Hernandez (Time Not Recorded due to Human Error)

  • A largely uneventful tag team match that served to make Chavo and Hernandez look like strong champions. It did the job but I was thoroughly uninterested in the proceedings. These are four guys I have no desire to see in the ring with one another. (C)

TNA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy is headed to the ring. His celebration commences right after this commercial break.

*Commercial Break*

Joseph Park is in Hulk Hogan’s office with Hogan and Sting. Park begs Hogan to give him the Aces and 8’s for what they did to him while he was kidnapped. Bully Ray comes in and asks Hogan to replace Sting in the match tonight with him instead. Hogan says it’s Sting’s time to face Devon, but Hogan says Ray will be one of the four in the running for the World Title shot next week. Ray tells Hogan he needs to trust him a little more and walks off. Sting chases after him and Hogan tells him to “fix that”.

Bound For Glory Recap: Jeff Hardy wins the TNA World Heavyweight Title. It ends with Hardy yelling “CREATURES…WE DID IT!”.

Jeff Hardy’s Championship Celebration

The new music hits and out comes new TNA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy. He is wearing a dress shirt, tie, jeans…and facepaint. Even Sting doesn’t wear facepaint when he’s dressed up, come on now. Hardy makes his rounds ringside to slap hands with the Impact Zone fans. Hardy gets into the ring and holds the belt up high as pyro goes off. The confetti that should’ve showered him on Sunday showers him tonight instead.

The music and hooplah stops just in time for the Impact Zone chants his name. However there are some audible boos. Hardy is sporting his own custom belt which while not purple this time still looks ridiculous. Hardy says it’s good to be back in the Impact Zone for a cheap pop. Hardy thanks the fans for being with him through his journey to the belt. The fans respond with a “Thank You Hardy” chant.

Hardy says he can’t wait to defend his belt next week and is instantly cut off by Austin Aries who sings over his theme music. Aries comes out with cookies and balloons and asks Hardy where all the women and party stuff is. Aries says he’s not here to minimize Hardy’s accomplishment on Sunday and says that he did what others couldn’t: beat Aries for the title. Aries says he brought balloons and hands them to Hardy but lets go before he can grab them and they float to the top of the Impact Zone. Aries then offers cookies and Hardy says he doesn’t eat cookies and slaps it out of his hands.

Aries mocks Hardy’s custom title and talks about how he now has to deal with the pressure of being World Champion. Aries says he has a rematch clause which he can invoke anytime he wants but will wait for the “right moment”. Aries asks to see Hardy’s custom belt. Aries spits on it and Hardy responds with a right hand. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but Aries escapes to the floor.

  • Thoughts: Ugh that new Hardy belt is ridiculous looking and this segment was very lackluster and, frankly, a little childish (Hardy slapping cookies out of Aries’ hands, Aries spitting on the custom belt, etc.). Hardy’s mic work consisted of cheap pop phrases but luckily Aries did enough passable work to keep the segment from truly sinking. Not a great start though, and I don’t like that Aries can cash in his rematch clause “at any time”; makes it sound like a Money in the Bank briefcase situation and TNA could do without going down that path.

Christopher Daniels is backstage being followed by the roving camera of doom. He says that it may look like he’s going through a rough patch but the “Appletini is always half-full”. Daniels says he’s going to show Hogan what he’s made of by being Styles and Angle tonight.

AJ Styles makes his way out for the triple threat match as we go to commercial.

*Commercial Break*

Christopher Daniels is now in the ring along with Styles awaiting the third man in their triple threat match. Tenay hypes up next week’s “Championship Thursday”. Kurt Angle makes his way out to complete the trifecta.

Match #4: AJ Styles Vs. Kurt Angle Vs. Christopher Daniels

Styles and Angle take turns beating on Daniels to start the match off. They whip Daniels into the ropes and Styles/Angle hit a double back elbow. Styles connects with a back suplex on Daniels, and Angle picks him and delivers a short arm clothesline. Styles goes for the Styles Clash but Angle pushes him to stop it.

Styles and Angle lock up, and Angle gets a quick waistlock. Angle hits the ropes but Styles unleashes a dropkick. Styles sends Angle into the corner and works him over. Daniels attacks Styles from behind and stacks them both in the corner to deliver shoulder blocks. Styles reverses an Irish whip by Daniels and sends him into a clothesline by Angle. Styles attempts a suplex by Angle, but Angle lands on his feet. Angle connects with a back bodydrop to Styles and a tilt a whirl backbreaker to Daniels. Angle then follows it up with suplexes for both men.

