
Chikarasaurus Rex: King of Show

July 25, 2010 ~ Philadelphia, PA

1. Grudge Match #1: BDK (Donst/Sanchez /Dorado/Tursas) vs. Frightmare & The Colony – ***1/4
Jacob Hammermeier has returned to announce for the BDK after suffering injuries at the hands of Tommy Dreamer & Eddie Kingston. He is sporting a neck brace, and with his all white attire, he looks like he’s from a future. This is Chikara…so it’s not impossible. A big Colony chant breaks out before the match and the two sides are doing a lot of jawing. The match starts with Green Ant against Pinkie Sanchez, the two men who were against one another in the very first match of year. Green Ant hits some nice moves and Pinkie does a stupid Flair-esque delayed bump. I’m really starting to hate Pinkie in this role. Green Ant slaps on a crazy-looking standing submission and locks on a half crab. Donst comes but Green Ant hits a Pinkie-assisted arm drag. The Colony hit a hat trick of diving moves to Pinkie and pose for the hard camera. Donst attacks them from behind and singles out Soldier Ant. Donst tries to stop Soldier from saluting, but he fails and gets slapped for not knowing how the routine goes. They do some lucha stuff and Donst hits a belly-to-belly suplex from the apron back inside. Donst locks on a headlock and then everybody comes in to lock a headlock on the previous guy. Tursas no understandy, so he just shoulder tackles the lot of them. He’s left inside with Frightmare, who he manhandles. Lince Dorado tags in and gloats, turning right around into a slap and some amazing hurricanranas. Frightmare looks to dive and hits Dorado with a no-hands flipping dive. He runs around the entire arena to celebrate! Fire Ant & Sanchez do some nice lucha stuff and he gets a firemans carry slam. Donst gets one too and Fire Ant tries it on Tursas, who just lifts him overhead and drops him with a modified Dominator! Elbow Drop! 1…2…Fire Ant kicks out. The BDK Lions force Fire Ant to make the BDK symbol and drill him with dropkicks for another two. Fire Ant continues to be assaulted. He hits Sanchez with a big kick, Dorado with Burning Down the House and Donst with a swinging DDT. Fire Ant looks to dive, but Tursas catches him and plants him in the corner. He goes for a corner avalanche, but Fire Ant moves and tags his stablemates. The hit Revenge of the Ants and Frightmare follows with a Yakuza Kick to knock Tursas out of the ring. The Colony sets up for the Antapult and launches him onto Tursas! Green Ant and Soldier Ant hit stereo dives to the outside! Frightmare wants to follow, but Dorado drops him with a Michinoku Driver and heads to the top. Shooting Star Press…but Frightmare gets his knees up! He backflips to dodge a lariat and hits Dorado with the sickest neckbreaker I’ve ever seen! KNEECOLEPSY! Pinkie Sanchez breaks it up immediately and hits the Burning Snicklefritz! 1…2…3. The Bruderschaft get the win against Frightmare and The Colony. This was really fun, but the ending stretch was way too rushed. They dialed it up from three to eleven in about four seconds, leaving me wishing they had done a little less a lot longer. Still, it was oodles of fun and a very good way to start Chikara’s biggest show ever. Also, Lince is an idiot for bumping like that for a neckbreaker.
~ After the match, the lights flicker, the video goes staticky, and Vökoder appears! He was the supposedly fictional guise used by Tim Donst to infiltrate Chikara for the BDK. Pinkie Sanchez has been complaining the last few months that Chikara fans are out of touch with reality, believing in robots and ants from the future. So the appearance of Vökoder causes the psychotic Sanchez to lose his mind. The fans cheer for Vökoder and Donst just assumes they are cheering for him. Backstage, he continues to try and convince his BDK brethren that he saw Vökoder, but they were too busy celebrating to notice so they don’t believe him. This is the Pinkie Sanchez performance I’ve been waiting for. He is AWESOME from the post-match shock to the rambling drooler he ends up as backstage. I’ve been hating on the guy, but he was excellent here.
2. Chikara vs. DG #1: Shingo Takagi vs. Jimmy “Equinox” Olsen – **3/4
