Delirious returns to ROH On HDNet and teams with the recently returning Jerry Lynn to take on Austin Aries’ boys the All Night Express, plus Rasche Brown, Sara Del Rey and the ROH TV Champion Eddie Edwards are all in action.
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Quick Results:

– Eddie Edwards def. Nick Westgate in a 10-Minute Hunt via referee stoppage.
– Sara Del Rey def. Reggie thanks to help from the Kings of Wrestling and Shane Hagadorn.
– Rasche Brown def. Ricky Reyes. After the match Erick Stevens attacked Brown and they were separated.
– The All Night Express def. Jerry Lynn & Delirious with the help of a distraction from Austin Aries.

Full Results:

Pre-Show: We’re told this evening’s main event will see the return of Delirious as he teams with Jerry Lynn to face the All Night Express with their trusted manager Austin Aries. Grudges a-plenty this week then!

Cue opening titles!

– Mike Hogwood and Dave Prazak kick off the show by discussing Death Before Dishonor 8. They don’t mention any results, just say it was a great event and to check out photos and the replay, so this was more than likely recorded way in advance. For those interested in the results of said iPPV, check out my live recap.

– In the ring Bobby Cruise introduces ROH Television Champion Eddie Edwards who is accompanied by Shane Hagadorn. Eddie’s getting some love from the crowd as he takes the microphone. Edwards introduces the concept of the 10 Minute Hunt. Anyone who can last 10 minutes (win or lose) with him gets a TV Title shot. This brings out his first victim who looks like a teeny tiny version of ruthless aggression style John Cena. Eddie even calls him “little fella”. His name is Nick Westgate but Edwards calls him Nate. Unlucky. Edwards tosses the belt to Hagadorn and asks how old Nick is but jumps him before he can start and our countdown clock is on.

Match 1 – Eddie Edwards’ 10-Minute Hunt
Eddie Edwards vs. Nick “Nate” Westgate

Pre-Match Thoughts: Eddie is mad over tonight and his rather small opponent is the first to attempt the 10-minute hunt on television (Bobby Dempsey lasted about 3 minutes at a live event) so this one should be an academic tap-out win for the champ.

The Match: Edwards takes it to Westgate early with some chops but quickly falls victim to a quick headscissors takeover. Edwards immediately retakes the advantage but the same happens again and this time Westgate hits a hurricanrana. He’s all fired up but Edwards quiets him down with a big clothesline and finally removes his t-shirt. Edwards lifts him up for a suplex and drops his gut across the top rope, leaving him in perfect position for a nice running dropkick to the head. Body slam on the floor! Eddie tosses him back in the ring and pulls his shoulders off the mat mid-pin attempt to give him a slap. Westgate tries some sort of wrap-around move that looks as though he’s going to get Black Hole Slammed, but Edwards puts the brakes on and hip-tosses him and then stomps on his chest. Another headscissors move from Westgate and this time he turns it into a big DDT!  He springboards off the top rope but Eddie powerbombs him down and puts him in the Achilles Lock! Edwards stomps his head repeatedly while he’s got the hold locked in!!! We get a referee stoppage with 7 minutes and 18 seconds left on the clock. Better luck next time “Nate”.
Winner: Eddie Edwards via Referee Stoppage (Achilles Lock/Head-Stomp Combo)

Post-Match Thoughts: New York and Philly love them some Eddie Edwards and he was on point in a big way tonight, from his mic work to his in-ring game. Westgate was your typical undersized indie jobber, with standard headscissor-based hope spots but nothing overly impressive. Edwards’ stomping his head in was a very nice touch and I can see him being the second-coming of Bryan Danielson with the TV Title because it was a brutal finish and you’d believe it against bigger names as well as jobbers.

– Austin Aries is with the All Night Express backstage and hypes up his debut as the Greatest Man…ager That Ever Lived tonight. He puts over what great shape Titus and King are in and then brings in a pair of aesthetically pleasing dress-wearing incentives for the pair to win. In other words, if the guys win their match they get to take home a pair of hotties. Seems fair… though is A-Double officially a pimp now?