Styles gets up and connects with a flying kick. Styles goes for the Styles Clash but Angle counters and goes for the Ankle Lock. Daniels runs in and punches Angle in the face. Daniels throws Angle shoulder-first into the ring post and falls to the apron. Daniels takes down Styles and goes for the pin. 2-count. Daniels mounts Styles and delivers a series of right hands until the ref forces him to step off. Daniels drives the elbow into Styles’ back and hits a modified inverted DDT (does that make sense) for a 2-count.

Daniels takes a bow and hits Angle to keep him from re-entering the ring. Daniels wraps Styles up in a submission and the Impact Zone tries to motivate Styles. Styles fights out and whips Daniels into the ropes. He ducks a Styles clothesline but runs into an Angle clothesline. Styles knocks Angle to the corner, then hits a backbreaker on Daniels. Styles connects with a flying forearm from the top rope on Angle and goes for the pin. 2-count.

Daniels comes up from behind and hits a spinning back suplex for a 2-count. Daniels goes at Angle, but Angle connects with a T-bone suplex. Styles ducks a clothesline and hits Angle with a Pele kick. Styles rolls to the apron and backdrops Daniels to the floor. Styles hits a springboard moonsault on Daniels and jams his knee. Styles rolls Daniels back in and goes to the apron. Angle pushes Daniels into Styles who falls to the floor, then hits Daniels with the Angle Slam for the 1…2…3!

Winner [via Pinfall]: Kurt Angle (6:53)

  • A short but decent triple threat match between the three. Nothing overly spectacular but the best match on the show so far, hands-down. Not that it’s had much competition unfortunately. (B-)

Styles rolls in after the Angle win and they jaw back and forth. Angle offers a handshake but Styles brushes him off and leaves.

Bound For Glory Recap: Joey Ryan beats Al Snow to win a TNA contract thanks to the interference of Matt Morgan.

Joey Ryan is backstage with Matt Morgan and crosses paths with Hulk Hogan. Ryan introduces himself and Hogan says he’s a fan and hopes to see good things from him. Hogan then gets into Morgan’s face about attacking people during house shows. He asks why and Morgan says because he didn’t get the push he was promised a couple of years ago. Hogan stops him and says he was on his side but the others in charge weren’t and accused him of lacking charisma and other such things. Morgan traps Hogan against the wall and says he’s going to shove all of the negative things people said about him up Hogan’s ass. He and Ryan then walk away. Hogan watches him go and laughs.

  • Thoughts: Right on. I have nothing too bad to say about that other than my horrible recap of it (I was fussing with some WordPress issues; this is not my night). Morgan’s intensity is good and I hope his return actually leads him somewhere. Also his association with Ryan is…interesting. I don’t know why they’re palling around together but whatever.

James Storm is backstage and he’s headed towards the ring. We’ll see what he has to say after this commercial break.

*Commercial Break*

Bound For Glory Weekend Recap: Sting gets inducted in the TNA Hall of Fame.

Bound For Glory Recap: James Storm decimates Bobby Roode in their Street Fight as King Mo looks on doing absolutely nothing.

James Storm makes his way out to the Impact Zone. Tenay and Taz talk about his match on Sunday and how awesome it was (and it really was). Storm talks about his bloody “fight” against Roode and talks about the stitches he received from it. Storm says he made a bucket list when he returned to TNA in June. #10 is kick the crap out of Roode (check). #9-#2 is “drink beer” (check). #1…win back the World Heavyweight Championship.

Storm says he’s one of four guys who’s up for the title shot next week and goes to talk to Hogan through the camera but the music of Bobby Roode interrupts him. And out comes the It Factor, walking carefully and slowly to the ring, still suffering from the match on Sunday. Roode grabs a mic and talks up their Street Fight last Sunday. Roode says that when it was all said and done, they had one of the bloodiest and most physical matches in the history of the wrestling business. Storm asks SoCalVal to hand him a chair so Roode can sit down while kissing his ass.