This was not announced prior to the show, so it’s a nice surprise to have Shingo here. They even got a hold of his actual theme music, which is always a plus as it is quite majestic. Jimmy fires shots right from the start but he gets dumped with a pop-up Death Valley Driver. Takagi chops him around the arena floor. Back inside Jimmy hits a hurricanrana but eats a shoulder tackle. Jimmy fires back with big strikes but Shingo just punches his face off and tries to convince Bryce that he opened his fist at the last second, but Remsburg believes him not. Shingo hits some shoulder thrusts in the corner and a back senton for two. Shingo continues to wear Equinox down and pose for cameras…because he’s awesome. Jimmy hits a rope stunner and a missile dropkick to send Shingo outside. Equinox follows him out with an awkward-looking dive that hurts Jimmy as much as Takagi. Back inside, Jimmy hits a big enzuigiri, his punch to the face and a brainbuster! 1…2…Shingo kicks out. That should’ve received a big pop, but clearly the crowd knows how this one is going. Shingo catches Jimmy with a TKO. 1…2…Jimmy kicks out. Shingo gets the crowd doing his crazy barking thing and goes for Blood Fall, but Jimmy lands on his feet and hits a big kick followed by a spike baby rana and a weak standing SSP. 1…2…Shingo kicks out. UltraMantis says on commentary that this would be an upset but Colin disagrees. For the love of melty dark chocolate, KEEP COLIN OFF OF COMMENTARY. Equinox looks for the Overbomb, but Shingo turns it into a corner waterwheel slam. He hits a big lariat in the corner and goes for one in the middle of ring, but Jimmy ducks, only to get drilled with a left arm lariat. 1…2…Jimmy kicks out! Shingo goes to take off the mask, but Remsburg explains the rules and Shingo immediately backs off, clearly showing that he didn’t know it’d be a DQ. He baits Jimmy into punching him but ducks and drops him with MADE IN JAPAN! 1…2…Jimmy kicks out! Olsen staggers to his feet…Pumping Bomber from Shingo! 1…2…3! Shingo wins in his Chikara debut in a really hard-hitting match. I’d go higher on the rating, but most people didn’t remotely buy Jimmy as a credible opponent. No one thought he could win, but the two big kickouts at the end got fans solidly behind him. Good match.
~ Eddie Kingston comes to the ring to induct Tommy Dreamer into the Arena Hall of Fame. It was short & sweet, and the crowd gave “The Innovator of Violence” a very nice ovation.
3. Dream Women’s Tag: Sara Del Ray & Daizee Haze vs. vs. Amazing Kong & Raisha Saeed – **1/2
Daizee and Melissa Alissa Raisha starts things off with Saeed beating of Haze, hitting a shoulder tackle and a bodyslam. She hits a few elbows and then starts shouting stuff in tongues for no reason. Kong tags in and Daizee bails. Del Rey comes in and “Kong’s Gonna Kill You” chants fill the Arena. Del Rey throws some leg kicks and Kong is unfazed. Del Rey tries to throw some shoulder tackles but can’t take her down. She drills Kong with a roundhouse kick and tries another shoulder tackle but Kong drops her with a body avalanche. Saeed is back in and she hits a Kong-assisted splash. 1…2…Sara kicks out. A back suplex gets another two and Saeed locks on a modified Trailer Hitch. Del Rey makes it to the ropes as Kong tags back in. Daizee blind tags in and tries a crossbody, but Kong catches and press slams her. Kong gives her a Giant Swing and Saeed tags in. She tries another Kong-assisted splash but Daizee gets her knees up, Sara kicks Kong out of the ring and Death Haze goes to work on Raisha. They hit a double team suplex for two and Haze locks it a chokehold, making the BDK symbol. She turns Saeed over and covers. 1…2…Raisha kicks out. They continue to beat down Saeed until Raisha loses her mind and stomps a hole in Daizee. Sara attacks from behind but Saeed bails, allowing Kong to reenter. She hits a big corner body avalanche on Del Rey followed by a clothesline and a chokeslam. 1…2…Del Rey kicks out. Kong hits the Implant Buster, but Haze jumps on her back, so Kong flips Daizee onto Sara! Kong calls for the Amazing Bomb on Haze but she slips out. Kong tries a German but Haze once again blocks. Saeed tries to help with a backfist but ends up hitting Kong instead. Haze tries a German of her own, and the crowd just kind of giggles at this idea. Del Rey rolls in and hits Kong with an abisegiri. Daizee grabs her waist again…BRIDGING GERMAN SUPLEX ON KONG! MOTHER OF MERCY! 1…2…3! Daizee Haze pins Amazing Kong with an amazing German Suplex. Seriously, I would’ve never thought that was possible if I had not seen it. The match was just okay overall. Everything with Kong worked, but Cheerleader Melissa was greatly hindered by the gimmick and really didn’t have much to do. The finish will make this memorable though.
4. Chikara vs. DG #2: CIMA, Masaaki Mochizuki & Super Shenlong vs. F.I.S.T. – ***1/2