Match 2 – Women of Honor Match
Reggie vs. Sara Del Rey

Pre-Match Thoughts: The Queen of Wrestling against a woman named Reggie… I wonder if Death Rey will use the Royal Butterfly or the Spike Piledriver to win the match.

The Match: The Kings of Wrestling and Shane Hagadorn accompany Sara to the ring and the Kings do a good job of drawing attention to Del Rey. I respect Hero for constantly putting Sara over to anyone who will listen and it’s nice to see he and Claudio following through on camera. Nice arm wrench takeover by Reggie. Death Rey tries to do it back but Reggie rolls through and then takes out her leg and tries for an ankle submission but Sara kicks her off. Takedown and jackknife pin by Reggie but Sara bridges out and hits a huge gutwrench suplex. Biiig kick to the head/neck/chest area by Del Rey gets 2. Kick to the back and then a headbutt as she is woman-handling Reggie. Hair-mare by Del Rey and she’s toying with her now. She hooks the arm and hits a big martial arts kick to the side of the head. Del Rey chokes Reggie over the top rope and then proceeds to drape her leg over the back of her head and pose in the ropes. Nice. She goes to the apron and ties Reggie up in the ropes and plasters her with two hard kicks that knock her back inside. Reggie gets a pair of desperation roll-ups and then goes up top and hits some sort of flying kick that looked a little botched. The Kings get up on the apron allowing Hagadorn to prevent Reggie from hitting a suplex type move. Reggie kicks him out of the ring but that’s all Del Rey needs to hit a running Low-Ki style rolling kick. SPIKE PILEDRIVER. That’s all she wrote.
Winner: Sara Del Rey via Pin-Fall (Spike Piledriver)

Post-Match Thoughts: Reggie isn’t horrible in the ring but she’s also not very smooth and got no crowd reaction, which hurts her chances as the face. Del Rey should have dominated this match and squashed her in my opinion but I guess they wanted to give the ladies a fair showcase on television for the first time in months. I don’t agree with the Kings and Hagadorn getting involved for the same reason I don’t like Del Rey not dominating, because Sara’s supposed to come off as the most dominant woman in wrestling, yet she required three people’s outside help to beat an unknown. Still, Del Rey is the best female wrestler you’ll see on television and it was nice to see the ladies get a chance on HDNet.

– We move on to footage of Kenny King’s defeat of Jerry Lynn back in September, the double-piledriver that followed and all the hoopla that came after.  Lynn discusses what was going through his mind during his time-off. He puts King over as a talent but condemns him for trying to end another man’s career. They worked in the footage of King attacking Lynn last week as well.

Match 3
Ricky Reyes vs. “Skull Krusher” Rasche Brown

Pre-Match Thoughts: Reyes got an entrance this week so I assumed we were in for an even contest, but then I learned his opponent was Rasche Brown. Pain is Coming…

The Match: Reyes won’t shake hands and needs the ropes to prevent a Chokeslam early on. Whatever happened to Rasche’s ‘HD Ready’ nickname? Huge hip-toss by Brown and then an effortless military press toss straight up in the air. Reyes isn’t a small man so I’m impressed. Reyes goes to the leg and grounds Rasche with a leg submission. Brown kicks him off and then clotheslines his head off. Reyes isn’t phased though and goes back to the leg with kicks. It pays off as Rasche can’t get him up for a suplex and gets chop-blocked down. Rasche tries to come back but Reyes again goes to the knee. He locks in a modified leg-bar with his arms locked behind his own back. Rasche kicks his way free but Reyes nails him with a flying back elbow into the corner. He tries it again but Rasche Brown hits his massive spear for 2. Jumping enzuigiri by Reyes and he climbs the turnbuckles with his back facing the ring. Wait a second, isn’t Rasche’s finisher the “Burning Hammer”? And isn’t Reyes in perfect position for it? Turns out the answer to both questions is yes as Brown nails him, hoists him onto his shoulders and plants him with his “Burning Hammer” for the win. I use quotes because A) It’s not a Burning Hammer and we all know it, and B) It’s almost identical to Kenny King’s Coronation.
Winner: Rasche Brown via Pin-Fall (“Burning Hammer”)