Roode snaps and says Storm needed him throughout his entire career. Roode says that last year Storm won the World Heavyweight Title thanks to Roode (oh yeah he did hold the belt). Roode says Storm knows deep down that the It Factor will always be the better man. Storm says “nope” and knocks him out with the Last Call superkick. Storm gets in his face and says “Sorry ’bout your damn luck!” then has a beer.

  • Thoughts: So does this count as the official end of their feud? I’d like to think so, but with a PPV coming up next month I wouldn’t be surprised if they got thrown into another match. Regardless it was a decent segment although Roode just said the same stuff he’s been saying about Storm for the past year. Storm hitting him with the superkick was a nice way to end it though.

Devon is lifting weights backstage getting ready for the main event, while Sting makes his way to the Impact Zone. The main event is up next!

*Commercial Break*

TNA Hall of Fame Recap: Sting gets inducted. I thought we saw this earlier…must have been a production gaffe on their part.

Devon comes out for the main event match to the Aces and 8’s theme music. Sting makes his way out next.

Main Event: Sting Vs. Devon

Devon jumps Sting right at the bell. Devon chokes him in the corner and lands clubbing forearms to his back. Sting reverses an Irish whip and lands a clothesline followed by a back elbow. He whips Devon into the ropes and hits a faceslam. Sting kicks Devon, sending him into the corner. Sting misses the Stinger Splash but quickly regroups and hits Devon with a back elbow. Sting whips Devon into the corner and stomps on his hands. Sting rakes Devon’s eyes. Sting tries to clothesline Devon over the top but can’t pull it off so he throws him through the ropes and onto the floor instead. Sting exits the ring to continue the assault as we go to commercial.

*Commercial Break*

Devon is control of the match as we come back from commercial. Devon is referred to as the “Sgt. In Arms” of the Aces and 8’s. Apparently Sting used a chair during the commercial. Devon chokes Sting on the second rope and lays him out. Devon mocks Sting and stares the fans down. Devon connects with a couple of rights then heads to the floor. Devon continues to choke Sting on the second rope then hangs him over the apron. Devon drives an elbow into Sting’s chest and heads back into the ring.

Devon hits a diving headbutt and goes for the pin. 2-count. Devon locks Sting in a chinlock. Sting gets to his feet and breaks out but gets caught with an elbow coming off the ropes. Devon connects with a jawbreaker then begs him to get back up. Devon connects with a hard right and Sting lands flat on the mat. Devon climbs to the second turnbuckle but misses the flying headbutt. Sting gets to his feet and makes his comeback. Stinger Splash in the corner followed by the Scorpion Death Drop. Sting locks on the Scorpion Death Lock but out come the Aces and 8’s to break it up and cause the DQ.

Winner [via DQ]: Sting (10:56)

  • Raise your hands if you didn’t think this was going to end in a clusterf*ck. That’s what I thought. A really slow and plodding match before the predictable run-in. Not much good to say here other than the Impact Zone is responding well to Devon’s heel turn. But they’re the Impact Zone and they don’t represent the fanbase. (C-)

The Aces and 8’s continue beating up Sting. Out come Mr. Anderson, Garret Bischoff, AJ Styles, and a whole lot of others to make the save and even the odds. Bully Ray makes his way out with a bat and the Aces and 8’s run as we fade to logo.

  • Thoughts: Predictable ending to the show, and a flat one to boot. Not a great post-BFG episode. Not even a good one. All it did was make next week seem like the show to watch. What was so wrong making this one watchable? Sigh.

Overall Show Grade: C-

  • Best Match: AJ Styles Vs. Kurt Angle Vs. Christopher Daniels
  • Worst Match: ODB Vs. Tara
  • Best Segment: Devon’s opening promo.
  • Worst Segment: Tara and Jesse’s photo shoot.

Overall Show Thoughts:

  • A really flat post-BFG edition of IMPACT Wrestling that seemed far too preoccupied setting up next week than paying attention to this week. The Aces and 8’s stuff was predictable, the in-ring action was lackluster, the segments were lackluster at best and unbearable at worst. There were some bright spots (triple threat match, Devon) but overall I was insanely disappointed with this episode. Worst episode of the show I have seen since becoming a regular watcher again back in July. And I hate saying that.

If you like the cut of Jon’s wrestling jib, you can follow him on Twitter or check out his own site The Pro Wrestling Nerd to read even more wrestling-related nonsense. He also wants to assure you that he didn’t write this little piece in the third person; he paid someone lots of money to do it for him.

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