Masaaki Mochizuki and Icarus start things off and the first kick Mochi lands sends Ick’s kidney into his rectum. The second one sends him to the first row seeking comfort in the embrace of the fans. Shenlong and Chuck Taylor are in now and Shenlong dumps him quickly. Gran Akuma and CIMA complete the set with Akuma trying to do CIMA’s call sign, only to draw boos. CIMA hits a dropkick and does his call sign to the tune of “Uuuuu!” Shenlong and CIMA hit double dropkicks. Mochizuki comes in and starts kicking away at Akuma and locks in a half crab, but Akuma makes it to the ropes. Shenlong wraps Akuma in the ropes, allowing CIMA & Mochi to kick the living crap outta Akuma. Shenlong covers for a deep two. Akuma dodges a corner attack, drills Shenlong with the Cheetah Swipe and tags out to Chuck. Icarus hits a dropkick and a suplex as F.I.S.T. shows why they are the strongest unit in Chikara Pro history. They target every body part Shenlong has exposed, cheating as much as possible along the way. This starts to drive CIMA and Mochizuki crazy. Masaaki finally has enough so he hits a springboard dropkick on Akuma, but Chuck and Icarus are there to drop him. Mochi just starts kicking the bejesus out of them but Akuma trips him from the outside. CIMA enters and takes out Taylor & Icarus. Shenlong hits Akuma with a springboard corkscrew splash. 1…2…Akuma kicks out. Akuma counters a headscissors into the tombstone gutbuster. F.I.S.T. hits their triple team corner attack for two. Mochizuki hits Taylor with some nasty kicks, ending with Sankakugeri on the apron. Icarus immediately drops him with a pedigree. 1…2…CIMA breaks it up. CIAM & Shenlong hold Ick in a spread eagle handstand and Mochizuki drills him with an axe kick to the groin! CIMA & Shenlong hit stereo suicide dives out to the floor on Icarus & Chuck, leaving Mochizuki and Akuma alone in the ring! They trade kicks in the center of the ring and drop each other with roundhouse kicks. CIMA charges at Akuma in the corner, hit Venus, and goes for the Iconoclasm but get dropped with a Yakuza Kick / Lungblower combo. Taylor hits Sole Food, Icarus hits a Shiranui and Taylor hits a Frog Splash! 1…2…No! CIMA kicks out! CIMA stops an Akuma charge, Mochizuki hits a corner Yakuza, Shenlong hits a running dropkick, and Mochizuki follows up with Ikkakugeri and Twister! 1…2…Taylor breaks it up. CIMA has had enough. He goes for Schwein, but Akuma apparently doesn’t know how that move goes, so it ends up being an Air Raid Crash. CIMA heads to the top…METEROA! 1…2…3! CIMA gets the victory for this multi-generational Dragon Gate team. This was really, really good…and yet I’m a little disappointed. Like the women’s tag before it, I thought the elements and competitors involved would churn out something more memorable. Perhaps Dragon Kid’s injury monkey wrenched everything, or perhaps it was the really mediocre crowd. Seriously, these people are like sweaty zombies so far. This was still a ton of fun and worthy of F.I.S.T.’s last match in this configuration. I say that because…
~ Afterwards, Johnny Gargano shows up. Everybody looks around indecisively. Gran Akuma is still trying to get to his feet…and Icarus pedigrees him! GRAN AKUMA IS OUT OF F.I.S.T.! They take off Akuma’s gauntlets and give them to Gargano. All three men pose and then leave together. As Akuma rises from the beating and humiliation, the fans chant his name.
5. Grudge Match #2: Drake Younger & The Osirian Portal vs. The UnStable – ***1/2
After treating The Osirian Portal with the utmost respect, The UnStable proved to be liars and cheats, showing their true colors when they beat down Amasis & Ophidian at Faded Scars and Lines. Drake Younger has had problems with Gerard and STIGMA in the past, so he’s on board for some brawling. Ophidian & Amasis hit huge dives on Vin Gerard and STIGMA almost immediately. Younger backdrops Colin Delaney over the top rope onto the people below. Drake goes up top and nails everyone with a rolling senton to the floor. The six men are just beating the snot out of each other on the floor now. Ophidian & Amasis are back in with Gerard in the center of the ring. They look for the Osirian Sacrament, but Amasis decides to dive onto Colin on the outside instead. Ophidian and Gerard trade reversals and Ophidian drops Vin with a reverse roundhouse kick. He hit a nice springboard rana but Gerard comes back with one of his own. Ophidian hits a handstand codebreaker and Skin the Snake onto the floor. Ophidian is relentless, hitting a crazy moonsault arm drag to Vin on the floor. Amasis and STIGMA ends up in the ring. Amasis hits a Thesz press and they roll out of the ring throwing punches. Colin and Drake brawl into the ring where Younger throws a bloody headbutt to Delaney followed by a nice delayed suplex. Drake dumps Colin and follows him outside. Ophidian hits a running dropkick to the floor on STIGMA. Younger hits a rolling senton from the apron to the floor on Colin. Everybody comes back in and they brawl with one another. Vin knocks Ophidian outside with a handstand kick and goes to dive, but Drake stops him. Vin goes for his corner running knee but eats a half nelson suplex instead! STIGMA drops Younger with a German suplex, but Ophidian drops STIG with the Duat Driver and body splashes himself and Colin to the outside. Vin tracks him down and, on the floor, Skins the Snake on Ophidian! Never thought I’d see THAT!  