Post-Match Thoughts: This was a strange match. Reyes was really impressive against El Generico a couple of the weeks ago but never really got going here tonight against Rasche Brown. The enzuigiri and leg submission were nice, but the dynamics of a Skull Krusher match demand you take your lumps and he did exactly that. They’re doing a good job of slowly building Rasche’s resume as a monster and if A-Double still had the belt he’d have made a great challenger. I don’t see them booking him against Tyler, so he’ll probably go after Edwards at some point.

– Post-Match Erick Stevens attacks Rasche Brown and they’re pulled apart as the crowd chants “Let Them Fight!” Stevens is pulled to the back and Rasche gets back in the ring and poses for the fans once more as his music plays.

– Now we get a creepy Delirious video. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, the best part of Delirious is the dark stuff he pulls out for his more personal feuds. I enjoyed the hell out of Red Poison Delirious, and I loved him as UltraMantis Black’s perfect soldier and await seeing him as Ares’ pet in CHIKARA. But that’s for other PWP writers to cover. Footage of Delirious’ injury is shown while Delirious breaths deeply looking right at camera with his eyes covered by his hood. Daizee Haze then enters the picture and says Delirious wants only one thing… revenge. It’s nice that they’re hyping both Lynn and Delirious’ vendettas against Aries and his men.

– A recap of Stevens’ attack on Rasche Brown moments ago and Hog and Dave Prazak discuss Stevens putting Necro Butcher out of action back at Pick Your Poison. Next week we’ll see Stevens go one on one with Necro for about the 5th time this year.

– Also next week in the main event: Tyler Black vs El Generico in a non-title match.

– Austin Aries is out and as usual provides the line of the night as the fans chant his name, prompting him to say “If you people love me so much why don’t you shut up and let me talk?” Great way to handle unwanted face-heat. The A-Double Cam is back! Aries discusses how a few weeks ago he crossed the line and injured Delirious. He mentions how he tried to apologize to Delirious and Haze but was attacked for the gesture as we go to Supercard V footage. Aries claims he’s done wrestling and will now be focusing entirely on trying to beat Jim Cornette at his own game: managing a top tag team. With that he introduces Rhett Titus and Kenny King.

Main Event – Tag Team Grudge Match
The All Night Express w/Austin Aries vs. Jerry Lynn & Delirious w/Daizee Haze

Pre-Match Thoughts: I love that King & Titus are finally being taken seriously as a tag team because they have great chemistry and complementary gimmicks and have always come up with great collaborative work. This will be Lynn’s first real match back and I’m a big fan of Delirious so I like both teams. With A-Double on the outside there seems no way this can fail.