People are coming in and out like mad, but Drake manages to catch Colin with Drake’s Landing! Vin pulls him out so he can’t get the pinfall! Amasis and STIGMA trade sick elbows and STIGMA hits a bicycle knee, a signature of Amasis. Vin goes to dive onto Drake, but he moves and Gerard crashes on the outside! Drake lifts Vin up and drops him headfirst into a trash can. He gets a little distance and hits a running dropkick to Gerard while he’s in the can! STIGMA catches him from behind and they head to the apron. Drake wants a Dragon DDT but STIGMA blocks. TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER ONTO THE RING STEPS! Younger is out! STIGMA tries to roll him in but Drake wisely rolls back out. Amasis goes for That Move I Beat Moses With but STIGMA blocks and hits a big boot. Ophidian comes in but STIGMA drops him. STIG goes for the Tombstone but Amasis shoves him right into double knees from Ophidian. The Osirian Portal go to the top rope. Osirian Sacrament! 1…2…3! Drakes on a Plane get the dubya over the men who tried to embarrass them at the previous show. This was crazy fun from start to finish, and although the ending took a little too long to materialize, it was damn entertaining for the time given. Just below the previous match for the best yet on this show.
~ After the match, well……THIS HAPPENS.
~ Backstage, Amasis & Ophidian are very happy with their win, but Drake has other things on his plate. If they’re to continue to fend off The UnStable, they’ll need…a new member! So, the search for the third member of The Osirian Portal has begun! This actually gave me goose bumps for some reason. With Akuma and Crossbones as potential “free agents”, things should be very interesting.
6. Grudge Match #3: Claudio Castagnoli & Ares vs. Eddie Kingston & Tommy Dreamer – ***
The BDK guys come out with Delirious in tow…and their personal referee, Derek Sabato, is the official for this match. That’s not good news. Ares jumps Delirious before the match, but Kingston hits a belly-to-belly and an overhead version very early. Kingston wants Claudio, but Castagnoli is not eager to oblige. The crowd chants for Tommy, so he gets the tag. Claudio is in and sporting a mohawk. Claudio hits a big boot but Tommy fires back with right hands. Ares gets the tag and hits a neckbreaker for a quick two. Dreamer hits a fall away slam and tags in Kingston. The duo hits a sidewalk slam / elbow drop combo for another slow two-count. Eddie continues beating up Ares trying to bait Claudio into entering. The duo hit a tandem flapjack and they lock on a Boston Crab / Crossface combo. Sabato beaks it up, but Dreamer and Kingston continue to hit double team moves. Dreamer goes to the top but Claudio distracts him and Ares crotches him. He takes him off the top with a superplex and they fight on the floor. Claudio tosses Dreamer in and covers, but Kingston intervenes and the two just try to choke the crap out of each other. Claudio gets the better of him and the BDK Leaders go to work on Dreamer. Sabato is fast counting everything for the BDK. Dreamer fights back with two backfists on Claudio and a big lariat on Ares! He makes the tag to Kingston, who beats the crap out of Ares after Claudio bailed once again. Machine gun chops to Ares followed by…more machine gun chops. Eddie hits Dreamer’s basement dropkick and does his pose, but Claudio comes from behind with a Bicycle Kick to the head! Eddie clotheslines Claudio out and hits him with a suicide dive! Dreamer hits Ares with a rolling senton from the apron to floor! Back inside Dreamer hits a corner Yakuza and Dreamer hits a Rydeen Bomb! 1………2………Ares kicks out of a very slow count from Sabato. Claudio enters and tries the Ricola Bomb but Dreamer blocks. Dreamer looks for the Spicolli Driver, but Sabato pulls Claudio down, allowing him to drill Tommy with the Bicycle Kick! 1…2…Dreamer kicks out. Claudio looks for it again but he eats the Dreamer DDT! 1………2………Claudio kicks out of another slow count. Dreamer has had enough! He picks up Sabato for the Spicolli Driver, but Ares clips his knee and Claudio rolls him up. 1…2…Dreamer kicks out. Claudio sizes him up…Running Uppercut! RICOLA BOMB! 1…2…3. Claudio and Ares are victorious against Kingston and his idol. The crowd cheers for Dreamer after the match and the two men leave under their own power, dejected but grateful for the support. Okay, I…I liked this match. I liked this match WAAAY more than I thought I would. The story was excellent, the heat was good (good for this sheepish crowd anyway…), and the action was surprisingly solid. I swear to you, I really liked this match. I mean, it’s still a past-his-prime Dreamer fighting against all odds…but I really enjoyed watching it. It really benefited from its card slot, too: after the crazy brawl, this methodical heat magnet was just what the doctor ordered. Of course, after a slow-paced feud-heavy match, the perfect foil is…
7. Chikara vs. DG #3: Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw & Hallowicked vs. WORLD-1 – ****
…action, action and more action. Everybody gets chants here, even Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino & BxB Hulk. See how I coyly worked their names into the write-up? Too clever, my fourth grade report card read. Too clever. Hallowicked and Hulk start, doing some nice stuff. Quack enters and trades chops with Hulk. The two do even cooler things and Yoshino comes in. He locks in a body lock but Quack walks him to his and hits a slam. Yoshino tries to gain momentum, but Quack wisely cuts him off. Jigsaw comes in and the two get in some nice double team offense. Yoshino drops Jig with a headscissors, tags in Doi, and Speed Muscle shows them how it’s done. Hallowicked gets more of the same and Hulk reenters. WORLD-1 hits a series of shots to the arm of ‘Wicked. Yoshino and Hallowicked in the same ring is freaking me out. ‘Wicked bails and Jigsaw takes out Yoshino with a crossbody, Doi with a dropkick, but gets caught with a springboard dropkick from BaldxBald Hulk. Jigsaw eats some cravate knees and a dropkick. 1…2…Jig kicks out. Hulk hits a standing SSP for another two. Doi comes in and hits a sick running dropkick to the prone chest of Jigsaw. Yoshino tags in and lays into Jigsaw with chops, and rakes the eyes, drawing boos from the Philly faithful. Jig tries to fight off Speed Muscle, but they kill him with a flapjack bulldog. He kicks Yoshino in the mouth and the Dream Gate champion seems legit pissed off by this. He lays in some stiff shots before tagging out to Hulk. Jig fights him off with a dropkick that sends him outside but Speed Muscle takes out Quack and Hallowicked so Jig can’t make a tag. He dumps Doi, ducks a Yoshino chop and hits a crazy Fosbury Flop on the rest of WORLD-1! Hallowicked hits a step-up rana on Yoshino followed by a corner face kick and the Rydeen Bomb! 1…2…Yoshino kicks out. Yoshino ducks a strike and applies From Jungle. Quack breaks it up with a dropkick, drops Doi with a top rope frankensteiner, misses a Swanton Bomb but connects with the Shotei and the Quackendriver III! 1…2…Doi kicks out!  Quack calls for QD4, but Doi drops him with an elevated spinebuster for two. Speed Muscle double teams Quack with an assisted cannonball senton. 1…2…Jigsaw kicks out. Hulk hits him with the Mouse kick but Jigsaw counters with a leaping enzuigiri and a bridging German Suplex. 1…2…Hulk kicks out. Hulks hit Jig with an enzuigiri of his own followed by a leg sweep and a standing corkscrew senton for 2. W-1 nails Jig with a triple team move in the corner and Yoshino heads to the top. He dropkicks Quack and comes down with a back senton on Jigsaw! 1…2…Jigsaw kicks out! HULK HITS FIRST FLASH! 1…2…Hallowicked breaks it up. Yoshino looks for Torbellino, but Hallowicked hits Go 2 Sleepy Hollow and a big Yakuza Kick! 1…2…Yoshino kicks out. Quack hits a Jigsaw-assisted DDT and Jig hits the Scientist Bomb. 1…2…W-1 breaks up the count. Quack looks for the BTS, but Hulk drops him with a springboard wheel kick, Doi hits Doi 555, and Hulk kills him with an axe kick to the head and E.V.O.! 1…2…Quack kicks out! Yoshino hits Torbellino. Doi sets up…BAKATARE SLIDING KICK! 1…2…Jig & ‘Wicked break the count! Hulk drops Hallowicked with a moonsault to the outside and Yoshino follows him with a suicide dive to Jigsaw, leaving Doi and Quack alone in the ring! Doi looks down on Quack and slaps him damn near eighty times right in the face! Bakatare Sliding Kick…is reversed! Cradle! 1…2…Doi rolls it into a crucifix! 1…2…Quack kicks out! Doi runs at him, but Quack twists him into Tombstone position! QUACKENDRIVER II! 1…2…3~! Quackenbush upsets Naruki Doi, ensuring that Chikara does not go winless in the DG vs. Chikara matches. This was tremendous and the last five minutes are five of Chikara’s best and most exciting this year. Just insane action, crazy moves and some really stiff exchanges. Clearly the DG guys are in a whole different league when it comes to multi-man matches, but Chikara Pro proved that they have guys that can hang with them.