The Match: I strongly suspect Titus is wearing one of Aries’ ring-jackets. Lynn & Delirious approach the ring slowly and Delirious is sporting some kind of shoulder injury from his time in Japan… I mean when he was at home healing his throat. Lynn starts and wants Kenny King to do the same but he’ll be getting Titus. He takes Rhett down with a waistlock and then the pair trade armlocks. Nice fireman’s carry by Titus and he poses as Aries claps his man. More battling for position and Lynn gets an arm drag, hip toss and big dropkick. Titus bails and Aries gives his boys some advice. Titus takes control and hits a body slam but there’s no water in the pool for the elbow drop. A pair of body slams by Lynn and now a tag to Delirious who slides right out and goes after Aries who flees, allowing a huge clothesline on the outside by Titus. Lynn hits a baseball slide to knock Rhett down and then King attempts a dive to the outside but Lynn and Delirious move and he wipes out his partner! Back inside and Titus falls victim to 4 running elbow drops from Lynn and Delirious. Fireman’s drop and then a jumping senton to the back by Delirious. He keeps watching Aries and this lets Titus take control. He tries to whip Delirious to the corner but Jerry Lynn provides padding and Delirious bounces back and takes Titus down and then begins choking him a little. Nice back suplex gets 2. Tag to Lynn and we still haven’t seen King legally in the ring. Thumb to the eye and here comes King for an immediate hip-toss. For no logical reason Lynn tags out and he and Delirious hit a double flatjack and then a pair of running dropkicks to the head. Delirious goes up top for a 10-punch but Titus drags him down and hangs his throat across the top rope. Huge clothesline from King. Quick tags from the Express and they keep working the throat. Nice bottom rope springboard leg drop from King. Delirious nearly breaks free but Titus puts a stop to it. Hotshot by King and they’re really going to town on Delirious’ throat. Sexy Suplex attempt blocked and Delirious gets a snap-suplex of his own. King tags in and creams Delirious with the cartwheel kick. Titus in again but Delirious hits a… rolling elbow? He tries the cobra suplex but Titus elbows his way free. Headbutt to the gut by Delirious and then the Kiyoshi-style flatliner while Titus is on his knees. I’ll think up/find out a name for that at some point. Hot tag to Jerry Lynn and he is a house of fire. Lou Thesz Press! King tries a clothesline but Lynn wraps around and spikes him with a DDT. Lynn nails King with the TKO which sets up Shadows Over Hell perfectly but Titus breaks up the pin. Aries seemingly pulled at Daizee Haze’s hair but Delirious didn’t notice so it came off as awkward. Sidewalk Slam/Diving Leg Drop combo on Titus. Panic Attack to King! Delirious goes up top for a double-piledriver to King and now it becomes obvious that Aries tried to go home early as he again grabs Daizee and this time Delirious notices and leaps off the top onto A-Double (and also takes Daizee out by accident). This leaves Lynn to fall victim to a beautiful dropkick from Titus and then the One Night Stand and this one is over.
Winners: The All Night Express via Pin-Fall (One Night Stand)

Post-Match Thoughts: This was mostly a good match but a couple of little things bugged me. Firstly Lynn tagging out as soon as King got into the match when he’s supposed to hate him. Surely he’d want to take it to King rather than let Delirious take him on? Secondly, Aries blowing the finish by going for it early was very noticeable because they showed a replay of it. It could have easily been ignored and then only the live crowd would have known there was an error, but post-production basically shone a floodlight onto an error by one of the company’s top talents. Those things aside the Express worked very well together and made sure to constantly attack the injured throat for good continuity. Lynn and Delirious both looked good and the finish made sense when they got it right.

– After the match Aries enters the ring and a three on one attack to Delirious appears to be in the works until Lynn slides back in with a chair and chases them off. Daizee tends to Delirious as A-Double and the All Night Express retreat with smiles on their faces. Daizee looks most hurt of the three from her pair of run-ins with Aries and we fade to black with the face trio wanting more revenge.

Overall: A nice episode of ROH this week, with more wrestling than the go-home show for DBDH8, but less story progression for obvious reasons. They did a really nice job of hyping the main event and without that it may have felt like it didn’t deserve the billing. The Lynn and Delirious video packages were both short but very effective, and Aries putting over the Express worked just as well. Eddie Edwards kicked off the 10-Minute Hunt in a fantastic manner, and looks to be one of the focal points of the show. I wouldn’t mind seeing one of these segments more than once every third episode as they don’t take up too much time. Rasche Brown continues to impress, though he’s gradually taking more of a beating. We even got a decent enough women of honor match and Sara Del Rey is heading towards another clash with Amazing Kong, count on it. Overall this was solid but not stellar and I greatly look forward to the Generico/Tyler match next week.

So that’ll do it for this week, let’s do it again sometime. OH! One more thing before I go: Do we like the addition of pretty pictures to go with each match or are they just taking up too much room? Let me know with a comment if they should stay or go.

One thought on “ROH On HDNet Recap 6/21/10”
  1. Great review layout man. Keep it up. Very good review as I still haven't seen the last two episodes but definitely looking forward to it thanks to your review.

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