Overall 7.75 / 10

Chikara Pro and Dragon Gate are my favorite tow companies in professional wrestling. As a consequence, the combination of the two in the same ring causes some serious expectations. First of all, the bad: it didn’t live up to the insane levels many thought it would. The first four matches underwhelmed very disappointingly, yet none were outright bad. Until the second disc of this show, I was worried that Chikara would be wasting this opportunity. Good news: they didn’t. The last three matches matched or exceeded what I thought they would, with the main event being one of the best in Chikara this year. There are your typical Chikara themes: diverse matches, memorable moments and the occasional botch. The biggest thing missing from the show that could’ve elevated everything: a decent crowd. They sucked. They flat-out sucked. Whether they were new fans, tired fans, or confused people who mistook The Arena for an indoor pool, they made little effort to get behind guys and left a sour taste lingering during some matches, notably Shingo/Equinox. Hopefully the next time Chikara does a show of this magnitude, it’ll be in Easton or Jersey. If it’s in Philly again, they may find the results are the same: a fun DVD hampered by unwarranted, audible boredom. This DVD gets recommended for Chikara fans and Dragon Gate fans everywhere. It’s CHIKARMY Insider approved!

The All-Important M’s

Match: The Main Event Six-Man Tag. So, so awesome. Everyone clicked really well and by the end, the DG guys had stopped raising their hands to block potential errant shots and just trusted the guys they were opposing. In Chikara, it doesn’t get much better than the five minute sprint at the end of this.
Move: There were a lot of good ones on this show, from the Tombstone to Younger, the thousand slaps to Quack and even Mochizuki’s first kick to Icarus. But the winner to me is Daizee and the Impossible German on a woman over twice her size. It was really cool and the BDK got their first and last pop in The Arena.
Moment: The return of the cyborg known s Vökoder. Is this a Chikara wrestler attempting to get into the mind of Sanchez…or has a real Vökoder immerged to come and dish some pain? We don’t know the origins of Donst using the gimmick, so for now, we are forced to be patient.
MVP: “Lightning” Mike Quackenbush. He took an absolute beating in the main event, clearly taking every stiff shot Doi, Yoshino and Hulk had to offer. Quack would Tweet that he still feels Hulk’s boot on the top of his skull, and I believe it. He recognized that this would be their biggest show yet and upped his game enormously. Cheers to Quack and the entire Chikara roster for the biggest show in their history.


By Justin Houston

I play football for the Chiefs. Fuck you.

2 thoughts on “Chikara DVD Review: Chikarasaurus Rex”
  1. Great review, love this site and can't wait to see this show, bit bummed that Shingo-Equinox II didn't live up to expectations though.

  2. Thanks very much for commenting! Honestly, both Shingo and Equinox put forward a really solid effort. The crowd just…they just weren't into it for some reason. The work was there, they just didn't care. A more interested audience would have elevated the match overall.

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